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Author Topic: BFG:R - Rogue Trader  (Read 16777 times)

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: BFG:R - Rogue Trader
« Reply #60 on: January 10, 2014, 05:24:15 AM »
Why? It seems that would encourage light cruisers since they wouldn't have to be saddled with more escorts.
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG:R - Rogue Trader
« Reply #61 on: January 10, 2014, 05:57:58 AM »
Ah, ok so your rule wasn't including light cruisers. Sorry I missed that! Yeah, I would be on board with that entirely!

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Re: BFG:R - Rogue Trader
« Reply #62 on: January 10, 2014, 08:35:21 AM »
Added that last bit of restrictions to Grand Cruisers & Cruisers.
Added Vengeance + Avenger

Upgrade List not changed yet.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG:R - Rogue Trader
« Reply #63 on: January 13, 2014, 01:40:10 AM »
Also, how do upgrades work on rogue traders? Is it pay 20 pts and then roll for exotic, get the extra lance roll then all escorts get an additional lance? I think we will need to work out specifics. Maybe there are a few upgrades that just need a rule explaining how it works.

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Re: BFG:R - Rogue Trader
« Reply #64 on: January 15, 2014, 07:09:01 AM »
iirc Andrew somewhere written down that exact ruling.


Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: BFG:R - Rogue Trader
« Reply #65 on: January 15, 2014, 05:07:12 PM »
Let me dig around through my notes here. Ok I think I see the problem here, escorts cannot get the extra lance.

Short list Imperial: 15pts per upgrade 
1)Improved Sensors: +1 Leadership
 2)Targeting Matrix: Weapons receive a left shift
 3)Secondary Reactors: +2d6 AAF / +1d6 AAF and +5cm speed?
 4)Plasma Boosted Batteries: All 30cm Batteries are exchanged for 45cm Batteries
 5)Heavy Hull Plating: +1 Hit point
 6)Armored Prow: Prow adds 6+ armor
<<<<add more?>>>

For +20pts you may take an exotic upgrade, due their rarer availability, the result is more chance of what the Rogue Trader found then what he would like:

Exotic List
Re-roll results that are not possible on the ship

2)Tau Tracking systems: (As in WR17 >add)
3)Eldar Holofield Tech: (As in WR17 >add)
4)Displacement Drive: (As in WR 17 >add)
5)Alien Hull: (As in WR17 >add) *not intended for escorts
6)Penance Shields: (As in WR17 >add)
7)Leaf on the Wind: Love it, I would tweak it to: "You may always attempt AAF, BR, or CTNH special orders, even if other ships have failed their command checks already. You may also re-roll the dice for any attempt to navigate celestial phenomena.
8)Nekulli Energy Shields: +1 Shield, Nekulli shield technology is highly efficient and any ship refitted with them will not change their base size, even if this refit brings them from 2 to 3 shields. *not intended for escorts
9)Extra Lance: +1 Dorsal 30cm Lance L/F/R *not intended for escorts
10)Expert Troops: +1 to boarding and hit & runs, -1 to hit & runs against this ship.
11)Exotic Torpedoes: Add additional torpedo options to your ship. Roll D6:
1)Boarding Torpedoes
2)Kel-Dach Torpedoes (Melta Torpedoes)
3)Demiurg Torpedoes (Speed 30cm, arc Any) (Limited number?)
4)Tau Torpedoes (Per Tau)
5)DE Leach Torpedoes (Per DE)
6)Eldar Torpedoes (Per Eldar) (Limited number?)
12)Exotic Attack Craft: Roll D6: *not intended for escorts +40 for special bombers too much/ too little? (+25 for bombers, +15 for this) I think the TH halving launch strength makes up for the price difference nicely without any additional cost)
   1-2) Thunderhawk Gunships (Replace all ordinance with Thunderhawk gunships following all    rules for those craft. The ships launch capacity is halved, rounding up.)
   3-4) Darkstar Bombers (Replace your bombers with Darkstar bombers following all rules for    those craft.) *you must have already purchased bombers!
   5-6) Manta Bombers (Replace you bombers with Manta bombers following all rules for those    craft.) *you must have already purchased bombers!

« Last Edit: January 15, 2014, 08:31:20 PM by AndrewChristlieb »
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

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Re: BFG:R - Rogue Trader
« Reply #66 on: January 15, 2014, 10:20:27 PM »
Yep, that were those little things. :)

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Re: BFG:R - Rogue Trader
« Reply #67 on: January 17, 2014, 12:54:20 PM »
Updated post #1.

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Re: BFG:R - Rogue Trader
« Reply #68 on: January 29, 2014, 02:17:01 PM »
Edited exotic upgrades with the missing rules.