Well I'm not entirely sure, but today I think I may have hit the Warmaster jackpot!
A while back I made a trade with someone on another site for a couple of books I had (Glottkin hardcover and blood in the badlands), both relatively hard books to get a hold of.
In exchange I managed to get in return a mint in blister unit of dwarf hammers, the albion characters/fenbeast and a mystery Nurgle Daemon. He wasn't sure what it was, but thought it might be the greater daemon. I never asked for pics as I was extremly happy with the deal as was and didn't want to push the matter.
Today I opened up the mail and found his package waiting. The Albion characters and hammerers were great! But there was this awesome nurglish daemon with wings in the box which I had never seen! The base says Games Workshop 1999 so I'm assuming it must be the unreleased nurgle daemon prince? Can anyone confirm this for me?
Here's a quick picture of him
Time of Madness