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Author Topic: Space Wolf Fleet Conundrum  (Read 3546 times)

Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Space Wolf Fleet Conundrum
« on: June 15, 2013, 04:16:56 AM »
Okay, so I was starting to work SM ships for ASC 2.0 and part of that is going to be eventually the inclusion of a Space Wolf fleet list. As such I needed to include some Space Wolf character ships.

Now I know the Space Wolves have 1 Emperor Class BB and 1 Retribution Class BB.

In Warp Rift 13, the Pride of Fenris is an Emperor Class BB, but in the Novel Grey Hunter by William King, the Pride of Fenris is a Retribution Class BB, and is Logan Grimnar's flagship.

Now I am thinking of going the Retribution for the Pride to stay consistent with that. Plus I don't think the Gloriana Class Hranfkel surived to the 41st millenium.

Now the next issue is the Emperor. Now in Grey Hunter as well there is mention of the Light of Truth, an Imperial starship which is suppossed to be similar to the Pride of Fenris, as least in size, and then Egil Ironwolf's vessel is supposed to be smaller. But other sources have Egil Ironwolf's vessel as the second largest of the fleet. BUT Warp Rift 13 had the Iron Wolf (which is Egil's ship) as a Grand Cruiser. I kinda like that and prefer it, and it stays consistent with Grey Hunter, which though it calls it a battleship, says it is captured from Imperial Navy renegades (Grand Cruiser anyone?) PLUS Ragnar knows very little of starships at the point he is introduced to them and it is smaller.

So I think the one of the unknown "battlebarges" from the 40k wiki should be the Emperor Class in the fleet, since this is most similar in size to the Retrubution. Maybe make it Bran Redmaw's flagship, though IA vol 11 only suggests he has Strike Cruisers, but makes no mention of the number or name of ships.

Now the Battlebarge wiki lists only the Holmgang as a Battlebarge. So I say we just pick one of the "Battlebarges" with not much info or one of the "Unknown Capital Ships" from the SW chapter fleet list and call it the Emperor Class (other than the Ragnarok, that is going to be an Assault Battlebarge).

It would be ironic for it to be the Retribution ;D

Anyone else have any other fluff sources or ideas?

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Offline Armiger84

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Re: Space Wolf Fleet Conundrum
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2013, 04:27:25 AM »
Split the baby!  Make the Pride of Fenris a Reprisal and make the Ironwolf an Exorcist!  Only half joking.  Black Library isn't known for being terribly accurate in their depictions of Imperial naval vessels (with a bare handful of exceptions), so we have a reasonable amount of latitude here.  With the "halve launch bay strength & round up" rules for Thunderhawks, an Emperor would carry 4 squadrons, an Exorcist would carry 4 squadrons, and a Reprisal would carry 2 (a Retribution, of course, wouldn't carry any), the alternative would be to design yet another Imperial Battleship, and replace a Retribution's prow torpedoes with hangar bays (after-market Space Wolf customization, along with pneumatic shocks for when you want to roll through the neighborhood in style, rocking out to Wagner's "Flight of the Valkyries!").

In all seriousness, it comes down to whether you/we want to follow Black Library, follow Warp Rift, or just make up something that looks/sounds good.  I have The Emperor's Gift by A D-B, but I think he (probably wisely) shied away from naming any ships or classes, despite half the book being naval battles.  I could take some time out to skim back through that tomorrow.
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Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Space Wolf Fleet Conundrum
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2013, 04:33:50 AM »
I also think the 13th Black Crusade stuff had the Pride of Fenris as a retribution

I was either going to ditch the torps, or just give it arbitrary LBs w/ S:1 Thunderhawk.
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Re: Space Wolf Fleet Conundrum
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2013, 05:43:58 AM »
iirc Admiral d'Artagnan bases his Warp Rift 13 Wolves fleet upon the fluff that he could find back then.

Offline Armiger84

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Space Wolf Fleet Conundrum
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2013, 06:36:35 AM »
So I went through The Emperor's Gift, and while A D-B didn't necessarily identify classes for everything, he had the following:

Scramaseax - battle barge, Logan Grimnar's flagship circa 1st War for Armageddon (<groan>, yes, another)
Gylfarheim - battle barge
Gate of Garm - capital ship (strike cruiser?)
Kerberaus - capital ship (strike cruiser?)
Sky's Hammer - capital ship (strike cruiser?)
Runefyre - gladius (destroyed)

That certainly won't help, but I think we're up to two flagships for Grimnar now.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 06:50:57 AM by Armiger84 »
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Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Space Wolf Fleet Conundrum
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2013, 06:44:52 AM »

I say we write it off though as
1- BL writers no longer do Space ship research. They used to, and I think William King is from that age
2- The 1st War for Armageddon is 500 years before the 13th Black Crusade

Edit: at least the Gylfarhiem and Runefyre are on both the 40k wiki and Lexicanum (maybe as a result of The Emperor's Gift)
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 07:53:43 AM by Gothmog Lord of Balrogs »
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