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Author Topic: anyone have any good lists using the Ork Clanz?  (Read 1250 times)

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anyone have any good lists using the Ork Clanz?
« on: January 25, 2014, 02:42:15 AM »
So I've been looking at the Ork Clanz list and I am not finding any good lists in there.  By good I mean lists that can actually win games.  Seems to me that the old Ork list from Armada is better but that one still is one of the weakest fleets in BFG.   Maybe I am missing something.  I feel that there is potential in there somewhere but it just seems like its too restrictive to really be competitive.  Does anyone have any cool 1500pt fleets using the clanz list from the 2010 FAQ?   I'd like to take your fleet for a spin.  Ork ships are fun to build so I have an enormous Ork fleet that I rarely use.  I can proxy anything I don't have.