Chapter II
Segmentum Obscurus
Subsector 1-565/6/GS/NW - Bhein Morr
Rally-point Alpha
Imperial standard time: 42-013-03-23
Logbook Commander Gotha Heimdall
Nearly two weeks have passed since my withdrawal from Stranivar.
At first it seemed as if the remaining Chaos forces in the Stranivar system face greater difficulties than initially expected.
There were forming resistance groups, still loyal to the emperor, in many places doing everything they could to detract main institutions from the control of the invaders. Unfortunately the hopelessness of these actions became obvious. According to the information we could get here it seemed that as soon as there was even the slightest rumour about rebellion, the bomber squadrons of the 'Blight' appeared.
I pray, that the phrase 'Whole districts have been burned to ashes' is just an exaggeration.
Segmentum Obscurus
Subsector 1-565/6/GS/NW - Bhein Morr
Rally-point Alpha
Imperial standard time: 42-013-03-25
Logbook commander Gotha Heimdall
I have come to the conclusion that a reliberation of the Stranivar system has to be attempted as long as Evil Mic and the largest part of his fleet is still outside this subsector. This attack has also to be done before the 'Abyss' is fully operational again.
Two hours before our scheduled departure the badly damaged 'Fartravel IX' arrived here bringing bad news:
Her mission was to evacuate the hidden research station on the 3rd moon of Stranivar VII. When she arrived in the Stranivar system the 'Blight' and the 'Abyss' were still in the orbit of Stranivar prime, what would have given her enough time to complete her mission. However, once she entered the orbit of Stranivar VII she recorded two vessels coming from the 4th moon, accelerating onto her. According to her sensors' data they seemed to be Inferno-class traitor cruisers. The 'Fartravel IX' could escape this attack heavily damaged. As the enemy apparently now has two additional cruisers at his disposal, I have no other choice than breaking off the attack and wait for reinforcements.
Segmentum Obscurus
Subsector 1-565/6/GS/NW - Bhein Morr
Rally-point Alpha
Imperial standard time: 42-013-04-19
Logbook commander Gotha Heimdall
Although it was very quietly during the last days is it just a matter of time until the enemy continues his nefarious attacks. Five days ago the time has come. We received reports of raids on imperial convoys from all over the subsector. The attackers were mostly the apparently repaired 'Abyss', accompanied by two Infidel-class raiders who call themselves the 'Shades'. Despite the fact that we were patrolling the main routes without a break, we were barely able to stop the raids. Once the enemy ships noticed our presence in a convoy they broke off the attack and looked for other targets. The sub-sector is simply too large.
However, we noticed a heavy traffic of cargo ships between Stranivar prime and the Elysium central world.
I decided to turn the tables. Indeed we only succeeded once to destroy a single cargo vessel, but these raids forced the traitors to dedicate ships to protect their own transports, so that the raids on imperial convoys were significantly reduced. Even though I now feel like an ordinary pirate, the success confirms the need for this strategy.
Segmentum Obscurus
Subsector 1-565/6/GS/NW - Bhein Morr
Rally-point Alpha
Imperial standard time: 42-013-04-29
Logbook commander Gotha Heimdall
Praise the Emperor! Reinforcements have arrived!
Because of the increasing Ork activities in the Armageddon subsector it came to material shortages. Thus full operational readiness could still not be restored on all vessels of my fleet. Only the Armageddon-class battlecruiser 'Resistance', the Gothic-class cruiser 'Hunter' and an additional Dauntless-class light cruiser, the 'Colossus' arrived here. As the arrival of the Emperor-class battleship 'Intolerance' is to be expected during the next two days, I am finally in command of the largest part of my fleet and thus have the necessary power to defeat those traitors in open battle. Especially as there is still no sign of Evil Mic's return.
Yet there is not only good news: We were able to arrest one of the enemy's cargo ships. So we found out, that the transporters bring the equipment for the construction of orbital defences to Stranivar prime. Allegedly two orbital weapons platforms have already been completed. Therefore I cannot waste much time. I have to attack immediately as soon as the 'Intolerance' arrives.
Segmentum Obscurus
Subsector 1-565/6/GS/NW - Bhein Morr
Rally-point Alpha
Imperial Standard time: 42-013-05-01
Logbook commander Gotha Heimdall
The 'Intolerance' has arrived. There isn't any more impressive sight in the galaxy than the strength and majesty of an imperial battleship! Nevertheless, I decided to keep the 'Defiance' as my flagship since I expect greater benefit of her higher mobility. Together with the 'Intolerance' six troop carriers containing a full invasion company arrived. The orders of the supreme command on Armageddon say:
"- Disembark the ground forces on Stranivar prime as quickly as possible.
-Secure the planet until the ultimate victory of the ground forces."
