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Author Topic: Adeptus Mechanicus  (Read 2081 times)

Offline Trickstick

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Adeptus Mechanicus
« on: March 29, 2012, 04:48:17 PM »
I am thinking about expanding my fleet with a 1500 contingent of AdMech ships. Now, I really like the look of the models but have no idea what a good fleet list would be. In order to save money I'm going to plan it out before purchase, as opposed to my IN fleet, which has just kept growing whenever I get the urge to try out some new ships.

I want to include a single battleship and then a mix of other ships to support. So far I'm leaning towards a retribution w/nova or an ark mechanicus, backed up by two dictators for attack craft support. I really like the idea of a gothic but feel that I need some of the cheaper light cuisers and escorts instead. Then again, do I need the 8 launch bays that have become standard for my IN fleet? I'm thinking a single dictator with nova may offer enough fighter support, with the higher turret ratings of the fleet.

As for escorts, maybe 6 gladius with extra turrets? They would offer a nice screen against ordnance and pack a decent punch. on the subject of turrets, does the Ark Mechanicus really get just 4? I would have thought 5 as normal IN battleships get 4 and the AdMech usually get +1.

So, any information on AdMech fleets would be nice. I tried searching the net but it seems to be a rare fleet for people to field. I'm mainly doing it for a change of paint scheme anyway, going to try and do super detailed black/red with gold trim.
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Offline Spectrar Ghost

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Re: Adeptus Mechanicus
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2012, 06:05:18 PM »
At 1500 I have an Archmagos Veneratus, a Re-Roll, a Retrebution (Arkham Land), a Gothic (Gearhead's Revenge), two Lunars (Exile of Ignorance and Emancipation of Logic), and two Endeavors (Faith in the Omnissiah and Triumph of Knowledge). The Exile, Emancipation, Faith, and Triumph have the Battery upgrades to 45cm.

It really should have some LBs but for now I have more pressing hobby concerns. As it is it's still a pretty tough fleet, with 40 broadside batteries at 45cm, 14 broadside lances at 45cm, and a total of 31 Torps.

Offline Trickstick

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Re: Adeptus Mechanicus
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2012, 02:08:51 AM »
Was thinking about something like this:

Retribution w/Nova - 390
Explorator + Reroll - 100

Dictator w/Nova, extra range - 285 (basically a Mars so it seems to fit with the theme)
Gothic w/Nova - 235

Endeavour w/6+ prow, lance turret, extra range - 135 (3 turrets on a light cruiser is nice)
Endeavour w/6+ prow, lance turret, extra range - 135

1280 points, can't think of anything to bring it to 1500. I imagine this fleet will be standing off with nova cannons and lances, trying to out shoot the enemy.
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Re: Adeptus Mechanicus
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2012, 07:26:38 AM »
4 Cobra Class Destroyers or 3 Hunter Class Destroyers.

They bring in small torpedo waves to:
1) annoy opponents
2) take out enemy AC (incl torps)