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Author Topic: Help with 1500pt Chaos & Ork fleets.  (Read 3025 times)

Offline Lord Borak

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Help with 1500pt Chaos & Ork fleets.
« on: February 15, 2017, 08:09:29 AM »
Hello chaps,  picked up a few Chaos and Ork ships recently and threw a few fleet lists together. However I have ZERO experience playing these fleets so, if you could, could you cast your experienced eyes over them and tell me if I'm using a ship that's a a bit rubbish, not using a ship that's awesome or of any awesome little combinations I can do.

I'm missing a few points in both lists so if you can recommend on what to do with them, that'd be great. I'm using the BFG:XR rules.

Chaos: 1285pts

Chaos Lord [50] +2 Reroll [50] -75pts

Desolator Battleship -300pts

Acheron class Heavy Cruiser -190pts
2x Devestator cass Cruisers [190] -380pts
2x Murder class cruisers [170] -340pts

Orks: 1270pts

Kaptain BluddFang -80pts
- Freebooter Kaptain [40] Big Boss [20] Extra power field [20]

Terror ship [185] Kustom force field [15] -200pts
Kill Kroozer [165]
Kill Kroozer [165]

4 Onslaughts [30] -120pts
4 Onslaughts [30] -120pts
4 Brute Ram Ships [25] -100pts
4 Ravagers [40] -160pts
4 Ravagers [40] -160pts

Offline horizon

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Re: Help with 1500pt Chaos & Ork fleets.
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2017, 10:20:31 AM »
That Chaos fleet is funky enough. Cool to include the Acheron. Should be spelled Devestation instead of Devestator (or I forgot a XR vessel...)
A Carnage would be a better team for the other vessels then the Murder though. But when you go Desolator/Carnage/Devestation you'll end up with a typical run of the mill Chaos fleet. (Well rounded though!)

Get in some Infidels or Iconoclasts to get the fleet to 1500pts.

Your Ork fleet will suffer versus carrier heavy fleets. Minimum of 1 Terror required.

Offline Lord Borak

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Re: Help with 1500pt Chaos & Ork fleets.
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2017, 09:20:55 AM »
Cheers Horizon. So, what would you do then with 5 Cruiser hulls and a Desolator Battleship hull? Nothing is built yet. I also have no escorts so will need to purchase those of Ebay - which is no big deal really.

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Help with 1500pt Chaos & Ork fleets.
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2017, 02:43:52 PM »
Should be spelled Devestation instead of Devestator
*Devastation (sorry, not sorry... :P)

I don't have any experience with Ork fleets, unfortunately. More Ram ships! :P

I also don't have experience with the fan rules, but if you want to go with the equivalents for what I suggest you shouldn't be too far off...

- Desolator (flank lance shots)
- 2x Devastations (flank lance shots and air cover)

- 1x Hades (prow blam lances and decent flank weapons batteries)
- 2x Murder (prow lances and decent flank weapons)

You'd use the first group abeam of your enemy, rattling off all the long range lances. The second group you'd squadron up. No matter where your opponent goes he's getting hit hard. 30 WB to the flanks, 8 lances to the front will mess something up good like.

What is really, really good for you is that to build the Murder and Carnage takes the EXACT same parts, so you can play them interchangeably as desired. You would sacrifice the lances, but when playing against Eldar you want all the WB you can muster.

For the remaining points, you might be able to cram in a Styx for even more flank lances and attack craft, or some Infidel raiders for torpedoes.

Offline Lord Borak

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Re: Help with 1500pt Chaos & Ork fleets.
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2017, 11:27:28 PM »
Well, not fussed about the Ork fleet for the moment. So Chaos it is :D

The suggestions sound good. I do like the Hades and 8 closing Lance shots from that squadron sounds awfully nasty. So does the 30WB shots from the flanks. That's an awful lot of Dakka.

All of that (plus a Lord) comes to 1270pts so not enough for a Styx but enough for a fair few escorts. Any particular ones? I like the Iconoclasts just because they're cheap as chips. (Egads! did I just say cheap as chips???)

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Help with 1500pt Chaos & Ork fleets.
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2017, 04:24:02 AM »
Cheap, but are they useful? I'm not too sure, with only FP3 they are, to me, lackluster.

I'd personally go with Infidels to give you something new to play with: torpedoes!

Offline Lord Borak

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Re: Help with 1500pt Chaos & Ork fleets.
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2017, 08:26:49 AM »
I've always had fun with swords but fair play.

230pts Gives me 5 with 30pts to spend on gear. Maybe another RE-roll or a Mark?

Offline Chios

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Re: Help with 1500pt Chaos & Ork fleets.
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2017, 12:08:24 PM »
I like the Iconoclasts in BFG:R and BFG:XR, 25pts makes them a nice pick to run target interference or even eat up a nasty Torpedo salvo that caught your Battleship by surprise!