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Author Topic: BFG Internet Battle (Turn 5 finished)  (Read 13824 times)

Offline Colonel Kane

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Re: BFG Internet Battle (now Turn 3)
« Reply #45 on: May 16, 2012, 02:09:42 AM »
Love this. Keep going. Back to the shooting!

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG Internet Battle (turn 4 finished)
« Reply #46 on: May 17, 2012, 06:32:08 PM »
+Turn 4+

Lots of damage, lucky rolls, and nasty criticals. Check out turn 4 HERE.

Ready for turn 5 orders!

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: BFG Internet Battle (now Turn 3)
« Reply #47 on: May 18, 2012, 10:23:09 PM »
Well this one looks pretty simple, squeeze in closer and shoot more stuff :P.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Retribution is the only one still braced?

If so reload on the Mars and Exo, then forward 10 and fire on the Carnage 2, same launch as last turn focus on the Carnage. 

Lock on everything else and move forward.

Let the Retribution settle in front of and fire on the Carnage, try to move it out of the blast markers again and if possible swing it into about the same direction of travel as the other ships.
Try to keep the lances on the Dauntless lined up with the Devistations and their weapons batteries on the Carnage.
Try to move the Lunars between the Acheron/ Carnage pair and the Devistations to hopefully bring both broadsides into play. Tight spaces I know!

Attempt to focus on the Carnage but take on any targets that pop up and try to get at least one of the Devistations to brace with the Lunars if possible and/or the lances off the Dauntless.

If the Lunars have a shot at the Desolator with their torps lauch two seperate salvos at the Desolator (crip first then the full salvo, unless the fighter cap is somehow destroyed; blast marker?; then launch a single salvo)
« Last Edit: May 18, 2012, 10:24:45 PM by AndrewChristlieb »
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG Internet Battle (now Turn 3)
« Reply #48 on: May 25, 2012, 05:22:23 AM »
Sorry about the delay. We will be getting this turn done soon.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG Internet Battle (turn 5 finished)
« Reply #49 on: June 05, 2012, 09:23:31 PM »

Imperial Navy:
The Mars and Exorcist reload their ordinance.
The Lunars lock on.
The Dauntlesses fail their lock on roll and use a re-roll. They fail the second time as well.
All ships advance.

-The Retribution fires into Carnage 2 causing 4 hits: 2 shields and 1 damage is braced. 1 damage to the hull.
-The locked on Lunars fire on the braced Carnage 2 and cause a massive 6 damage, turning it into a blazing hulk! Acheron 2 has 1 shield knocked down.
-The port broadside guns of the Lunars fire upon Devastation 2. The shooting takes down 2 shields and does 2 damage to the hull.
-The Dauntlesses cause 3 total damage to Acheron 2 taking the second shield down and causing 1 hull damage.
-The Mars and Exorcist shoot at Carnage 1 knocking 2 shields down.

-The Lunars fire their torpedoes separately at the Desolator: 1 wave (from the crippled Lunar) is destroyed by the fighters, the other wave of 6 lose 2 to torpedoes and miss with the rest.
-The Mars and Exorcist launch 4 assault boats and 6 bombers towards Carnage 1 and Acheron 1.

The Devastations reload.
The Desolator locks on.

-Carnage 2 moves forward 12 centimeters and continues to blaze.
-Carnage 1 runs into the assault boat wave killing 0 of them with turrets. Starboard weapons damaged, nothing, nothing, and engine room damage.
-Carnage 1 and Acheron 1 shoot the mars. Take 2 shields down and 1 hull damage.
-The Desolator shoots Lunar 2 with its batteries. Takes 2 shields down, 2 hull damage, and 1 is braced.
-The Desolator shoots Lunar 2 with lances. Braces 3 of 4 damage.
-The Devastations shoot Lunar 2. 1 hull damage.
-Acheron 2 shoots Lunar 2 and causes 2 hull damage after 1 is braced. Drifting hulk!

-The Desolator fires its torpedoes at the Retribution and causes 2 hull damage and gets the engine room damaged critical (another 1 damage and cannot turn).
-The Devastations launch 2 fighters: 1 on CAP on Devastation 2 and 1 on CAP on the Desolator. 6 bombers attack the Retribution causing only 1 damage.
-All 6 Imperial  bombers engage Carnage 1 causing 2 damage.
-Carnage 1 repairs its starboard weapons.

More info and pictures HERE.

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: BFG Internet Battle (Turn 5 finished)
« Reply #50 on: June 08, 2012, 05:27:50 AM »
Its late but they're shutting down the site tomorrow for maintenance so I thought id through something together on here. It looks like another round of reload and lockon, same focus for the Mars and Exo but when you move them forward turn them as much as you can to keep them on the inside edge of the asteroids. Target the Carnage and use bombers in two waves instead of bombers/ assault boats, try to force them to the outside edge of the asteroids if you can.

Lock on with everything else that can and move to engage the carriers, focus the weapon batteries of the dauntless and the lunars weapons/lances on the closest carrier first (I am assuming this is the already damaged one) if it braces the focus the prow lances of the Dauntless and the Retribution on the second one to try and force it to brace also (unless the closest carrier happens to be on the cusp of destruction then finish it or if it does not brace then continue to hit it and hope for some roll over :D). During the Chaos turn feel free to brace whatever you feel necessary as the turn after that looks like a break and run anyway to try and regroup.
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.