July 23, 2024, 11:54:46 AM

Author Topic: BFG:2020 - how different is it?  (Read 188 times)

Offline Chios

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BFG:2020 - how different is it?
« on: April 21, 2024, 04:30:35 PM »
Hi guys,

having stumbled across the alternate activations presented in BFG:2020, I gotta say I am intrigued. Now the rulebook mentions redone fleet documents which are sadly not included in Horizon's archive atm.

My gaming group is rather too large to have every player go seperately, there is just too much nosepicking time in a regular game of BFG with 6 or more admirals. We had far better results with player engagement while playing Gaslands, where everyone is back in action with his next activation after a short while.

My question to people who have used the alternate activation rules is the following: How do they feel? Can you use the BFG:R fleets as is? Horizon stated on a reddit thread once that they affect ordonance unduly (making them underpowered if I read that right?). Is there a rebalanced Ship compendium to account for made changes?

On a related note, did anything other than the activations get changed in BFG:2020 that I missed? It's been a while and I did not compare say bomber rules or anything to BFG:R yet.

I'd love to hear thoughts and anectodes from people who tried it out.

Thanks and cheers,