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Author Topic: The Green Menace - MY ruleset  (Read 3300 times)

Offline zaxqua

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The Green Menace - MY ruleset
« on: April 19, 2011, 03:53:54 PM »
I don't know about the rest of you, but I find the SG ork rules to be inadequete. So I came up with these rules for the WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG fleets.

     Ork Movement:
Orks get +2ld on All Full Ahead special orders, but -2ld on Burn Retros

     Ork Leadership:
Ork vessel's ld is reduced by one, resulting in a 5-8

     Ork Weponry:
Ork wepons are notoriously unreliable, but when they work they can be devestating. Whenever a ork ship fires it's wepons, roll a d6. On a 1-2, the wepons don't fire at all. On a 3-4, the wepon fires at half str/fpw. On a 5-6, the wepons fire at full str/fpw. Ork wepons are chosen randomly from a table in each ships profile. Ork wepons are as follows-
Gunz- treat as wepon batteries
Torpedoes- Normal and boarding torpedoes
'Eavy Gunz- 15cm range, hit on a 4+
Mega Gunz- as 'Eavy Gunz, 30cm range, causes criticals on 4+
Supa Torpedoes- 4+ save against fighters, turrets, and blast markers, hits on a 4+ regardless of armour, 2 damge per hit, causes criticals on a 4+
Deff Kannon- Treat as a nova cannon, but reroll any "Hit" results on the scatter dice
Fighta-Bomerz- Can be used as fighters or bomers, but only make D3  attack runs instead of D6

     Ork ships:

Kill Kroozer
Kroozer/10, 20cm, 45 degrees, 1 shield, armour 6+F 5+sides 4+R, 1 turret
roll 6 times on this table and assign two of the opptions to each side and two to the prow
1:fpw 8 gunz 30cm
2:fpw 8 'Eavy Gunz 15cm
3:str 8 torpedoes 30cm
4:fpw 4 mega gunz 30cm
5:fpw 10 gunz 45 cm
6: pick one of the above

Terror Ship
Kroozer/10, 20cm, 45 degrees, 1 sheild, armour 6+front 5+sides 4+r, 2 turrets
roll 4 times on the first table and 2 times on the second, assign2 options to each side and 2 to the prow
1:fpw 8 gunz 30cm
2:str 8 torpedoes 30cm
3:fpw 10'Eavy gunz 15cm
2nd table
1:str 4 launch bay FB 25cm AB 25cm
2:str 4 lauch bay FB 25cm AB 25cm
3:str 6 Supa Torpedoes

Attack ship
escort/1 25cm 45degrees 1sheild armour 6+F/4+ 1 turret
roll once on the table for prow armament.
1:fpw6 gunz 30cm
2:fpw6gunz 30cm
3:fpw6 'Eavy gunz 15cm
4:str6 torpedoes 30cm
5:str 6 torpedoes 30cm
6: pick one

escort/1 20cm 45degrees 1sheild armour 6+f/4+ 1 turret
roll once on the table for prow armament
1:fpw4 mega gunz 30cm
2:str4 supa torpedoes
3:pick one

I'll be back later with the rest of the ships
« Last Edit: May 17, 2011, 12:02:01 AM by zaxqua »

Offline zaxqua

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Re: The Green Menace - MY ruleset
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2011, 05:21:27 PM »
Alright, I'm back. More Ork ships:

Brute ramship:
escort/1 25cm 90degrees 1sheild armour 6+f/4+ 1turret
armament:fpw4 gunz
rolls 4d6 for ramming damage

Space Hulk:
same as in armada, except armament
roll 12 times on this table and put 3 on each side 3 on prow 2 dorsal and one aft
2:fpw12 gunz 45cm
3:str12 torpedoes 30cm
4:fpw14 'Eavy gunz 15cm
5:fpw8 mega gunz 30cm
6:str8 supa torpedoes 30cm
7:str2 deff kannon 30-120cm
8:str6 launch bay FB 25cm AB 25cm
9:str4 lance 60cm
10:choose 2,3,4, or 5
11:choose 6,7,8 or 9
12: choose any one

same as in armada, except armament:
roll 3 times on the table, all have a "all round" fire arc
1:fpw10 gunz 45cm
2:fpw10 gunz 45cm
3:str10 torpedoes 30cm
4:fpw10 'Eavy gunz
5:fpw6 mega gunz or str 4 launch bay FB25cm AB25cm
6: choose one

Hammer battlekroozer:
kroozer/10 20cm 45degrees 2sheild armour 6+f/5+ turrets3
armament: roll 7 times on the table. Assign 2 options to each side, 2 to prow, and one to dorsal
1:fpw8 gunz 45cm
2:fpw10 gunz 30cm
3:str8 torpedoes 30cm
4:str4 launch bay FB25cm AB25cm
5:choose one of the above
6:roll on 2nd table
2nd table:
1:str6 supa torpedoes
2:str6 mega gunz
3:str2 deff kannon
can swap leadership with one kroozer in the fleet, can take torpedo bomerz for +30 points

