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Author Topic: Ork fleet lists  (Read 2084 times)

Offline unseelied

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Ork fleet lists
« on: June 13, 2013, 11:47:12 AM »
So opinions seem to be divided on the power of the Ork fleet.  I think they are really bad.  Other people have said the Orks have some strong lists and I even saw someone say the 2010 update makes them OP.  One list apparently does extremely well at adepticon. I am curious as to what people are using and what these strong Ork lists are.  This is what I used last, more or less, from memory.  It did OK but certainly wasn't a powerhouse by any means.

1500pt  Armada list
Dethdealer- warlord three rerolls, extra powerfields, turret upgrade from 2010
Terror ship- turret upgrade
Terror  ship - turret upgrade 2010- extra powerfields, warlord 2-3 rerolls? Mines
Rok- Warlord, powerfield
Roks X3
onslaughts 5-6
ramships 5-6

So what are the powerfull Ork lists?

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Ork fleet lists
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2013, 04:27:57 PM »
Well with the faq list its all about the escorts. Always take a group of 9 if you can, that gets the best bang for the buck with the clan and grubbins rules and half the time youll get a free ship. You always get +1 leadership that way too. Now heres the problem: Ravagers with good leadership and every one has looted torps (reroll the number they launch), Savages that are fast and have two lances each, Onslaughts with good leadership and that can reroll the number of batteries they get, Grunts get large bases bonuses to ramming and boarding. All of that and theyre cheap! Just load up on them and swamp the board with these and 2-3 carriers.
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline horizon

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Re: Ork fleet lists
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2013, 08:32:00 AM »

Warp Rift 29 has a really good Ork article (Tactica bu Deadshane).

In essence: max out Terror Kroozers.

Problem: daft.

FAQ2010 makes for more variety. But yes, pretty strong.

Offline unseelied

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Re: Ork fleet lists
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2013, 06:15:02 PM »
I'd like to read that article but I can't find it.  My interweb search takes me to a site under construction.  If you have a link please post it.  I can't see how Terror ships are going to be good now.  I remember at one point, one of the various fAQ's before the 2010 FAQ, made fighta-bombas have D3+3 for their number of attacks.  When that was the case then yes spamming Terror ships would have made sense ( I did it ) but today they are back to D3+1 so spaming a carrier with weak ordnance that has trouble reloading doesn't seem like a good move.

The 2010 FAQ list for the Orks does allow some really potentially scary escort shenanigans.  I read up on it last night. It seems to be a bit of a glass cannon though.  If you can get your ginormous escort squadrons to where they need to be they will be very effective but getting an escort with low turrets, 4+ side armor, and possiblly bad leadership will be challenging.  Other problems with the list is its hard to get re-rolls and those re-rolls are only able to be used on the particular warlord's squadrons.  The restriction on one warlord per 500pt and the fact you have to bring two units per warlord minimum ,one of which is an escort squadron, really limits what you can do both with re-rolls and with the various upgrades.  When you crunch the numbers the fleet at 1500 isn't as scary as one might think as those big escort squadrons get pricey and you pretty much have to bring some Karriers of some sort.  This is what I am going to try out

210 Terrorship- Warlord-free re-roll extra powerfields
300 9 savages- Deathskulls- looted lances

210 Terrorship- Warlord-free re-roll extra powerfields
345 9 onslaughts- bad moonz- maniac gunners

330 Def Dealla Battleship Warlord-free re-roll- Extra powerfields- Bad moonz- Maniac Gunners
100 4 ramships

I could lose the battleship and get another big escort squadron of ravagers but the warlord can only switch his leadership with the ramships then so although I would have two chances to get better leadership there is no guarentee.  I like Capital ships better than escorts anyway so rather than risk the expensive squadron that may never re-load I just took a big ship.  Hopefully it will give the enemy fleet something to shoot at rather than the escorts.  This list is probabally better than than my older Ork list but I don't think its going to be OP.  The escorts will hit like a ton of bricks but they will die in droves on the way in and afterwards.  Certainly more viable but not overpowered or even top tier methinks.

Offline horizon

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Re: Ork fleet lists
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2013, 06:34:22 PM »

Offline unseelied

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Re: Ork fleet lists
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2013, 07:11:33 PM »
That was a good article.  He was using the D3+3 fighter-bombers as I suspected.  That does make the terrorship less useful now than it was at the time of the writing of the article.  Not useless just less useful.  He does make some very good points and I don't think that the loss of the "good" FB negates the rest of the article it just shifts the focus to his other methods.  Not sure if one could bring it all off without the good FB though as they are basicly meant to be your ranged attack.  I will have to try his list as well as the above one from the FAQ2010.  We will see.