Instead of proxying firestorm armada models
We should build an entire fleet with unique model rules for them
Using BFG rules
So since its been mentioned in the discussion area that we should try and come up with some rules for the Firestorm Armada ships why not work on it! Looking at their ships they follow similar lines with most of their weapons being what we would call... well weapons

and a few special types that have added effects. Their basic cruisers are close to BFG size and all share similar common stats.
Damage Rating: how difficult it is to damage

(average [4] for a cruiser) - Armor
Critical Rating: how dificult it is to crit

(average [6] for a cruiser) - no transfer but ships with a higher rating dont take crits as easily (some kind of save maybe?) ships below average obviously take crits easier.
Movement: how fast the ship is in inches (average 8-10" for cruisers) - Speed

Hitpoints: number of hits

(average 4 for cruisers although a few have 5) - Hits
Crewpoints: size and durability of the crew - no transfer for BFG which tracks the crew and hits as one.
Assaultpoints: how well the ship performs in boarding, number of marines carried etc - Boarding modifier
Point Defense: number of dice to roll when defending against ordinance/boarders - Turrets
Mines: some FSA ships come with mines standard - Mines
Shields: same as BFG (very few ships have shields which offer a saving throw in FSA) - Shields
Wings: Number of attack craft wings the ship can launch (this is a bit different than BFG but workable) - Launch bays
Primary weapons: almost everything has a few that have different ratings depending on the range (inches again and longer than ours *roughly 20/40/60/80 for the range bands but could be dropped to 15/30/45/60 as standard) these can be fires in arc just like ours and a few ships have rear weapons - Weapons batteries
Torpedoes: similar although there are at least two types ive seen, some that maintain the same strength just like ours and some that gain in strength the further the target is away (there are no markers used and they do not remain in play when fired, for all intents they appear to work like weapons with the range chart) it appears quite common for them to fire in all arcs with a few fixed forward. - Torpedoes
MARS: special abilities or characteristics, most ships seem to have at least one of these. These are all different but theyre also pretty clear cut for example Maneuverable lowers the distance needed to move before turning by 1".
So just quickly running through one:
Aquan Prime Storm class cruiser: (FSA) [BFG]
Type: Cruiser
Hits: (4)[8] (4 is the average for FSA and the model is a similar size)
Speed: (10")[25cm] (well 25.4cm but come on its close and the low end is 8"/20.32cm)
Turns: (?)[45*] (I still havent grasped the Spartan way of turning but 45cm for a cruiser seems right)
Shields: (0)[?2?] (Im not sure where to go here, Im thinking a standard 2 shields and giving ships with shields better ones or just plain more of them)
Armor: (5)[6+] (FSA runs from 3 for frigates-8 for dreadnaughts but all cruisers are 4 that ive seen except this one so I was thinking 4 would become 5+ and 5 would become 6+)
Turrets: (3)[2] (I havent seen a cruiser yet that doesnt have a rating of 3 for FSA so I was thinking 2 for BFG)
Port/Starboard: (3/4/-/-) [8 30cm weapons L/R] this is 3 dice to hit at 20cm and 4 at 40cm o_O Im converting 20/40/60/80 to 15/30/45/60 and ignoring the less dice to hit @ 15cm as it doesnt fit the way bfg works. So 4 dice to hit @30cm works out to 7/8 weapons on the middle line of the gunnery chart.
Mines: (1 mine strength 4) [2 mine launchers] Mines work a bit differently but this allows for one launcher/ side)
Fore: (5/6/3/-) (8 45cm weapons F, 4 30cm weapons F) once again dropping the 15cm band we have 6 dice to hit at 30cm and 3 dice at 45cm. I went with firepower 8@45cm (middle line on the gunnery chart with a right shift for range: 3 dice to hit) and 4@30cm because 4+8=12@30cm middle line 6 dice to hit For ease this could be fudged to 10 45cm batteries.
Aft: (3/4/-/-) (8 30cm weapons Rear) same as the port/starboard
Torps: (4/4/4/4) (4 30cm Torpedoes all around) seems simple enough.
MARS: Maneuverable (reduce the distance to turn by 1") [reduce the distance to turn by 5cm] Also seems pretty clear cut.
Storm class cruiser
Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armor Turrets
Cruiser/8 25cm 45* 2 6+ 2
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Arc
P/S Weapons 30cm 8 L/R
P/S Mines 10cm 1 -
Prow Weapons 45cm 8 Front
Prow Weapons 30cm 4 Front
Aft? Weapons 30cm 8 Rear
Dorsal? Torps 30cm 4 -
Notes: Aquan vessels are extremly maneuverable, as such the Storm class cruiser reduces the distance it needs to move before turning by 5cm.
So thoughts, ideas, comments? Am I just insane