Next post: unique ships

a little somfin' I found in FAQ2010
ork lite kroozer
kroozer/6 20cm 45degrees 1sheild armour 6+front/4+ 1 turret
armament: roll 2 times on the following table and assign one to each side and 2 to the prow
1:fpw4 gunz 30cm
2:fpw 4 gunz 30cm
3:fpw4 'Eavy gunz 15cm
4:str4 torpedoes 30cm
5:fpw2 mega gunz
6: pick any one

notes: can upgrade its turn radius to 90degrees for +25 points
« Last Edit: May 17, 2011, 12:16:27 AM by zaxqua »

Offline zaxqua

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Re: The Green Menace - MY ruleset
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2011, 03:53:26 PM » replies. You know, I was kind of expecting people to post comments or complaints like "you forgot the ork boarding modifier"(+2) or something. contiuing on,
battleship/12 20cm 45degrees 2shield armour 6+front/5+ 3turret
prow gunz: fpw12 45cm
prow deff kannon:str2 30-150cm
dorsal launch bay:str4 FB25cm AB25cm
port gunz:fpw8 30cm
starboard gunz:fpw8 30cm
port 'Eavy gunz:fpw6 15cm
starboard 'Eavy gunz:fpw6 15cm

Gorbag's Revenge
battleship/12 20cm 45degrees 2sheild armour 6+front/5+ 3turret
prow gunz:fpw12 45cm
prow supa torpedoes:str6 30cm
dorsal launch bay:str4 FB25cm AB25cm
port gunz:fpw8 30cm
starboard gunz:fpw8 30cm
port 'Eavy gunz: fpw6 15cm
starboad 'Eavy gunz:fpw 6 15cm
port lauch bay:str2 FB25cm AB25cm
starboard launch bay: str2 FB25cm AB25cm

Slamblasta ork battleship
battleship/12 20cm 45degrees 2sheild armour 6+front/5+ 3turret
prow gunz:fpw12 45cm
prow lance:str4 30cm
dorsal launch bay:str4 FB25cm AB25cm
port gunz:fpw8 30cm
starboard gunz:fpw8 30cm
port'Eavy gunz:fpw6 15cm
starboard 'Eavy gunz:fpw6 15cm

battleship/12 20cm 45degrees 2sheild armour 6+front/5+ 3 turret
prow gunz:fpw12 45cm
prow mega gunz:fpw6 30cm
port gunz:fpw8 30cm
starbaord gunz:fpw 8 30cm
port 'Eavy gunz:fpw6 15cm
starboard 'Eavy gunz:fpw6 15cm

Any one of these can swap leadership with a krozer in your fleet. Deathdella and Kroolboy have Supa Engines which allow them to roll a extra 2d6 when on "all full ahead" special orders.

Offline RayB HA

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Re: The Green Menace - MY ruleset
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2011, 04:29:54 PM »
Hi zaxqua,

The random armaments is a little extreme!
It's unfriendly to the ork player as he will have no idea if he'll get anything useful. However being able to pick where the weapons go could invite crazy good stats. Also the weapon options are in no way equal!
It'd be hard to represent on a model (or at least know what a model has).
There would be too many variants rather than straight out classes, this is a major problem with nids. However you've gone one step further and made it random!

The new weapons are in many cases too powerful.

They already have terrible leadership so a -2 to burn retros seems a little harsh. Why no auto AAF?

What was wrong with random str gunz?

I'm supprised you didn't change heavy gunz! I want them to hit on a 4+ like a bombardment cannon without the crits, or double damge.



When I joined the Corp we didn't have any fancy smancy tanks! We had sticks! Two sticks and a rock for an entire platoon, and we had to share the rock!

Offline zaxqua

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Re: The Green Menace - MY ruleset
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2011, 11:52:42 PM »
The whole idea is that orks do not have ship classes, they gather up metal bitz, wepons, hulks, and engines and build something. It could be a lame collection of junk, or it could be more powerful than a battleship. The -2 on burn retros makes perfect sense, why the warp is any ork going to want to slow down? As for wepons, they are powerful, but almost never work. There was nothing wrong with ramdom fpw gunz, I just thought I could streamline it a bit. D6 str rolls can still work for gunz and torpedoes, but the higher level wepons need the proposed system to work. I like your idea for 'eavy gunz, I'll put that in later.

Also, keep in mind this is a rough draft, and will go through some serious editing once I finish reading through FAQ2010 and BFG:R