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Author Topic: Adepticon After-Action Report (with pictures!)  (Read 9604 times)

Offline Spellscape

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Re: Adepticon After-Action Report (with pictures!)
« Reply #30 on: May 07, 2012, 12:10:26 AM »
Great reports!

I'm new to BFG - so this it noob question - why do you need so many transports (or transports at all)?

Offline lordgoober

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Re: Adepticon After-Action Report (with pictures!)
« Reply #31 on: May 07, 2012, 12:51:36 AM »
The transports this year were to spice things up as compared to years prior.  Normally you don't.

Offline Castro

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Re: Adepticon After-Action Report (with pictures!)
« Reply #32 on: May 29, 2012, 02:02:46 AM »
He said he was at 1500 on the dot, so I believed him. He might have had more rerolls or something to make up the points; as the ringer, he didn't have any printed list I could take home. If he didn't, he's only 90 "battlefleet" points behind me. The extra 120 for transport upgrades was a tournament thingy, and he simply didn't want to upgrade anything to keep it simple. Besides, the ringer isn't supposed to dominate (his words).

As for Mr Eldar, he could have only flown at my transports at 10cm a turn, with the transports only going 15 cm a turn; doesn't really make for a quick kill ;). He had also told me that his escorts with the lances were special and hit Ordnance on a 4+...since he didn't have his rules with him and I didn't have them to check either I just went with it with severe doubts. I guess it's true though! He still played wrong though as far as I can tell, because Yriel's flagship is Corsair but the rest of the fleet was Craftworld; the ships from one of the lists should have been in Reserve! Unless it doesn't work like 40k/Fantasy Reserves. Also, he was working under the assumption that his ships had 8 hit points each, and Yriels had 10. UGH. Lessee, how many VP should I have gotten then...640, instead of 549. Meh.

Also, just spotted that rule about grand cruisers.

Ah, well I didn't see the 2 Dauntlesses in his fleet list. I thought he just had the 10 escorts, 3 cruisers and 1 BB. I also thought he must've wasted points on a Ld 9 admiral and extra re-rolls to make up the points, but it seems he went with the basic admiral with the 1 included re-roll, no more.

As for the Eldar .... he can move a lot more than 10 cm per turn. Even if he flew in a straight line directly into the sun then it's 20cm per turn, since he has 2 movements. Not to mention that his bombers would easily be able to reach them, with a 40cm per full game turn movement. Besides, who'd fly straight into the sun? Tack into it. Turning 45° off true will allow the Eldar player to get the maximum movement speed. Since this maximum movement speed is usually 25cm this translates into just over 17.5cm forward movement into the sun. In the second movement phase you can tack in the other direction. This gives a total of just over 35cm movement into the sun per turn. He really should have annihilated those transports.

Maybe he didn't annihilate them due to bad dice rolls the previous game and he was still haunted by em :)

But more seriously I was surprised he did not wreck those transports when it came to it... I guess some people forget when its the heat of the moment eh?

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Adepticon After-Action Report (with pictures!)
« Reply #33 on: May 29, 2012, 03:45:46 PM »
I think so. He kept his capital ships in combat with my battle fleet to try and get points there, and only sent his escorts into my transport flotilla.