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Author Topic: GW online shop offerings  (Read 7436 times)

Offline Backfire

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Re: GW online shop offerings
« Reply #30 on: June 28, 2013, 08:04:15 PM »
I want my Star Destroyers, damnit! :)

Got to love it. In SW they're massive battleships and symbols of Imperial power. In BFG...barely a frigate! ;D

Being a frigate doesn't mean you can't be a symbol of power. Symbols of power of the British Empire were frigates and gunboats :)

Space marine strike cruisers and chaos despoiler battleships have returned, although theres no add to order button for them

either theres a very spiteful website editor, or they may be about to come back

Stuff reappears that way from time to time, only to disappear later: what I think happens is that they get stock (either shipped from elsewhere or new cast) to fill existing orders, they're put into database which automatically adds them to website, but since there is no stock, they can't be ordered anymore and eventually they are removed again.

Offline Zhukov

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Re: GW online shop offerings
« Reply #31 on: June 29, 2013, 01:56:41 PM »

I took several OLD Star Wars Micro Machines, added some BFG bits and a paint job, and use them as Light Cruisers with homebrew stats. I figured some Rogue Trader had them custom built for convoy protection.

I am Zukov's Klaw.

"Oh mah gawd its like a giant veil was just lifted off my face and the beautiful maiden before my eyes just turned into a hideous Ork with a giant, bloody choppa."