With that, the spread of heretical ideas shall be prevented at any rate. I agree entirely, but would have preferred orders, which allow more circumspect actions than a frontal attack. Well, be that as it is. Tomorrow night we start the assault on Stranivar prime. May the Emperor guide us!
Segmentum Obscurus
Subsector 1-565/6/GS/NW - Bhein Morr
Rally-point Alpha
Imperial standard time: 42-013-05-02
Logbook commander Gotha Heimdall
Ship time: 22:00
Exit from the Warp behind an asteroid field near Stranivar prime.
We locate several vessels in formation ready for combat directly above the planet.
(More detailed data is not available at the moment, because of the asteroid field.)
So they have expected us!
"All hands to battle stations!
Shields to maximum!
'Intolerance' send out your fighters!
Head for the asteroid field!"
Ship time: 22:12
We record multiple new signals coming from the planet.
The enemy launched his bomber squadrons.
So they already detected us.
The enemy vessels keep their position above the planet.
We approach covered by the asteroid field.
The 'Intolerance' launches additional fighters.
The enemy bomber formations are approaching at full speed.
Ship time: 22:31
We arrived at the asteroid field.
Enemy bomber formations arrived at the opposite side of the Asteroid field.
Despite the continuous launches of the 'Intolerance' our fighters are outnumbered at a ratio of 2:3.
Ship time: 22:43
Five enemy bomber-squadrons could avoid our fighters.
To the whole fleet: "close formation!Prepare for incoming fighters!"
Enemies within range of the defensive towers in : 5 .4 .3 .2 .. FIRE!
The majority of the attackers could be destroyed.
Remaining bombers attack our port side!
Several cracks in the outer shell!
Drop of the engine's power to 75%!
Firepower and shields doped to the half!
Complete failure of the portside guns!
"Repair teams to decks 14-19!"
Ship time: 22:51
To the whole fleet: "Head directly to the moon!
'Divine Punishment', begin your transposition manoeuvre and catch up with the fleet in front of the moon.
Our fighters could intercept and and completely annihilate the next enemy squadrons.
Port-side guns can now fire with half firepower.
Number of enemy launches drops to 33%. The heretics run out of fighters!
Praise the Emperor for these heretics always are running out of Attack Craft!
Ship time: 23:11
We're leaving the cover of the asteroid field.
Now we have direct visual contact with the enemy. Identification of enemy ships is now possible.
As expected, there are the 'Abyss', the 'Blight', the two 'Shades' and the two Inferno-class cruisers, which the 'Fartravel IX' has reported of.
These can be identified as the 'Calamity' and the 'Perdition'.
Yet, behind the two orbital weapons platforms is another vessel...May the Emperor protect us!
It is one of the ancient Despoiler-class battleships!
Whatever proud name this ship once had, since she came from the abyss in which she has crept she now seems to be called 'Melody of Despair'. This also explains the large number of fighters the enemy initially had.
We were able to intercept the last bomber squadrons before they reached us.
The remaining enemy fighters, which now are launched only by the 'Blight' take up defensive position around the traitor fleet.
Now our turn has come.
To all formations: "Start your attack-run!"
Ship time : 23:27
The fleet is still heading towards the moon.
The enemy opens fire at our bomber formations.
Our first echelon was completely destroyed.
Ship time: 23:44
The next bomber formations reach the enemy's defence perimeter. They also suffer heavy losses. The surviving squadrons were destroyed by the 'Blight's' interceptors.
"This is the 'Intolerance's' first officer, we had an accident in the hangars and will not be able to launch further squadrons that quickly."
" 'Intolerance!', that is unacceptable. We must continue the bomber assaults. That's an order!"
" 'Intolerance' here, problem is fixed, Commander. Further launches according the standard procedure."
Ship time: 00:05
Sensor-station reports the 'Blight' is now closing her hangar gates, too.
Obviously the 'Blight' has also run out of fighters.
The enemy fleet leaves it's position above Stranivar prime and is heading for the moon's orbit.
Ship time : 00:13
The 'Divine Punishment' closes the gap on the fleet.
We arrive at the backside of the moon.
We make use of it's gravity field to pivot on a direct vector towards Stranivar prime.
To all: "The primary task is to protect the troop transports until they have safely reached the planet's surface!"
Some of our bomber squadrons reached the enemy fleet and avoided their interceptors.
They start bombing one of the 'Shades'. Their defensive gunnery was ineffective. Direct hit on the raider's engines.
"This is the leader of the squadron Epsilon-5, report the total annihilation of the target."
The second 'Shade' flees into the Warp.
Praise the Emperor!
Ship time : 00:27
Enemy fleet is on course anti-parallel to ours. So, now it begins.
