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Author Topic: IN Torpedo Fleet  (Read 2247 times)

Offline Trickstick

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IN Torpedo Fleet
« on: November 28, 2012, 10:05:25 PM »
So I actually started the emperor to retribution conversion that I have had in a draw for a while. So I thought I would ask opinion about the list I am building around torpedos

Fleet Admiral - 50
Retribution - 345

2x Dictator - 440

2x Lunar - 360

And that is about as far as I have got. I am thinking maybe 6 cobras or a couple of torp dauntless. Any suggestions or advice would be welcome.
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Offline Bessemer

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Re: IN Torpedo Fleet
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2012, 11:09:37 PM »
Either of the Cobras or Dauntless would be a good addition for you, as they have speed and manueverability your otherwise lacking. Hell, take both! Assuming you've got the funds to burn and you want a large fleet. I'm assuming your going for 1500pts?

In your case I'd take the Cobras, and in 4's. Only 10 more points than a Dauntless for 2 more torps and you do wan't a torpedo fleet ;)

You could even add torpedo bombers to your Dictators, but it makes an already expensive ship even more so and would cut down on other choices.
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Offline Trickstick

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Re: IN Torpedo Fleet
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2012, 11:49:00 PM »
Yeah, I forgot to mention I was doing 1.5k.

I think I'll try cobras but the 4+ armour has me worried. I face chaos quite often and those long range batteries are horrible.
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Offline Bessemer

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Re: IN Torpedo Fleet
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2012, 03:11:07 AM »
Yeah, that's never good...Best to keep them screened  behind your cruisers and rush them out when the right moment presents itself.

If your that worried about armour 4, than 2 torp Dauntless would be better choice (would still favour the Cobras tho).

If you still want Escorts, how do you feel about Falchions? 5+ armour but a lower torpedo output. Never really tested them myself, but if your regular opponents use Chaos, keeping them loose and launching S1 torps to clear fighters earlier in a turn could pay dividends when launching from capital ships later on.

I refuse to be killed by something I've never heard of.

Offline Trickstick

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Re: IN Torpedo Fleet
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2012, 03:14:58 PM »
Not really a fan of how falchions look, so I'll probably go with cobras. 4+ isn't too bad. I am sort of stuck as to what to spend the last 125 points on though. Some rerolls and a better admiral? Probably worth it if I have to make critical reload rolls. I could go with an armageddon instead, long range lances and some extra armour may be nice.

Has anyone else ever tried an all torpedo fleet? I usually go with a more nova heavy fleet.

Going to discuss adopting BFG:R with my gaming group, although will probably wait until it is in an easier to digest format, like the 2010 faq. I really just want to use the new retribution stats.

Edit: Decided to try this out:

Admiral - 100
2 Rerolls - 75

Retribution -345

2x Dictator - 440

2x Lunar - 360

6x Cobra - 180

I decided to put the 125 points I couldn't decide on into leadership. I get the feeling that there will be some very important orders. I do feel like I want more line cruisers but we shall see.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2012, 03:29:31 AM by Trickstick »
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." - Hanlon's Razor

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: IN Torpedo Fleet
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2012, 04:38:03 PM »
Here's how I like to use my IN torp fleet:
IN Torp Fleet
[/shameless plug]
ANyways, I am really a big fan of the steamroller fleet like this and your fleet is very similar to what I use. 2 Lunars, 2 Dauntless, Retribution, 2 Dauntless with lances, all depending on the point level. I also really like Armageddon/Overlord.