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Author Topic: Looking at starting Battlefleet Gothic  (Read 3623 times)

Offline Gorien

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Looking at starting Battlefleet Gothic
« on: June 02, 2012, 08:18:05 PM »
Hi There

I've been looking round the GW site looking for a system that catches my eye, and while 40k would probobly be my 1st choice I don't relish the idea of having to buy new rule books, codexs and figures every time an update comes out ( especially now when apparently 6th ed is on it's way ? )

That bought me to the specialist games area, in particular BFG, it is after all 40k..just in space. i got that far I moved onto the fleets, and that's where I was hoping for some advice from you folks. I'm not overly keen on the human fleets ( Imperial Navy, Chaos and Space marines ), which leaves the alien fleets. I'm not overly confident on putting together conversions, just something nice and straight forward to get together and painted ( at least for a 1st try ).

I quite like the look and the rules feel for Dark Eldar, and necrons ( I even found a Necron force on ebay earlier, but did not win it ) I can cope with the different rules I think but was wondering if I will be shooting myself in the foot if I go for either of these fleets ?

If all goes to plan I would most likely be looking at putting together 2 forces, though most likely one aligned with good and 1 with , well not so good ( so not both the forces i mentioned )


Offline Sigoroth

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Re: Looking at starting Battlefleet Gothic
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2012, 09:15:23 PM »
Both forces you mentioned can be hard to use and fall in a heap when things go wrong. When things go right they can totally hose their opponents. Losses can look disproportionately large as a result and this might be discouraging for you or your opponent. The best fleets to start out with really are the IN and Chaos fleets. The next most "stable" fleets would be SM, Orks and Tau, then Nids. Craftworld or Corsair Eldar are both doubly broken (both too powerful and too weak at the same time) under the official rules. They are both much more usable when using the MMS ruleset in place of the official rules.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Looking at starting Battlefleet Gothic
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2012, 04:59:01 AM »
I do think you should at least get an IN or Chaos fleet because if you don't learn how to use those at least to some level, you would be learning the game from one extreme or another. Having one of those fleets will give you and your opponent the chance to play with and against a "basic" fleet. Starting with Dark Eldar and Necrons will skew your concept of the rules right from the start. Do what you want, honsetly, but I really would recommend one of the basics (not to mention IN and Chaos are both amazing fleets).

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Looking at starting Battlefleet Gothic
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2012, 05:32:17 AM »
If your really dead set against human fleets you would be best to take one of the fleets sig mentioned. Orks would probably be a good start as you can kit bash them with some imp/ chaos ships pretty easily (and cheaply!)
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline harec

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Re: Looking at starting Battlefleet Gothic
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2012, 09:04:38 AM »
I think you should choose considering the miniatures you like the most, not the rules, because as other members have said considering the rules you should take a human or a similar to human fleet.

Generaly the best way to star BFG is choosing the faction you collect in 40k.

In my case i now collect tyranids because I liked the idea of sculping a hole fleet but I started BFG with craftworld eldars because I was collecting them in 40k.

What I can say is that It is quite dificult to play with eldar ships at the begining, they are quite good firing but they are as resilient as a paper :o, but it was really nice to have a fleet an a very small part of Its crew.

I colaborate with a spanish blog called profanus40k.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Looking at starting Battlefleet Gothic
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2012, 10:03:35 PM »
I actually think Tau would be a good option of a Xenos fleet that is close to a human fleet. I think they have the least special rules and function similarly to human vessels. If I were in your shoes, I would take Tau (probably order from Forgeworld) and get one of the other fleets you are interested in. I converted a pretty sizable Dark Eldar fleet from 40k stuff. It was a lot of work but I am extremely happy with how it turned out. You can see the fleet HERE if you would like. I would also highly recommend the Necrons too.

Here is a picture of the finished Dark Eldar if you are interested...

Offline fracas

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Re: Looking at starting Battlefleet Gothic
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2012, 02:32:26 AM »
Great custom DE fleet!