The 'Resistance', the 'Hunter' and the 'Divine Punishment' launch their torpedo salvoes.
"NO! That's too soon! Hold your fire!"
The distance was still too big. The salvoes cross the course of the traitor-ships behind them.
As soon as this day is over, I will degrade the gunnery officers of these ships and court-martial them.
We measure an increased energy output on the enemy targeting systems.
Enemy ships open fire!
First hits on the 'Colossus'. Her shield collapses.
"This is the captain of the 'Colossus': Brace for impact!"
No further damage on 'Colossus' reported.
The 'Hunter' is hit by the 'Calamity's' full broadside.
Shields are penetrated!
Starboard powersupply is hit.
There's fire on deck 13 an decks 22-24!
The lances of the 'Abyss' hit the 'Hunter', too.
Devastating damages on all decks!
"This is the captain of the 'Hunter', we're not able to extinguish the fires. Solicit permission to retreat!"
"This is the captain of the 'Divine Punishment'. We're coming under the 'Melody of Despair's' fire! Our shields collapse! Cannot shut our safety bulkheads. Suffering severe damage to the entire bow area! Urgently solicit support! The ship can't stand this any longer!"
Ship time : 00:45
"This is the 'Intolerance', we have overloaded the acceleration fields, it will take at least some minutes till further launches will be possible."
" 'Intolerance', registered. Take position in front of the 'Divine Punishment' to relieve her."
" 'Hunter', permission granted! Get out of here!"
"To all: Return fire! Send them into the abyss!"
The bombardment of the 'Intolerance' smashed the 'Blight's' shields".
Register energy increase in the 'Blight's' fortifying fields.
All ships concentrate their fire on the 'Blight'. Multiple hits on all sections of the traitor cruiser. Yet the damage we caused is minimal.
What dark spell protects this cursed ship?
Ship time : 01:07
The enemy concentrated his fire on the 'Divine Punishment'.
The 'Intolerance' catches some part of the bombardment.
Shields of the 'Intolerance' stable at 25%.
Shield of the 'Divine Punishment' collapses. She sustains more damage. Structural failure is imminent.
The 'Melody of Despair's' hangar gates open!
So she still has some squadrons left!
A big formation of assault boats is heading for the 'Divine Punishment'!
"This is the captain of the 'Divine Punishment'. To the entire crew:
Prepare for close combat! May the Emperor protect us!"
Incoming transmission: "BLOOD FOR THE BLOODGOOD!"
Ship time: 01:14
"This is the 'Devine Punishment': The intruders were defeated, but they succeeded in disabling our starboard weapons. The estimated time for the repair is several hours.
The hull still holds and the life support systems are also working. But we will not endure another blow.
"Registered. Get out of here!"
The enemy vessels have almost passed our line.
In a few moments they will reach a position to strafe the transporters.
We do not have the strength to protect them.
"This is the commander. To all ships: Break off the attack! Retreat! Get out of here!"
Segmentum Obscurus
Subsector 1-565/6/GS/NW - Bhein Morr
Rally-point Alpha
Imperial Standard time:42-013-05-02
Logbook commander Gotha Heimdall
Our attack has failed.
At least the retreat of all my ships and the transporters to the rally-point went well. As still no enemy ship appeared here, I assume they were unable to trace our course and we remain still relatively save here.
The conditions of the 'Divine Punishment' and the 'Hunter' are grave, but I have no other choice than to hope that they regardless of my doubts will survive the journey to Port Maw. Only the shipyards there are capable of repairing them. Even if the damages on the 'Defiance' are significantly less, she has to be returned to Port Maw, because here we have no possibilities for a thorough restoration. Additionally, they will provide me a new ship!
These accursed heretics will begin the repairs on the 'Blight' on Stranivar prime for sure. In addition, I am afraid that the shipyards there are now capable of the construction of raiders. So the destroyed 'Shade' will be replaced soon.
Segmentum Obscurus
Subsector 1-565/6/GS/NW - Bhein Morr
Rally-point Alpha
Imperial Standard time:42-013-05-03
Logbook commander Gotha Heimdall
Our probes have caught a transmission in which Evil Mic, who now calls himself an "Exaltet Chaos Champion", promotes the officers of the 'Calamity' to an elite command crew and promises to return soon to Stranivar prime with an additional ship.
After some considerations I decided to set out for Port Maw with the 'Defiance' myself.
Now, that the heretics have the 'Melody of Despair', a fully operational battleship, it is no longer a hunt for a megalomaniacal pirate but a serious threat to imperial systems. I will personally convince the Admiralty at Port Maw that this exceeds the field of application of an external task force and is issue of the Segmentum Obscurus' basis fleet. In the time of my absence I transfer the command to the captain of the 'Intolerance'.