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Author Topic: 750 and 1500 point Tyranid fleet lists, after opinions  (Read 1916 times)

Offline Thassias

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750 and 1500 point Tyranid fleet lists, after opinions
« on: May 27, 2012, 06:53:12 PM »

  So I've been going through the net looking for models to use to represent a tyranid fleet, in the end I think I will on the most part use modified ships from the existing line, but there's not much point going much further until I have an idea of what works and what doesnt ( ship wise ). SO I put together 2 lists, a starting 750 point list and a 1500 point list to aim for.

  I would appreciate some feedback on ways to improve on this please if that is possible, then I'll know where to start model wise.


1 hive ship, ld9, pyro acid battery, launch bay, launch bay
1 cruiser, massive claws, massive claws
6 escort drones, bio plasma
1 vanguard, feeder tantacles
1 vanguard, feeder tentacles
3 kraken, massive claws
3 kraken, bio plasma


1 reroll
1 hive ship, ld9, pyro acid battery, launch bay, launch bay, launch bay, launch bay
1 hive ship, pyro acid battery , pyro acid battery, launch bay, launch bay
1 cruiser, massive claws, massive claws
6 escort drones, bio plasma
6 escort drones, bio plasma
1 vanguard, feeder tentacles
1 vanguard, feeder tentacles
5 kraken, massive claws
5 kraken, bio plasma
5 kraken, feeder tentacles

Though I have been tempted to skip the bio plasma on the kraken, in favour of more claws / tentacles / pyro acid, just to ensure I have no issues with 2010 faq not being in use.


Offline afterimagedan

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Re: 750 and 1500 point Tyranid fleet lists, after opinions
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2012, 01:15:50 PM »
I have a standard load out for the hive ships I use and their escorts. I equip the hive ships with two pyroacids on the front and 3 launch bay sets on the sides. The drones I have to shepherd it around are 6 with pyroacid.

I like drones with Bio plasma but the ones you will have to protect your hive will need to keep at their very slow pace and will need the range.Bioplasma escorts can be awesome if you have another group protecting the hive ship.

In your first list, I would make some changes to get more pyroacid in there. I would switch all the bioplasma stuff you currently have to pyroacid, drop the cruiser for larger games, and use the points for more kraken.