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Author Topic: Is this list legal or I have misunderstood the clan rules  (Read 2865 times)

Offline Saverio

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Is this list legal or I have misunderstood the clan rules
« on: February 25, 2017, 05:52:52 AM »
1020 points of orks
1 warlord with two extra re rolls                                                        40                 Admiral
deathskulls affiliation   
+2 boarding actions (one time)                                                          20

skwadron of 2 terror cruisers

admiral ship                                                                                  185
boarding torpedoes                                                                           5
mega armoured boarding parties
looted torpedoes

second Terror                                                                                185
looted torpedoes

1 warlord with two extra re rolls                                                        40
+2 boarding actions (one time)                                                          20
bad moonz affiliation                                                                        30

warlord ship Kill kroozer                                                                   155
maniac gunners
looted lances
extra turret

kill kroozer                                                                                    155
maniac gunners

1 warlord with two extra re rolls                                                          40
evil sunz affiliation          +5cm speed                                                  20
5 brute ships                +1 leadership                                                 125
soopa boosta +5 cm and 4d6 all ahead full
extra turret

Offline NoisyAssassin

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Re: Is this list legal or I have misunderstood the clan rules
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2017, 06:42:49 PM »
You've misunderstood the rules in a couple of places.

First, a Warlord must control 1 tiddla skwadron + 1 skwadron of any type for each re-roll he haz. So none of your Warlords' groupz are legal.

Second, you haven't included costs for any of the Gubbinz that you've taken (that's 240 extra points worth of Gubbinz!); you don't get them for free for having Warlord re-rolls, you only get the option to buy them. Related: you have Gubbinz on ships without Warlords, which isn't allowed.

Third, the Clan affiliations are by Warlord, but the upgrades for them are applied to individual ships. So having a Deathskullz Warlord doesn't cost any points or give any benefit, but any skwadron that Warlord controls has the option to buy the Deathskullz upgrade for 30 points per capital ship/tiddla skwadron.

Fourth, you've got two of your three warlords with +2 boarding actions (one time) for 20 points. This is simply a feature of all Warlords and comes for free.

Fifth, the Brute skwadron won't get +1 Ld unless their base roll is low enough to give them a young gunz extra member, because they get +1 Ld with more than 5 models. They'd also lose that bonus as soon as their number drops to 5 during a game due to casualties.

Final note: 1020 is a very odd size for a fleet, as most games are played up to a maximum of a round number (1500 is the most common for tournaments, 1000 works well for small games, and even 2000 for really big slugfests)

Hope that helps, the Clanz list is pretty complicated and difficult to wrap your head around initially.

Offline Saverio

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Re: Is this list legal or I have misunderstood the clan rules
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2017, 07:06:11 AM »
Thank you, can I ask, if possible of writing the list with your correction and the correct point value? also can you please complete it to 1500 points? do you think that this list can be succcessfully playable?
Thank you

Offline NoisyAssassin

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Re: Is this list legal or I have misunderstood the clan rules
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2017, 07:03:14 PM »
I tried to stay true to the general idea of what you were building. This should be a functional list to play with; although Kill Kroozers aren't terribly competitive they're still fun, especially if you can get in with the Klaws. Similarly, the Clan upgrades and some of the Gubbins are mostly overpriced compared to just adding more ships, but they're fun and bring a lot of flavor to the list.

20 - Deathskullz Warboss - 2 re-rolls, +2 to one boarding action

260 - Big Ship Skwadron:
Terror Ship (185) {Warboss goes here}
Prow Torpedoes (0)
Assault Carrier (0)
Mega Armored Boarding Parties (15)
Tellyporta (30)
Deathskullz Clan (30)

215 - Big Ship Skwadron:
Terror Ship (185)
Prow Torpedoes (0)
Deathskullz Clan (30)

190 - Tiddla Skwadron
4 Ravager Attack Ships (160)
Deathskullz Clan (30)

90 - Tiddla Skwadron
3 Savage Gunships (90)

0 - Goff Warboss - 1 re-roll, +2 to one boarding action

195 - Big Ship Skwadron
Kill Kroozer (155) {Warboss goes here}
Ram Prow (10)
Klaws (10)
Goff Clan (20)

170 - Tiddla Skwadron
6 Brute Ram Ships (150)
Goff Clan (20)

0 - Evil Sunz Warboss - 1 re-roll, +2 to one boarding action

185 - Big Ship Skwadron
Kill Kroozer (155) {Warboss goes here}
Klaws (10)
Evil Sunz Clan (20)

160 - Tiddla Skwadron
5 Savage Gunships (140)
Evil Sunz Clan (20)

Total: 1,495 points

Offline Saverio

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Re: Is this list legal or I have misunderstood the clan rules
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2017, 06:20:45 AM »
Thank you, I will try it as soon as I can

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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Re: Is this list legal or I have misunderstood the clan rules
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2017, 01:12:09 AM »
The Ork fleets are currently being substantially revised.  The Clanz rules in particular are getting a total overhaul.  The changes are posted up on the rules thread, the next update for the actual fleet list should be along in a bit.  I'd recommend checking out page 14 of the rules thread, it has the changelog.

Here are the changes to the clanz rules:
> Clan upgrades are purchased on a per-commander basis. To buy any clan affiliations for your fleet, you must first pay +30pts for clan support, which unlocks the options for individual commanders. (Thus, the first clan upgrade you buy has an additional cost, to offset its wider applicability).

> A commander's clan affiliation (or lack thereof) applies to every ship under his authority, determined as follows:
A commander always has authority over his own ship and those of his squadron.
The Boss with the biggest ship (Space Hulk > Battleship > Cruiser > Rok > Escort) has authority over all other ships in the fleet, except those under the authority of a different commander.

> A ship can only ever have one clan affiliation, and a squadron may never have multiple commanders with different clan affiliations. Note that a ship's clan does not change during the course of a game, regardless of any commander's status. Finally, a commander's re-rolls may not be used for ships or squadrons with a different clan affiliation (commanders and vessels without a clan are exempt from this restriction).

> The bonuses are as follows (and cost +20pts each, except Snakebites):

Goffs: +1Ld to ramming attempts. When initiating boarding, the enemy ship does not add its turret strength to its boarding value.
Evil Suns: +5cm to speed and minimum turn distance when not touching blast markers.
Bad Moons: Unchanged (May re-roll one random firepower/str weapon; combines with More Dakka).
Deathskulls: May add +1 or -1 to Critical Damage rolls received. A Deathskulls commander may buy looted torps for his ship for +10pts instead of +20pts.
Blood Axes: +1Ld (Ork vessels only, not looted ships) until it fails its first Ld test.
Snakebites: +1 Assault point when scoring during Planetary Assault. This clan affiliation may be given to any ship or squadron without a commander, for no extra cost. This overrides any other clan affiliation the ship would have.

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Re: Is this list legal or I have misunderstood the clan rules
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2017, 05:16:37 AM »

The Ork fleets are currently being substantially revised.  The Clanz rules in particular are getting a total overhaul.  The changes are posted up on the rules thread, the next update for the actual fleet list should be along in a bit.  I'd recommend checking out page 14 of the rules thread, it has the changelog.
Do keep in mind that the Clanz rules is Compendium/FAQ2010 are made by the High Admirality/rules committee and that the changes GSL is referring to are fanmade work.

So, check that with your gaming group. ;)