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Author Topic: does it work  (Read 3652 times)

Offline Seahawk

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« on: February 26, 2018, 03:58:19 AM »
As it says on the tin, how does CAP even work? It's not described in the FAQ, and in playing we weren't entirely sure how to make it work. Examples:

- Ship has a Fighter on CAP. Two Bombers or Assault Boats swoop in. Is it:
---> 1. Bombers impact Fighter, one Bomber and Fighter are taken out, remaining Bomber stops and does nothing, or;
---> 2. Bombers impact Fighter, one Bomber and Fighter are taken out, remaining Bomber continues on and bombs ship.

- Ship has a Resilient Fighter on CAP. Two Resilient Bombers or Assault Boats swoop in. Is it:
---> 3. Bombers impact Fighter, all make their saves, Bombers stop and does nothing, or;
---> 4. Bombers impact Fighter, all make their saves, Bombers continues on and bombs ship.

If it's not in the 2010 FAQ, where else is it written?

Offline horizon

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Re: does it work
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2018, 03:34:05 PM »
Hey Seahawk,

BFG HA answer:

In the first case the option #2 is the correct one.

In the second case the same technique as an usual resilient encounter is being used:

The first bomber and fighter both make their save, stay onboard and stop movement. The second bomber now can decide if it attacks the figher (fighter being removed) and rolls a dice for resilience or the second bomber continues its attack run on the capital ship.

Offline Seahawk

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Re: does it work
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2018, 02:09:13 PM »

So a resilient attacker that survives can go after either the CAP or the ship?

How about when there are equal numbers of attackers and defenders, say 2 and 2. Do the two CAP fighters block ALL effects from the two incoming AC, or is that since the AC made it to the ships base, they still make their attack runs (bombing or H&A) regardless of whether they survive? The FAQ seems to say so for resilient AC, but truthfully there's no description on how CAP works.

Offline horizon

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Re: does it work
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2018, 09:19:20 AM »

You mean if two resilient bombers meet two resilient fighters on cap?

I would still advocate the same technique as a regular encounter in such encounters. Creating more variants on the resilient effects wouldn't be fruitful. It's already one of the rules with most words on it in the whole game as it is.

But if a bomber remains and is on the ship base next turn and somehow no fighter is left then the attack will occur as soon as the ship starts to move.

A little goofy but that is best way of appying rules and staying consistent.

Offline Seahawk

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Re: does it work
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2018, 05:55:22 AM »
So if I have it right...

Normal everything
- If Fighters < Bombers, then Bombers = Fighters get stopped, remainder make their attack runs.
- If Fighters > or = Bombers, then all Bombers get stopped and no attack runs happen, and they're all removed.

Resilient Bombers
- If Fighters < Bombers, then Bombers = Fighters make saves, remainder AND any surviving "blocked" bombers still make their attack runs.
- If Fighters > or = Bombers, then all Bombers make saves, any surviving "blocked" bombers still make their attack runs.

Resilient Fighters and Resilient Bombers
- If Fighters < Bombers, then Bombers = Fighters make saves, remainder make attack runs, any "blocked" survivors can 'attack' AC or make attack runs on ship. Fighters make saves, survivors do nothing.
- If Fighters > or = Bombers, then all Bombers make saves, any surviving "blocked" bombers still make their attack runs. Fighters make saves, survivors do nothing.

I guess I just wish CAP worked exactly the same as normal AC interaction. Then I'd know for sure it'd be worthwhile! haha
« Last Edit: March 01, 2018, 12:22:59 PM by Seahawk »

Offline Bozeman

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Re: does it work
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2018, 01:41:57 AM »
For resilient ordnance, the attacking player decides what will happen.

For example, a Chaos cruiser has two fighters on CAP.  Three Tau Mantas (resilient) interact with the ship, but must survive the CAP first.

The first Manta makes a 4+ save, and one Chaos fighter in the CAP is removed.  The Tau player now has two choices:

1. The first Manta can interact with the second fighter.  Because it has already made a save, it is removed and so is the fighter.  Two bombers get through and can bomb the Chaos cruiser.

2. A second Manta can attempt to make a save.  If it succeeds, all three Mantas attack.  If it fails it is removed and only the two survivors attack.  This is the obvious better choice.

If the Chaos ship moved into the Mantas in its movement phase, Chaos would be the attacker. In this case, the Chaos player would choose option 2 to guarantee a Manta was removed.

Offline Seahawk

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Re: does it work
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2018, 11:26:52 PM »
Right, I just wrote the above with the assumption all would attack the ship, because there's no reason not to.

I mainly was trying to figure out if the rules followed the rules for other ordnance interaction, and it turns out they don't, that's all.