September 29, 2024, 06:27:37 PM

Author Topic: Looking for players in Stockholm  (Read 1244 times)

Offline Zeropainting

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    • Loc: Stockholm, Sweden
Looking for players in Stockholm
« on: May 23, 2017, 03:50:12 PM »
Hi i'm late to the party regarding Warmaster. Never actually played it before, i only recently got into the hobby and i mostly dabble in 28mm historicals. But i've always had a thing for the warhammer fantasy universe and Warmaster seems to me to be the perfect scale and scope for me to get into warhammer. Two young kids means limited time for hobbying and that makes Warmaster intriguing to say the least.

Now, no one at my club plays Warmaster, hell they don't even play anything fantasy related. And the prospect of me getting someone i know to try it out is slim to none. So now to my question. Does anyone know of any clubs and/or groups that play Warmaster in Stockholm that would welcome a new player?

Alternatively if there are people in or around Stockholm that would be interested in somewhere to meet up and play on a more regular basis i'm part of a club that welcomes new members (we have loads of terrain and our own place we rent with multiple tables and such) just hit me up and we can sort something out. Would be great to get some people together with similar interests.