thanks to you two too!, also some feedback in the "historical thread" is also encouragerous to make more battlerep.
Historical warmaster is very recomendable, a shame that in your group do not have one or two opponents. It really worths.
Sometimes I think there is a drawback for historical in fantasy players, about the little changes in the rules... (maybe I am wrong), but a sort of thoughts like "if I change and I start playing historical with some celts, then I will need/should change the ruleset of fantasy and I do not want to changes the rules of fantasy... so I will not play with celts". Well in my experience, I play fantasy with the rules of fantasy and historical with warmaster historical. I do not have the feeling of unify the rules. They are different approches and works well for what was design for.
Maybe this little though of mine is not adjust to reallity, and the lack of interest in historical for the fantasy gamers is simply that they do prefere Fantasy.