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Author Topic: Ork Fleets Revised Rules  (Read 2984 times)

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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Ork Fleets Revised Rules
« on: October 26, 2016, 02:46:25 PM »
With the interest in BFG being up thanks to the recent release of the BFG Armada RTS game I've gotten some local folks into the game. One is an Ork player and I was disappointed to find that Orks had not received the 'revised' treatment yet.

I took on the challenge and this is what I came up with. It combines and expands on the work others had done with the Ork Clans rules and should make them feel more like their presentation in BFG Armada. They now have a 'Kustom' mechanic allowing you to Kustomize their ships, this should open the doors to tons of unique and fun builds.

New additions & change summary:
• Zzapp Gunz are now in the game as the Ork version of Lances, weaker and less reliable but potentially devastating.
• Power Fluctuations is a rule which effects Zzapp Gunz and Advanced Teky'ology upgrades which helps to balance their otherwise awesome effects.
• Traktor Kannon is an option taken from the RTS game.
• New Escort Class: the Berserker Gunship, this is the Zzapp Gun escort.
• Rebalancing and reworking of all ships, lower base cost with lots of upgrade options.
• Redesign of Battleships and BattleKroozers, they are no longer unique options.
• Manoo'vurin Thrustas- Kustom Engine option allows orks to turn while performing an all ahead full move, unique faction option
• Leadership has been reworked to be less crippling and encourage larger escort skwadrons
• Heavy Gunz renamed Mega Kannon, reduces confusion and sounds cooler.
• Ork Clanz rules updated, all of them serve a purpose now.
• Big Mek reworked to boost the effectiveness of Advanced Teky'ology upgrades.
• Lots of cool Boss Upgrades.
• A bunch of other minor changes as well.

Please let me know what you think of it and any recommendations you have.  Post the results is any playtest you do please.

Ork Fleets Revised Rules

Offline horizon

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Re: Ork Fleets Revised Rules
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2016, 03:08:12 PM »

did you check this thread:

In the middle it has a link to the Orks. Revised.


Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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Re: Ork Fleets Revised Rules
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2016, 04:05:22 PM »
I haven't seen that before, I had done it Google search for battlefleet Gothic revised and found the website for that with the unfinished Ork Fleet list.  When I just clicked on the link it gave me an error message, not sure if that's because I was trying to use my phone.

That said I still like feedback on the product I just posted if anyone's willing to check it out.

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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Re: Ork Fleets Revised Rules
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2016, 05:01:17 PM »
Ok now I've read them.

I still prefer most of the changes I made, some of the clan upgrades seem a bit too good in that list, though I like the change to bad moons and the separation of looted Torpedoes and Grot riggas into two upgrades. I'll take a second pass at the ones I've made and again I'd like to have done feedback on it.  I'll retitle mine to avoid confusion.

Offline AJCHVY

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Re: Ork Fleets Revised Rules
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2017, 11:34:58 PM »
Sort of reviving this thread but I do like the changes but I have some input.

The big reason orks weren't considered a good fleet in normal BFG was all of the random values. Taking these away in XR for the most part has made them a much more reliable fleet to play. And I know orks are supposed to be ramshackle and silly but we are still playing a game to ultimately win and have fun, but when you consistently toll 1s and 2s during a game you tend to have less fun and lose.

The All Ahead Full shouldn't have been reduced to 2d6. The orks are already the 2nd slowest fleet in the game and a lot of the time you are going to be ramming and boarding, and with an average of +7cm speed from 2d6, you are going to have a hard time getting near anyone with slower speeds. It should stay at 3d6.

I do like the Shokk Attack Gun, but since it does no damage I can't really see myself taking it ever. Having to hit on a 4+ then doing no damage and only affecting leadership isn't enough. If it did 1 damage that could not be braced in addition the the effect it would be viable.

The Traktor Cannon seems fun, but again rolling 1 dice and needing a 4 is what kills it for me. the big thing about BFG is that you generally get to roll multiple dice while needing 5+ and that is how you get hits. Buying an upgrade that hits only 1/2 the time too me is not worth it. If it was a better chance to hit but moved them less distance I could see taking it. Also, to add some randomness, you should add a rule where if the distance rolled is maximum or close to it, it deals 1 damage to the ship a it is being violently pulled against its own gravity/engines.

I like your idea for lances, keep them with a random value that could possibly get more shots but have it hit on a 5+. I'm not a fan of the way they are in the XR rules where you place a blast marker behind your ship if you fire any.

The Mega Gunz/Heavy Gunz should be the way they are in XR, 30cm range but they suffer a right column shift. They can still get left shifts from other benefits. In my experience my opponents tend to try and keep my ships as far away as they can so I wouldn't often get too many chances to use the heavy gunz.

I like the Tellyporta Array, but it should work just like normal teleport attacks. Only targeting ships with no shields is what keeps teleport attacks from being broken. With these changes I think you can remove the -1 penalty for being over 10cm.

Other than that there are a few small changes but this post is already long enough.