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Author Topic: SM Annihilator  (Read 6496 times)

Offline Talos

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Re: SM Annihilator
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2012, 05:14:20 PM »
@ Jimmy Zimms
1) Unintentionally vague on "bombs" comment. I mean't more specifically it is a more effective bomber in BFG, due to its fighter-bomber status, not it had more literal bombs.

2) I trust you have not been following the general community consensus on broken/modified ships and whatnot? The assault carrier option is widely accepted to attempt to give the SM forces true carriers and AC quantity. Spam is of course an issue that is opinion based, and admittedly can be said about many things. I wish I was a cool kid... :P

3) Naming conventions are one of the most hotly debated topics amongst friends and 40k vets. Suffice to say while I find the name a bit arbitrary, it does work, although your suggestions seem valid too.

4) Fluff wise, say what you will about the thunderhawk, but it is an assault craft. Codex regulations and all, it is for assaulting and dropping off troops into contested territory, and even then usually ground based operations. Saying it can be modified is somewhat erroneous, as by that logic one could modify a manta for fighter air superiority, by reducing its armor, adding more guns and better engines. Thunderhawks are versatile because of exceptional design and craftsmanship (plus spess-mureenes), not because they can be modified.

5) Agree to disagree then on power level of t-hawks and mantas in space scenarios; IMO neither are really designed to carry weapons for cracking armor that makes an imperator titan's look like soft tissue wipes.

6) To be quite honest, I'm surprised that you think SM are made as combined ordnance fleet. Until the annihilator came around t-hawks were good for frying pesky escorts and low turret/armor targets, but were mainly a defensive anti-ordnance measure and general deterrent. I'm not really sure why you do not think SM cannot hold their own in a brawl; bombardment cannon strike cruisers with a second shield can crack open other cruisers with relative ease, while the seditio can blow apart pretty much any other battleship at 30cm, and at 15cm only ultra-heavy BB can compare (tomb ship, planet killer, etc...). As for escorts, the gladius isn't that special but nova's are super fast well armored directional firing death machines, and hunters regularly rape cobras when in dry dock (hehe...dry docked indeed), being better armored, turret covered and faster, ableit at more points. I would say SM are pretty good at shooting, and normal T-hawks fit their fleet flavor better, although with d3+1 or just d6 attacks they would fit in fine. As you said, just an opinion, nothing personal. :)

« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 05:33:55 PM by Talos »

Offline Jimmy Zimms

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Re: SM Annihilator
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2012, 05:30:30 PM »
Id like to see SM have storm talons as fighters and thunderhawks as standard resilient assault boats or bombers. Maybe with an option for them to launch two talons per bay.

I'd stay away from the new aerospace units for now. Rumor has it that there's plenty of new changes coming down the pipe. Best to let the dust settle a bit methinks. However not a bad idea in principle.
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Offline Jimmy Zimms

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Re: SM Annihilator
« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2012, 06:17:39 PM »
@ Jimmy Zimms
1) Unintentionally vague on "bombs" comment. I mean't more specifically it is a more effective bomber in BFG, due to its fighter-bomber status, not it had more literal bombs.
Ahh comment makes sense. BB programs lack that human context and nuance. Totally dig your point provided it was a fighter-bomber in the traditional sense (i even mistakenly used it in that term as I was attempting to sidestep a long drawn out conversation about why it had bombs from a mistaken read of your posts). I believe the idea was that as it's a flying war engine, the either - or role was attached. I don't want to debate whether it was a good idea or not, just that's kinda the line of thought. :D

2) I trust you have not been following the general community consensus on broken/modified ships and whatnot?
Oh I am but until it reaches baked and published in FAW 2013 ;) it's all friendly play, expiremental / house rules.I am totally focused on as the GW PDFs + HA PDFs state today.

The assault carrier option is widely accepted to attempt to give the SM forces true carriers and AC quantity. Spam is of course an issue that is opinion based, and admittedly can be said about many things.
Yeah you are correct, or at least from my limited direct 1:1 expirence that the AC varient is pretty much defacto. Though, and here's that lack of nuance thing again, I was sticking to finalized documents. I like it conceptually but think it needs some more cooking before it's ready. Sounds like you do too, though for different reasoning than I.

