Hey all, new guy here! You've probably noticed me asking lots of weird, convoluted questions over the past couple of months about all sorts of edge cases and bizarre, highly specific rules interactions. Maybe you've even wondered why the heck I've been doing it. Well, here's the answer:
The BFG: 2015 Project. ...Or in other words, my attempt to stand on the shoulders of some community giants and produce a complete set of self-contained BFG rules, for the sole purpose of satisfying my wholly irrational desire for document uniformity and extended explanations of all the things that confuse me (in terms of BFG that is). Really it's all just a silly personal thing that's helped me learn the rules, but I figured I should share it for posterity.
So what does that all mean? Basically, I'm going through all of the core BFG Rules (including Armada and FAQ 2010), plus the BFG:R fleet lists (for balance reasons), and re-writing and re-formatting them to reflect the style and polish of the original release of the Battlefleet Gothic Rulebook.
In other words, it's mostly just editing. Now I have to admit, my creative side got the better of me and I've expanded a tiny bit to include some house-rulings my group uses for a few of the fleets and Armada upgrades. On the whole though, BFG 2015 is 90%
BFG Rulebook + Armada Ordnance + FAQ 2010 + BFG:R Fleet Lists.
Of course, I'm nowhere near done with any of this - it takes a long time to recreate all the content by hand and I am doing a fantastic job procrastinating (looking at you, 75 pages worth of IN and Chaos ships...). That being said, I finally finished my first draft of the main rulebook and I wanted to share it, as a kind of teaser for what's to come. When I release a big pack of documents I'll start including the full change-log and everything else; for now it's just the PDF link to my dropbox.
The 2015 Project Rulebook has everything except Scenarios, Lore, and Campaign Rules (which will be in different documents for space-saving reasons). It's about 60 pages and probably has typos and other things I've done wrong (every time I look at it I catch something) - so please,
please post (constructive) feedback here or email me at the address below (spoilered to protect against spam): [spoiler]BattlefleetGothic2015@gmail.com[/spoiler]
And lastly, a big thanks to everyone who explained all those strange rulings to me over the past few months, it was a huge help!
You can get the BFG: 2015 Rulebook
Here (Link)