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Author Topic: Initiative based sequence of play  (Read 2502 times)

Offline Horned Rat

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Initiative based sequence of play
« on: July 04, 2012, 01:25:27 PM »
Battlefleet Gothic:    An initiative based sequence of play

-The point of this modification is to tone down massed firepower aspect of the game, speed the playtime and make the game more captivation instead of mego-ugo with 20+min turns.

What I need?
-A deck of Cards, preferable miniature sized (or similar randomizer).

-One card for each ship/squadron. Shuffled and dealed next to each one. Initiative order is from least big to the biggest with lesser value colors if the amount of ships is large enough. After each turn cards are reshuffled and dealed again in the very beginning of next.

The Turn, players
-Each turn has a main player
1. Orders:
-Main player issues orders to all ships/squadrons. (They are resolved later). Then in order the rest of the players.
2. Ordnance Phase:
-After all ships/squadrons have moved ordnance moves (again). First main player moves all, then in order the rest of the players.
3. End Phase
-Damage Control & Blastmarkers (size dependant, 2k 2d6). Simultaneous repairs. Main player removes highest die worth, then in order the rest of the players.

The Turn, ships&squadrons
-Each ship/squadron finishes its whole individual turn in initiative order one at the time.
1. Orders:
-Resolve current ship/squadrons order. May choose to ignore order by LD test. If either test failed chain of command is broken. Character ships/squadrons may still try to resolve orders regardless of broken chain of command.
2. The Movement Phase
3. The Shooting Phase
4. The Ordnance Phase
5. The End Phase
-Teleport Attacks & Boarding Actions

-Ship declaring Brace for Impact can't be issued an Special Order in the following turn.


Our little group have been playing BFG: Revised (which is the best thing that has happened to the game since Armada) with this modification and enjoyed it even more.

Comments, suggestions welcome :)

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Initiative based sequence of play
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2012, 04:39:02 AM »
Seems pretty reasonable, it would be nice to see leadership values playing a part too tho, maybe by allowing ships with higher leadership to swap initative with (your own) lower leadership vessels.
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline Horned Rat

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Re: Initiative based sequence of play
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2012, 08:33:53 PM »
Hmm, I suppose would it be better to have commands resolved in normal fashion after declaring them. To have an ork fleet and always get the low ld as first will spell doom for them.

I think we'll try normal orders testing in our next session as it would need something complex to manage it if in initiative order.

Offline Talos

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Re: Initiative based sequence of play
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2012, 12:32:57 AM »
I probably sound like an idiot, spouting it out in every forum but what about aeronautica imperialis rule implementation, where you must secretly write down your movement before executing it, players taking turns moving squadrons at a time? Seems similar to your idea.