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Author Topic: Hawking class in line with BFG:R, thoughts?  (Read 2145 times)

Offline ehlijen

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Hawking class in line with BFG:R, thoughts?
« on: September 04, 2013, 04:14:34 AM »
What do people think?
Class:  Hawking    Points: 130
Type/Hits   Speed   Turns   Shields   Armour   Turrets
Cruiser/6   20cm   90°   1   5+   3

Weapon                    Range/Speed   Firepower/Strength   Arc
Prow Torpedoes   30cm                     2                     Front
Prow weapons battery   30cm                     2                     Left/Front/Right
Port Launch bay   Furies  30cm   1                      -
Starboard Launch bay   Furies  30cm   1                      -
Port weapons battery   30cm                     3                     Left
Starboard weapons battery  30cm                     3                     Right

The Hawking class may be used as a reserve ship in Imperial Navy or Adeptus Mechanicus fleets, counting as a light cruiser.

Improved comms: This ship has +1 ld.

The Hawking class is used in many different variants, each modified for its specific mission. As such it always uses the Gifts of the Omnissiah Special rule, with the turret upgrade already being included in the profile, even if used as an Imperial Navy vessel.

If taken as an Imperial Navy vessel, one Hawking class ship in the fleet may be the Venturer, commanded by Captain Maximilian Lysander at +100 Points. He has ld8 (9 with improved comms) and 2 rerolls, usable on the Venturer only. The Venturer cannot use any other rerolls. Instead of rolling on the Mechanicus upgrade table, the Venturer always has Advanced Shielding and Advanced Engines.