OK so here's the initial impression with the product now that it has arrived->
So let's start with packaging:

Strong sturdy and all in one piece. well done.
The model is a bit larger than other BB in the BFG scale of things but not to the level that it prevents usage in the game. Here's a relative size comparison with an IN cruiser.

So yeah, large but not unreasonable and anyways, why wouldn't the GK have the biggest baddest BB around, eh?

Here's a nice shot of the inventory itself:

One interesting thing to note it that the bridge section itself is metal. They probably have found that it tends to be brittle if a single resin cast or ill fitting.
The casting seems to be of high enough quality with good crisp detailing on the resin though up close it appears to be, well, a bit
plain. However this could be an unexpected boon as I really don't want it to look Tarakian but fit the needs of BFG so perhaps this simplicity is a tabla rasa so to speak.
The vessel is one large cast with glue on sections for the weapon bays and the structure on the bow of the ship itself (odd at first but probably due to the ease in which it could seperately be cast). I was especially concerned about the engines but they are a thing of beauty and all I can say is BRING ON THE OSL! I really can't wait to get to that part of the painting!

One last item to point out is that there are glue on bays on the top of the model which you can make out on previous pics. However there are 4 bays on the bottom as well that I didn't know about.

Looks like we have what appear to be 2 launch bays and some sort of sensorium or orbital bombardment system available as well. Perfect! I needed exactly that for my thunderhawks and the other bit can be played off as the drop pod bays!