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Author Topic: Starting now with space marines...  (Read 3199 times)

Offline kyussinchains

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Starting now with space marines...
« on: August 20, 2013, 02:02:26 PM »
...and looking for some advice on proxies and whatnot!

Spotted the heresy strike cruisers/barges from grimdarkbits, looking to make a decent little fleet (blood angels if that matters, I assume not) so what else will I need to play a 'standard' game? I'd like some variety if possible!

I've not read the rulebook in any great detail but so many people singing the praises of a game can't be wrong so I'm keen to learn

so go ahead, pick me a fleet and suggest some suitable models :)
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Offline Jimmy Zimms

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Re: Starting now with space marines...
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2013, 04:04:47 PM »
Should nab a buttload of strikecraft for gladius and hunter proxies from Blind if you can.

I'm not too up on modern tactics with marine fleets but way back when people used to advocate BB and enough escorts to protect them to draw fire and then use a large number of SC to pincer the enemy. I don't know if that advice actually worked at all and Marines have undergone significant list changes over the years.

PS have an extra BA battlebarge here for you, mate if you need it (Simon only, please don't ping me with offers, thanks)
« Last Edit: August 20, 2013, 04:11:00 PM by Jimmy Zimms »
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Offline unseelied

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Re: Starting now with space marines...
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2013, 05:22:36 PM »
Hi, good to see people starting up BFG.  Anyway this is the fleet I use when running straight marines.  I like to use the new 2010 update to get access to Thunder hawk anniliators but my armada book list is very similar

75 Master of the fleet, one re-roll
425 Battle Barge
200 Hunters X5
480 strike cruiser X3 with extra shield
320 strike cruiser X2 with extra shield and bays upgraded to bombardment cannons

The armada list is the same except I don't think you can upgrade to bombardment cannons, you only have standard T-hawks and your 75 pt leader has two re-rolls instead of one.

I prefer larger ships to smaller ones but some people prefer escorts.  If you like them you can trade out some strike cruisers for some escorts.  I think hunters are the best but gladius aren't bad either.  Not a fan of the nova as it seems to be a little pricy for what you get.  Escorts are harder to use well but can be very useful.

One of the great things about this fleet set up is that you have three classes of ships, large medium and small which are easy to proxy with models from most other game systems.  Spartan games makes some nice ships for their Firestorm Armada line that would make some nice proxies.   I think Terrans or Dindrinzi would make a fine looking fleet but it is all up to personal preference.    You could get a basic starter box which comes with three cruisers, a battleship and six escorts and buy two heavy cruisers to represent the strike cruisers upgraded to have bombardment cannons instead of launch bays.  You'd need to buy bases but GW still sell those for 40k.

The other option SM have is to ally with imperial navy.  I am not that up on blood angels fluff so I am not sure they are one of the chapters ,like say ultra marines, that would have a large fleet presence and often be combined with IN defending their own domain.  If you want to do that route then I'd use the segmentum solar fleet list from the armada book.  It will be harder to proxy but there will be a lot more options as you will have two fleets to choose from and the IN has a lot of different ships to choose from.

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Re: Starting now with space marines...
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2013, 05:30:40 PM »
build a 1500pts fleet. Roughly dedicate 33% to battlebarge (inc command), 33% strike cruisers and 33% escorts.
That will give you the variety you need in smaller games as well.

In the armada rules Strike Cruisers were poo. With the FAQ2010 + 2nd shield option they become good.

Offline Samulus

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Re: Starting now with space marines...
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2013, 10:34:40 PM »
Found some really sweet space marine proxies at GZG -  tell me the super carrier wouldn't make a great battlebarge...


Thats where I plan to get my SM fleet anyway -  also plan to 40K it with some etched brass or press moulded details, eagles and the like.

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Starting now with space marines...
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2013, 10:40:44 PM »
Yup those look like good SM proxies there, the Superdreadnought looks to be right about the correct size and they have a good variety for strike cruiser varients and escorts.
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Offline kyussinchains

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Re: Starting now with space marines...
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2013, 01:52:55 PM »
thanks for the advice folks :)

Gonna get me some ships on order shortly!
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