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Author Topic: Adepticon 2015 report  (Read 2024 times)

Offline Seahawk

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Adepticon 2015 report
« on: March 28, 2015, 05:51:53 AM »
Sadly, I was not able to participate in the event this year, due to bad timing and etc. However, I vow not to miss next year's event! I snapped a couple pics of the action...turns out it was nearly all Chaos players.

Is Chaos getting some kind of bonus that other fleets aren't getting from the allies rules and such? Curious to see if that might have something to do with it. Anyway, action!

Well, I take that back. So I guess there were 12 people that signed up, 8 checked in, but only 6 played. Wacky, huh! Of that, it was 3 Chaos, 1 Orks, 1 Rogue Trader, 1 Inquisition. Nice to see some new fleets showing up; even Andrew Raatz tried something new with his Slaanesh fleet (as opposed to Nurgle fleet).

I'm hoping RaptorEvolved kept the fleet lists and can tell us exactly what was in people's fleets this year! (see if anyone copied my winning fleet from last year :P)

Offline DinoDoc

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Re: Adepticon 2015 report
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2015, 07:29:48 PM »
Love the Ork ship.

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Adepticon 2015 report
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2015, 07:14:37 PM »
Right? Made me kinda happy to see a hulk floating around, just because they're so fun.

I'm fairly certain I want to stick with my plan to bring the IN next year, but I was able to purchase an Eldar fleet at retail, so now I'm all a hemmin' and a hawin'.

Offline AsleepByDay

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Re: Adepticon 2015 report
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2015, 12:47:37 PM »
Those are some nice photos!

Hi all

Jon here - the Inquisition fleet was mine, although it's painted up as grey knights the list is just 2010 faq marines.

The scenarios were:
1, Asteroids:
Each turn some asteroid markers would spawn on the left board edge and travel 30cm directly across the board, if they hit an asteroid field then they would scatter and spawn d3 more asteroids. If they impacted a ship LD test to avoid hits as normal.
I didn't think much of this one as we both simply deployed on the far right and no asteroid ever impacted with any of our ships, they did however waste about half an hour of game time on a game that was already starting late :(
Aside from that the game was fun :)

2, Moon
Target moon in the centre of the board, two strips of asteroids deployed either side of the moon to make a narrow corridor. Being the first to board the moon (auto success no roll required) = 365ish victory points and rolling on a table of goodies (mostly friendly ordinance). Once the moon has been boarded once it can't be boarded by the other side.
I like the asteroid rings they effectively broke the board into three areas. The moon was basically just a bunch of extra victory points and a battle log point for winning the roll to go first however.

3, neutron star
Neutron star is placed in the centre of the board. At the start of each of your turns each of your ships is pulled a random distance towards the star. Anything that touches the star dies instantly. Also there is a wreck approaching the star which if you board extra victory points.
I liked this scenario a lot. The star rewards tactical thinking neatly. In my game my opponent went first and simply shot the wreck to death before either of us could get there so it didn't play an part in the game really but it has a nice risk reward mechanic going on as the wreck is approaching the star.

Winning Fleet was Orcs
Second place was my SM
Not sure after that.

My fleet:
Battle barge + warlord
Ret Battle ship as venerable Battle barge
2 strike cruisers w/ bombardment cannon swap and extra shield
2 strike cruisers w/ extra shield

Allied detachment:
Armageddon cruiser w/ ramming spike.

I'll post some pictures I have at some point.