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Author Topic: New to BFG, First Attempt Chaos  (Read 2088 times)

Offline mrlowery82

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New to BFG, First Attempt Chaos
« on: October 06, 2011, 09:30:06 PM »
Hello all, my friend finally talked me into giving BFG a go and donating more of my money to Games Workshop. I picked up the rulebook fairly cheap and have written up a 2000pt Chaos Fleet list. I would appreciate any and all comments on this list as I want to have success with this game. (my friend is already saying he is going to take me to the cleaners) Well, without further adeiu,

Chaos Warmaster (ld9)

Chaos Lord

2 Acheron Class Heavy Cruiser
2 Devestation Class Cruiser

4 Carnage Class Cruiser

6 Iconoclast Class Destroyer

6 Iconoclast Class Destroyer

Total points-1990

This seems like a solid list to me with long range and big guns but if I am missing something please let me know. Thank in advance!

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: New to BFG, First Attempt Chaos
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2011, 09:51:35 PM »
Iconoclasts... Maybe drop to 1x4 and add 2x3 Infidels. The torps will come in handy for breaking up formations and are pretty powerful, especially when combined with attack craft. You really don't have a lot of attack craft for this level, might want to work a Despoiler in. Lots of guns I like and a few lances, not to sure on the Archons :/ they've never fared well for me.
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline Sigoroth

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Re: New to BFG, First Attempt Chaos
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2011, 09:52:00 PM »
I would not buy a Chaos Lord and I'd only use the Ld 8 Warmaster, with a MoT. That will save you 70 pts. Your choice of cruisers is fine. You may be a little low on AC for a 2k list though. The biggest problem is the escorts. In general escorts are weak and I would not devote this many points to them in this size game. Specifically the Iconoclast is crappy. You could buy 2 Slaughters for the price of those escorts and indeed have 30 pts left over. I would prefer the Slaughters to those Iconoclasts.

Having said that I don't recommend swapping the Iconoclasts for Slaughters, good though they are. I would drop a squadron of Iconoclasts and pick up a Styx class heavy cruiser instead. This will give you a flagship and fix your AC problems. I would also drop your other squadron of Iconoclasts and replace them with Cobras. According to the latest FAQ Chaos has access to IN escorts. Cobras are good escorts and give a lot of torps for cheap. They're flat out better than Iconoclasts and cost the same.

Warmaster + MoT - 80 pts
Styx - 260 pts
Devastation x 2 - 380 pts
Acheron x 2 - 380 pts
Carnage x 4 - 720 pts
Cobra x 3 - 90 pts
Cobra x 3 - 90 pts

Total - 2000 pts

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: New to BFG, First Attempt Chaos
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2011, 10:11:45 PM »
+1 to sig's sug. You really should have more ac. Didn't realize the could have the best escort ever tho... Lol
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline mrlowery82

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Re: New to BFG, First Attempt Chaos
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2011, 11:46:49 AM »
Thanks for the advice Sig, finding out that I can field cobras made my day. The False Emperor will fall!!!!