I wish I was a cool kid... :P
Wait a minute! If you're not one of the cool kids then why am I wasting my time with you? ;)
I kid, I kid! [old man yiddish accent] :)

3) Naming conventions are one of the most hotly debated topics amongst friends and 40k vets. Suffice to say while I find the name a bit arbitrary, it does work, although your suggestions seem valid too.
Yeah when I first read that name I was all, "wft did I miss something in an IA???" lol

4) Fluff wise, say what you will about the thunderhawk, but it is an assault craft. Codex regulations and all, it is for assaulting and dropping off troops into contested territory, and even then usually ground based operations.
Actually the fluff explicitly lists the load out of a TH equipped for space superiority role and anti-ship operations. Please re-read IA 2 and 9 (or maybe 10) IIRC. The reason we pretty much only see the TK and Air Assault versions for the most part is that they tend to show up in games of Epic (and let us totally strike from our discussion the abomination that is 40K: Apocalypse).
Saying it can be modified is somewhat erroneous, as by that logic one could modify a manta for fighter air superiority, by reducing its armor, adding more guns and better engines. Thunderhawks are versatile because of exceptional design and craftsmanship (plus spess-mureenes), not because they can be modified.
Except that is explicitly stated by the IA books to be the case. Again not trying to argue but that's been the fluff for many many many years now. Don't get me wrong, GW is totally guilty of ret-con-itis and many of those retcons are retarded or blatant attempts to squeeze more $$$ out of younger players before they burn out and churn. In addition, I am totally not advocating for nor nor against them in BFG. Just trying to give a perspective on the fluffyness (which needs to take backseat to a good game I'll admit) :)

5) Agree to disagree then on power level of t-hawks and mantas in space scenarios; IMO neither are really designed to carry weapons for cracking armor that makes an imperator titan's look like soft tissue wipes.
TH's can carry Turbo Laser destructors which are a titan / super heavy tank class weapon. QED. Should they be granted bomber in BFG? Up for debate as again, a good playing game is more important than fluff.

6) To be quite honest, I'm surprised that you think SM are made as combined ordnance fleet. Until the annihilator came around t-hawks were good for frying pesky escorts and low turret/armor targets, but were mainly a defensive anti-ordnance measure and general deterrent.
I am discussing 25 years of fluff and the holistic view of all the pertinent game systems, not BFG only. Sorry that was my chance to be vague. :D Also again, I am talking from the viewpoint when discussing BFG specifically of the published PDFs (GW + HA). Armada Marines were a bit crap. Don't argue that :D

I'm not really sure why you do not think SM cannot hold their own in a brawl; bombardment cannon strike cruisers second turrets can crack open other cruisers with relative ease, while the seditio can blow apart pretty much any other battleship at 30cm, and at 15cm only ultra-heavy BB can compare (tomb ship, planet killer, etc...).
Armada: no they couldn't. Just look to why they got so much rework in 2010 documents. I am not claiming that a BB in 30cm range isn't an absolute MONSTER. But for 425 points it's a whole lotta points for what you get IMO. Most IN BB have 60cm reach out and touch someone and frankly I'd take an Emperor / Retribution over a BB anyday. For instance, any eldar player that get's caught within 30cm by a marine BB deserves to be annihilated. :D The trick is in maneuvering that bad boy into something that works. I've seen that this usually falls into two basic strategies: bullet magnet and SC flank OR the Hammer (SC) and Anvil (BB) pincer. Marines are finally a relative to Armada speaking, a strong opponent now albeit a challenging list to play well (which I like).

As for escorts, the gladius isn't that special
Disagree. They are fundamentally based on a Sword stats and that little guy is pure awesomesauce. I disagree with 30cm move as that's the whole point of marine escorts, they're faster than IN counterparts. So for 45 points they are at least 5 points overcosted.

but nova's are super fast well armored directional firing death machines
They're nice and more valuable in marine fleets versus their counter part in IN due to lack of lance assets in marine fleets but it kinda falls into the same problem as the Firestorm (which I believe has been talked about how to fix before). I take issue with lame L/R/F arc stat changes on models that have keel mounted weapons but that's the anal engineer in me ;) I personally think both can be fixed by dropping all WBs and up the lance to strength 2 and +5 points and FW arc but I admit I am a heretic.

hunters regularly rape cobras when in dry dock (hehe...dry docked indeed), being better armored, turret covered and faster, ableit at more points.
:D NICE. Totally have me cracking up in this meeting now

I would say SM are pretty good at shooting, and normal T-hawks fit their fleet flavor better, although with d3+1 or just d6 attacks they would fit in fine. As you said, just an opinion, nothing personal. :)
yup same here :) I agree that the TH:A (still think it's a dumb name ;) ) needs work. However I think it should just be a bomber and drop the fighter and I think it balances out in the end.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 06:43:28 PM by Jimmy Zimms »
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Re: SM Annihilator
« Reply #18 on: October 23, 2012, 06:27:33 PM »
A regular resilient bomber then? hmmm
Removing it wouldn't hurt either.

