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Author Topic: scenario I'd like playtesting for  (Read 1779 times)

Offline lordgoober

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scenario I'd like playtesting for
« on: November 15, 2012, 07:54:52 PM »
Ok.  I'm beginning to think of new scenario ideas for Adepticon for this coming year.  I just thought of the shell of this one while in the shower of all places and just cranked this out really quickly and would like to see some playtesting of it (I'll try to get one in myself on Saturday)

Ghost Ship

Standard 20cm deployment,  Standard Victory Conditions with these additions:

Primary Objective: The "Ghost Ship":  Automated Archaeotech Ship
Secondary Objective:  Cards like from Adepticon 2012.

400 VP for capturing the Ghost Ship.  Cannot be shot at as the admirality want the ship completely intact due to archaeotech in the ship.

Ship in center of board. Starts oriented with prow pointing towards short table edge.  Has broadsides of a Lunar.
At the end of each game turn,  it fires each broadside at the closest ship/squadron in each firing arc then after firing turns 45 degrees clockwise in place.

In order to capture,  ship must be boarded.  While unmanned,  there are sophisticated locking systems that must be bypassed for the ship to be seized. Ship counts as a 8 hit cruiser with 2 turrets for purposes of defensive boarding.  In order to capture the ship,  "hits" must be reduced to 0 in boarding actions.
Only one ship may board at a time, but any class of ship may attempt to board.  These boarding actions take so long that you only resolve the boarding action on the boarding player's turn. 
No damage is done to the boarding ship win or lose.  A win means that some of the ship's security systems have been bypassed and the ship trying to capture the Ghost Ship must stay in place as if in a drawn boarding action.
A loss however locks that particular ship's crew out of the computer systems and that ship cannot attempt to board the Ghost Ship again. However the points of "damage" the ship that has lost a boarding action has done will count towards capturing the ship as the codes for the successfully bypassed security systems will be passed to the rest of the fleet.  When captured,  the Ghost Ship immediately disengages.

If a ship controlled by the Player B attempts a boarding action against the Ghost Ship after some "hits" have been done by Player A,  the ship counts as undamaged against Player B and if Player B succeeds in his first boarding action,  the ship then resets for Player A.

The Ghost Ship will continue to fire even when it is being boarded but cannot fire out of the firing arc where it is being boarded from IE if it was boarded from the Port firing arc,  it will only fire out of its starboard weapons.

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: scenario I'd like playtesting for
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2012, 04:10:45 AM »
So since its unmanned the ship doesnt get the D6 roll when boarded?
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline lordgoober

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Re: scenario I'd like playtesting for
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2012, 01:56:11 AM »
I'm ruling it that it will roll as instead of "fighting" a boarding action,  the boarders are "fighting" a computer trying to unlock stuff without doing damage to the ship.

However thinking about it I may have it be a roll of a d3 + bonuses. Remember,  this isn't meant to be overly easy for the boarding player to do.

Shortly I'll have another scenario that I'm going to want to test,  a variation on the old "Sink the Bismark" scenario i've used a couple times.

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: scenario I'd like playtesting for
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2012, 04:30:22 AM »
So off the top of my head: a full cruiser being boarded is a bit of a tough nut one on one for most fleets, on the other hand orks khorne and nids will slaughter (marines also to a smaller extent), tau cant board (can be overruled for the scenario so its not really that big of a deal). Maybe put in that all racial modifiers are ignored (its not like being better in a normal boarding situation would help against a computer after all nids cant nom nom, orks/ marines/ chaos cant choppy better etc...

Its a great idea tho and i will try to get a couple games in trying this. 
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline lordgoober

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Re: scenario I'd like playtesting for
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2012, 03:58:36 PM »
This is why I post things here.  Consider racial modifiers nuked.

Scenario idea #2:  Vengeance for the insulted.

Basic fluff.  The admirals of the respective fleets know and HATE each other and want to kill each other personally.

Special Rules:  Admirality Hatred:  The Flagships of the respective fleets may not disengage voluntarily.  Keep track of the damage done by your Flagship to the enemy Flagship separately from other damage, direct ship damage and boarding damage only,  not attack craft damage.  If the enemy flagship is takes crippling damage from your flagship (IE your flagship does at least half of the hits worth of damage to the ship) it counts double the crippled VP to the ship. If your flagship finishes off the enemy flagship through direct fire or boarding(ordnance and chain reaction catastrophic explosions don't count),  you get double VP for the ship.