Hi there,
I've dudes with the torpedo markers rule.
With the new rules, the torpedoes salvo are represented with a two torpedo marker and a dice for the salvo strenght.
What happens when a salvo hits a squadron? All torps. hit the same ship?
Two examples (I'll try to explain it clear
-A 12 strenght salvo hits a cruiser: 3 markers with '6' dices. The marker in the middle is full covered by the base, no problem with that. But the markers in the left and the right side of the salvo only touch the base with half marker so...how many torps attack receives the cruiser from this markers?The second question is about torps. salvo vs. squadrons:
-An escorts squadron is hit by a 6 strenght torp. salvo...the marker is phisically touching only one ship...do this ship receives all the attacks or it shares them with the other ships of the squadron? Which ship receives the first hit?Does it works like any other damage to squadrons? Imagine that turrets destroy 2 torps; we have 4 torpedo attacks. Dice rolls are 4, ,5 ,6, 1, so 3 hits. One hit escort destroyed, second hit another escort destroyed and third hit the last escort destroyed. Is this OK?
And finally, is this rule OK for multiple hits ships squadrons, like cruisers?