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Author Topic: Starting London BFG (Clapham)  (Read 1542 times)

Offline wallofmeat

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Starting London BFG (Clapham)
« on: June 17, 2014, 02:33:08 PM »
Hi Guys,

I've been playing some BFG starter game down at my local club in Clapham (top level of a pub) and am seeing if anyone wants to join. Thus far have been having little 2 cruiser+3 escort Imp vs Chaos show downs (using Armands lovely lyrebirds on chaos side and GrimDarkBit's cobra replacements - I also use shapeways 3d ordinance). I am still pretty new returning to the game - returning from when I was only a 15 year old lad.

I include an extremely gash phone pic of last game in motion though our club pres took some better one's with his proper camera which I may well post if there is any interest.
(Eager New BFG Player)

Offline sricardos2000

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Re: Starting London BFG (Clapham)
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2014, 12:56:08 PM »
Late reply I know but what pub are you and Co playing in in Clapham?

I'm just putting together (read 're-painting') both an imperial and a chaos fleet. Should be done by the winter times and would be nice to have a few games with them.
All ahead full. Ram them.