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Author Topic: Looking for some beginner advice  (Read 1593 times)

Offline Zarkiel

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Looking for some beginner advice
« on: December 26, 2012, 07:41:44 PM »
Hello folks,

Here’s a new face popping in to say hello. I would like to introduce myself and pose a few beginner questions if I may.

I’ve been toying with the idea of starting to get into BFG for a while now. Being a WH40k bod for some years, I first starting thinking about it as a way to expand WH40k campaigns that I created.

Well, this Christmas some kind soul gave me just the push I needed… several Solaris and Aurora Light Cruisers :-)
I’m a big Eldar fan, so a Corsair fleet is definitely on the cards.

For the moment I have been browsing the GW site for the downloadable ‘official’ rules, although I am aware of the 2010 FAQ set and WIP Revised edition. I assume though that sticking with the core rule set for the moment is a good idea for getting to grips with the game system?

I had picked out a fleet list which I wanted to run past someone, just to check I was on the right track.

1 Eclipse Cruiser
2 Solaris Light Cruiser
3 Nightshade Frigates
3 Hemlock Frigates

This comes out at 750 points, which I thought was a good place to start. I assume that because it’s not over 750 points I didn’t need to pay for the fleet commander upgrade.

If there was anything else you can think I might benefit from knowing at this early stage, I’d be very grateful if you could point me in the right direction.

Many thanks.

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Re: Looking for some beginner advice
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2012, 07:54:00 AM »
Hi, although the Solaris is a lesser choice in the official rules it does have a cool look tot it. The Aurora is better as a schip. Coming at exact 750pts is good land you will not need a Pirate prince.
Adding more escorts is recomended.

Offline ThaneAquilon

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Re: Looking for some beginner advice
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2012, 10:17:15 PM »
Hello and welcome! I play Corsair Eldar, and let me say that our best ships are our escorts. I play with a bastardization of 2011 FAQ (or 2010 or whatever year it is) and BFG:R (Plaxor's), so some of what I'm saying may be a touch off, but generally it'll still hold. The solaris is a lesser choice, especially in 750 points. I'd take an aurora if you need a capitol ship. I've yet to buy an Eclipse, but I know they're good. My qualm with them is the cost, I would rather run a few fighter bay equipped hellebores, or rely on my speed, but that's just me. The Solaris is certainly useable, but more as a long-ranged support vessel in a larger game (I use one in 1500 to support my 2 auroras). You need to have good escorts to win, not even min-maxed squads either, use hellebores and Aconites (they're considered second rate to the Hemlock and Hightshade). The core rules are okay, I'd suggest taking in the Faq also, as it balances and adds a bunch of new fleets, whithought changing the core mechanics terribly. The other thing, for everyone involved in your playgroup, I STRONGLY recomend taking a look at a file called Eldar MMS 1.9 (penned by Sigoroth and Horizon). it chages the eldar fleet to be less dependant on terrain, and to be a more fun fight all round. it's available in the BFG:R thread (the big one, like 13 or 14 pages, it's in the OP) here, and on scribb'd. They get shields, and more limited speeds/turns. Holofields change a bit, stuff like that. I use it, I find it is an improvement.

Offline Zarkiel

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Re: Looking for some beginner advice
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2012, 11:01:53 AM »
That's fantastic, thank you both very much for the feedback.

I've just finished assembling the cruisers I have, ready for the infinitely more interesting task of painting them :-)
Once they are finished and I'm happy with the colour scheme, I'll definitely take the recommendation for some escorts next.

Whenever I'm starting a project I like to keep a log of my progress. I notice there is a blog feature in the forums here and I wondered if I might be able to write a few things there at various stages.
I realise I probably won't be showcasing anything you haven't already seen, but if you don't mind I think it would be good as it keeps everything in one place for me.