Hi everyone on the forum. First post here from a new member and long time on and off bfg player.
I am a big fan of the orks in 40K so it is only the lack of good looking ork ship models that have kept me from playing bfg.
That is what this thread is meant to change.
My intention is to scratch build an ork fleet out of various bits and bobs in order to get one that fits my design aesthetics.
These are as follows: visible rivets on bfg ships are a big no-no. A rivet in this scale would easily be the size of a large house. The stock ships are too "uniform", they lack the true ragtag look that I would like to see in an ork fleet.
So without further ado, I hereby close the post without pictures. Something that I know is a sin. Hopefully I will be able to bodge together the first prototype during the weekend.