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Author Topic: BFG:R Imperial Grand cruisers spelling errors  (Read 1270 times)

Offline blekinge

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BFG:R Imperial Grand cruisers spelling errors
« on: May 19, 2013, 10:02:54 AM »

I was looking through the BFG:R imperial document. I noticed a rather funny spelling error in the special rules section for grand cruisers.

"These vessels may purchase one of the upgrades at the paints cost listed:"

But the costs are given in points, not paints later on ;)

Aside from that, I enjoyed reading about the "Long Knives" in those little fluff blurbs. I noticed that you covered one of the sections with the Special Rules for Grand Cruisers. Could you perhaps transplant the blob about the long knives to some other location, then?

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: BFG:R Imperial Grand cruisers spelling errors
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2013, 09:50:14 PM »
I'll look into this.