Offline Talos

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Re: SM Annihilator
« Reply #19 on: October 23, 2012, 06:48:10 PM »
@ Jimmy Zimms If you are trying to imply that I am absolutely uninformed on the fluff, I might take offense to that. Although you may not mean it, your comments are coming off a tad douchebagish, but I presume based on you general kind-hearted nature that this is either an oversensitive interpretation on my part or just a plain bad day for you :). I may not be an old man like yourself (you yidish are all the same :P) but I consider myself educated enough, particularly with 40k fluff. Admittedly have not read that particular Imperial Armor in great detail, but as we both know fluff arguments only carry so much weight with GW products; it could change in the near future, or be ret-coned to have changed yesterday. Heck, I could tell you tomorrow that SM will soon have the ability to create boltgun ammo by sweating, and Matt Ward shenanigans will make me correct yesterday. Yes, I am implying GW has mastered the time space continuum.

As for it being just a resilient bomber, that's fine with me. Since they can launch both varieties of T-Hawks, it would make them useful without outshining other uber-bombers such as mantas and the various eldar craft. It might even be acceptable to have it move at 25cm to have it be escorted by other T-Hawks then, no? I realise no one would actually bother giving escorts most of the time, but it's the thought that counts ;) Or is it just to awesome to give a bomber 25cm movement?

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: SM Annihilator
« Reply #20 on: October 23, 2012, 06:54:10 PM »
A D6 bomber should be no more than 20cm move. D3 25cm.
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline Jimmy Zimms

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Re: SM Annihilator
« Reply #21 on: October 23, 2012, 07:16:20 PM »
@ Jimmy Zimms If you are trying to imply that I am absolutely uninformed on the fluff, I might take offense to that. Although you may not mean it, your comments are coming off a tad douchebagish, but I presume based on you general kind-hearted nature that this is either an oversensitive interpretation on my part or just a plain bad day for you :).
No offense meant. Any taken, I apologize forthwith my friend :D
Probably comes off far more curmudgeonly than intended (cultural differences too- what do you get when you put two Israelis in a room? three opinions :D meaning we tend to debate forcefully without realizing it comes off as aggressive without meaning so to to - kinda a ME thing).

we both know fluff arguments only carry so much weight with GW products; it could change in the near future, or be ret-coned to have changed yesterday. Heck, I could tell you tomorrow that SM will soon have the ability to create boltgun ammo by sweating, and Matt Ward shenanigans will make me correct yesterday. Yes, I am implying GW has mastered the time space continuum.
That is the truest thing anyone has ever said ever and will ever about GW continuity (as well as damn funny - Can we make that sweat bullets a house rule?)

As for it being just a resilient bomber, that's fine with me. Since they can launch both varieties of T-Hawks, it would make them useful without outshining other uber-bombers such as mantas and the various eldar craft. It might even be acceptable to have it move at 25cm to have it be escorted by other T-Hawks then, no? I realise no one would actually bother giving escorts most of the time, but it's the thought that counts ;) Or is it just to awesome to give a bomber 25cm movement?
I'd say 20cm would be more appropriate and would be inline with IN tech. Not sure...
« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 07:22:37 PM by Jimmy Zimms »
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Offline Talos

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Re: SM Annihilator
« Reply #22 on: October 23, 2012, 07:21:58 PM »
@ Jimmy Zimms Bullet sweating is now officially a thing, and if you ever come to canada you are invited to play Deathwatch with us anytime. I'm sure we could use the infinite ammo devastator...  ;) Also, sorry if I was being a sensitive little neckbeard; we can all be a little butthurt sometimes, so sorry about that. And before this turns into a gooey lovey-dovey circle jerk, go to hell ;D

Fair points on the movement speed, just a thought.