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Author Topic: Variable Cruiser Construction  (Read 2030 times)

Offline Cervantes3773

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Variable Cruiser Construction
« on: May 22, 2013, 05:31:15 PM »
I got my grubby paws on 8 on-sprue Imperial Cruisers and will be constructing them with magnets and paper clips, as the Emperor intended.

However, I'm curious how you guys handle cruisers v. battle cruisers.  The visible difference is that two lance batteries are attached to the spine of the ship, but the the port/starboard lance batteries are missing a turret.  I saw an online guide, where the gentleman used a pin on his turrets and antennae - did those then fit into the port/starboard batteries?

Are there knock-off lance turrets I could use?  What do you guys do?


Offline Comrade-K-Rad

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Re: Variable Cruiser Construction
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2013, 05:48:13 PM »
If you drill the side lance batteries to fit the pin then I don't see why this would not work well.  I'll have to do it on my next 4 cruisers.  I usually just did one battlecruiser to 3 cruisers, in the ones I magnetized anyway.
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Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Variable Cruiser Construction
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2013, 05:50:36 PM »
I actually have glued mine on. I have 4 regular and 2 battlecruiser.

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Variable Cruiser Construction
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2013, 06:05:51 PM »
My cruisers are glued as well, all of mine are rescues tho so they were already glued. For any future ships I imagine I will pin the dorsal mounts. If I ever get around to finishing my Retribution I plan on using tiny mags to hold an interchangeable Nova/Prow Ram.
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Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Variable Cruiser Construction
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2013, 09:18:02 PM »
Shameless plug + here's my method of doing this:


Offline Cervantes3773

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Re: Variable Cruiser Construction
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2013, 09:23:20 PM »
Awesome! I'll watch the whole thing (with sound!) later tonight.

Offline radu lykan

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Re: Variable Cruiser Construction
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2013, 02:13:31 PM »
magnetising the masts and turrets is possible, i did it when i created a super fleet of 7 battle cruisers, i wanted to be able to use them in regular games as well hence the magnetising. just use tiny magnets :)