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Author Topic: Warp Rift 24  (Read 2904 times)

Offline horizon

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Warp Rift 24
« on: June 16, 2009, 12:56:20 PM »
Welcome to another issue of Warp Rift, this one being issue 24.

We have the usual high-quality mix of reading to interest BFG gamers of all levels. Kicking off is an article on the Necron fleet, perhaps the most discussed fleet in the game, and one which attracts strong opinions from all perspectives. We also have a series of rules additions for your games, harvested from a variation on the standard BFG rules. While this variant is not yet ready for public viewing, some of these suggestions should give you a taste of what is in store, and in addition take your regular BFG games in new directions. Heavy Escorts are another topic in the game which has been debated and discussed heavily, and Warp Rift gives you some suggestions for rules to add to your games to represent these vessels. Following this, we have a selection of miniature photos from the Imperial battle groups and some feedback from the High Admiralty on the use of torpedoes in the game. More new rules suggestions then give an outline of how to add simultaneous movement into your games, followed by chapter ten of the Tyranid War epic fiction. Closing off this issue, we have a new scenario for you to try out in your games pitting the fleets of the Tau against the might of the Imperium (is it really?), counters for Tau fleets, Space Wolves, Dark Eldar and Craftworld Eldar to represent attack craft, torpedoes and mines, and a stunning image of an Imperial cruiser unleashing a full broadside against Chaos Raiders.

So, we hope that you enjoy this latest issue. The only thing left is to ask for your continued submissions for this publication. It is entirely produced by the BFG community, and relies heavily on submissions from the players. You guys are what we all like to read about, normal gamers with normal games and some of your own thoughts and rules. In addition, the 2009 BFG Painting Competition thunders on, so if you have a vessel that you painted over the last twelve months and are particularly proud of, please do submit it into the competition. Guidelines for how to do this are in Warp Rift. Thanks for all of your support, and see you all next issue.

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best regards,

Offline RayB HA

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Re: Warp Rift 24
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2009, 05:09:55 PM »
Loads of great stuff in this issue! I've only skimmed it so far though.

I came up with a balancing rule for my secondary shooting phase when there is a designed first turn (like for surprise attack).
The defending player can't shoot back in the attackers 1st shooting phase.

I could rant on about Hvy escorts so I'll try to be brief. IMO Hvy escorts should be larger ships than our current set of escorts, like Tau Merchants or larger transports.
It seems that Reg's rules are to balance A-boats, why not just muck about with the A-boat rules? Like they have to roll a 4+ to kill escorts, or 3+ in the case of 'those' fleets.

The Infidel picture firing torps looks great, who made it?

The Necron rant is an enjoyable read and has inspired me to have another look at the supposedly self regenerating fleet list.

The Ordnance markers are awesome, who made them? 




When I joined the Corp we didn't have any fancy smancy tanks! We had sticks! Two sticks and a rock for an entire platoon, and we had to share the rock!

Offline horizon

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Re: Warp Rift 24
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2009, 06:08:31 PM »
Hmmm. This issue generates some cool responses, like it is a really good one.

Reg has an a-boat article. It is somewhere on TacCom or PortMaw I believe.

The Infidel is by mechmaster (mechmaster.co.uk), he also made the cover with the Cobra destroyer.

I like the Necron rant too. It inspires.

Markers (as said in editorial) , there'll be more!