@ honestmistake, An interesting house rule.
At our club many of us tend to play historical armies in such games as, Black Powder, BKC2 and Hail Caesar!
Often the sides are very imbalanced as we copy historical events and see if we can fare any better than the Generals there at the time.
Win or lose its the game and losing more slowly than the general, if you like postponing the inevitable defeat can be satisfying especially if their is a time/turn limit then you win.
I digress; when we play the game ends when one side breaks or the general dies, we have tended to ignore VPs, you win, lose or draw.
So on occasion a side that is being hammered will try to target a General.
I recall my Waagh being mauled by Dark elves [mounted crossbows within 15cm hurt]. However my opponent attached his general to a cold one riders unit in a brigade of 2 units, despite my suggestion that he didn't he continued to do so. In the end a Goblin unit with supporting archers finished off the cold one riders and general.
It wasn't easy, and I had to rely on his persistence in reattaching the General.