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Author Topic: Looking for Chaos 1500/2000 pt advice  (Read 2275 times)

Offline HansKruger

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Looking for Chaos 1500/2000 pt advice
« on: August 08, 2012, 07:05:09 AM »
Hey guys, longtime lurker, first time poster.  I've recently begun putting together my Chaos fleet, and so far have:

2 Acherons
2 Devastations
2 Carnages

w/ 50 pt lord and MoT (Gothic Sector Incursion list) = 1500

I wanted to put together a broadside list and this one seemed like a perfect fit when I saw it posted by Horizon.

I also have:
2 Slaughters (which I would love to use, such cool ships)
3 Infidels
2 unbuilt cruiser hulls (lots of leftover weapons)

I'm looking for advice on 2 things:
- expanding my current list to 2000, ideally maintaining cohesiveness and competitiveness
- an alternate 1500 list that will let me effectively use at least my 2 current Slaughters as well as a MoK on my Desolator.

For the alternate list, I love the Slaughter and REALLY want to try a MoK Desolator, but I've had a tough time putting something together that feels strong. Mostly it seems like I don't want to be closing with a lot of fleets out there (Orks, Tyranids, SM, Imps), plus there's the Eldar issue with a shorter ranged fleet.

Ideally I'd like to build my last 2 cruisers so as to satisfy both of the above aims. I'm trying to stick to official ships + ones from faq2010.

Ships that interest me:
- more Slaughters!
- another Devastation (feel like I need another carrier at 2k)
- Inferno
- Styx (definitely cool, though I'm leery of its cost/fragility ratio)


Offline horizon

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Re: Looking for Chaos 1500/2000 pt advice
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2012, 07:40:32 AM »
Hi Hans,

Indeed, the core is good.

When expanding to 2000pts adding the two Slaughters and Infidels is the way to go.
Use this pack on a closer route or slightly behind, adding when and where needed.

Their speed should be used well. The Infidel torpedoes will help against opponent with more AC.

An alternate list for 1500pts:
Go with the list in Armada and build something fitting.

Desolator, Mark of Khorne
2 Slaughters
Styx with Chaos Marines (The Styx is at 275 in the book which is fine, in the faq2010 it is at 260 which is grand).
Adding a Devastation might be handy to cover closing the gap.

Build 2 more Slaughters.

If it fits add some Chaos Marines or Mark of Khorne to gain boarding bonus.

Offline HansKruger

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Re: Looking for Chaos 1500/2000 pt advice
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2012, 04:35:56 PM »
Thanks a bunch Horizon, just a couple questions:

So you think 2x Slaughters + Infidels + point filler would be a better use of the last 500 points than 3x Slaughters? I'd like to include the Infidels, I'm just concerned given the generally negative opinions I hear about Chaos escorts.

Also, any tactical advice on using a Slaughter heavy fleet vs some of the nasty up close fleets out there? Basically still just get stuck in and focus fire? I love the Slaughter's speed but it seems difficult to apply effectively vs anyone who wants you to close with them.

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Looking for Chaos 1500/2000 pt advice
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2012, 05:16:14 PM »
Chaos escorts are often overlooked due to the strength of their cruisers but infidels are always a nice addition for the torpedoes. If your looking at a 2k list im assuming your planning on playing in a campaign? For those your going to need at least one squadron of escorts for scenarios like convoy run, two or three will be better imo.

You dont have anything to worry about with this slaughters in close, they are probably one of the lowest point to firepower ships in the game and theyre very fast. I have a friend that built a slaughter fleet a few years back and it worked very nicely against all races. Iirc i believe it was something like 2x styx and 5x slaughters with various commanders and marks to fill out 1500. He let the styx hang back and pump cap for the slaughters then aaf the slaughters in. It was crude but effective, once they were in range (usually within the first turn) they can lay down an impressive amount of damage even when at half power. The problem is that after your opponets get used to it this can be countered pretty effectivly with a decent amount of ordnance and good placement of ships. I do like to use one or two, sometimes with escorts, in the same role as light cruisers in an IN fleet. Its really easy to let them get off course also I have seen many destroyed for no gain because people got impatient and ran them away from the rest of the fleet. Hold them till your other ships are in range then send them into the mix, your opponet will be forced to choose between staying near the slaughters to deal with them or letting them into their rear arc so they can take on the ships attacking from range.
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline fracas

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Re: Looking for Chaos 1500/2000 pt advice
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2012, 11:47:18 PM »
3 slaughters probably tougher than 2 slaughters + infidels
But less diverse, less characterful, and less interesting

Your core is very solid and very competitive

Offline HansKruger

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Re: Looking for Chaos 1500/2000 pt advice
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2012, 06:01:19 PM »
Sounds good, thanks guys!