First, I think it's a very nice fleet, fitting very well to your storry.
To the tactic: Relaying on boarding is not so easy and a bit risky. So I think boarding is good, but its enough to plan boarding with a few vessels.
Depending of your opponent you could also consider not flying into his fleet but passing it on the side.
You are not the IN with armored prow, but have nice range and a lot of fighters. (and torps in the side-arc)
ok, so far to the given fleet, but if this is not fixed:
I'm not a fan of light cruisers.
They are good to fill up remaining points, get a cheap ship to have enough cruisers for some fleet restrictions (3 per battleship nand so on).
But in the battle you have to be very careful with them. They simply do not endure very much damage. Especially those wiht only 5+ armor at the front.
So, if I were your enemy, I would ignore your big shipps and concentrate my fire on the light cruisers. They will probably not stand the enemy fire very long.
So, if changig some ships is an option, i would reduce the light cruisers, and replace them with hm, Slaughter (if you still plan to go direktly into the enemy) or some long ranged ships (Inferno, Carange etc...)