Battle of Dreux was the first of the french religious wars during the XVI century. Protestants known as hugonotes fight against catholics.
Hugonote army was besieging Paris, but need to break up the siege to march to Normandy where the english protestant was waiting to give them a high amount of money in order to pay the mercenaries of the army.
Catholic army raise an army near Flandes and intercept the march of hugonote army in Dreux. The battle was fought between the villages of L'Epinay and Blanville.
Catholic army was leaded by Marshal Sant André a veterean general with 70 years old who still was making the charge with his gendarmes. In warmaster terms, the general still attach himself to the cavalry charge.
Hugonote army was leaded by Prince Condé.
Curiosities: Battle of Dreux was the only battle in the history that both generals were made captives during the battle.
Army list: Both armies are based on the same list: French Ordennance
I will put them in spanish, if someone of you are interested in the translation, please let me know (respond to this topic) and then I will be please make the translation to english:Ejercito Católico.
Mariscal de Sant -André --> Noble 80
- 14 banderas españolas 2500 hombres + protección de carros --> Picas 60
- Duque de guise con siete compañÃÂas de gendarmes (350 hombres) --> Gendarmes 135
- 22 banderas de soldados y gascones franceses (2000 hombres) --> 2x InfanterÃÂa 90
- 14 piezas de artillerÃÂa --> Cañones 50
- Escaramuzadores/escolta de artillerÃÂa (300 hombres) --> ballesteros escaramuceadores 35
- Mariscal Sant-André y seis banderas de caballerÃÂa ligera (300 hombres)--> Costilleros 110
- 11 insigneas de landsquenetes católicos (3000 hombres) --> Picas 60
- Almirante d'Amville y su compañÃÂa de gendarmes (350 hombres) --> Gendarmes 135
- Condestable de Montmorency --> General 100
- 22 banderas de suizos (6000 hombres) --> 2x Piqueros suizos 140
- 9 piezas de artillerÃÂa --> cañones 50
- Escaramuzadores/escolta de artillerÃÂa (250 hombres) --> ballesteros escaramuceadores 35
- 17 banderas de bretones y picards (1300 hombres) --> Picas 60
- Monseñor de Sansac y seis banderas de caballerÃÂa ligera (250 hombres) --> Costilleros 110
- Condestable de Montmorency y 12 compñias de gendarmes (600 hombres)--> Gendarmes 135
TOTAL 1335? BP 7 --> de 17.000 a 18.000 hombres
Ejercito Hugonote
- Principe de Condé --> general 100
- PrÃÂncipe de Hesse y 7 banderas de acompañantes (1400 hombres) --> 2x costilleros 220
- PrÃÂncipe de Condé y 800 gendarmes --> 2x gendarmes 270
- Monseñor de la Curée y 6 banderas de argolotes (200 hombres) --> Argolotes 60
- 400 "Infantes perdidos" --> escaramuceadores ballesteros 35
- 13 banderas de infanterÃÂa (2300 hombres) --> 2x infanterÃÂa 90
- 6 banderas de landsquenetes (1800 hombres) --> Picas 60
- 5 piezas de artillerÃÂa y barricadas --> ArtillerÃÂa 50 + barricadas 10?
- Almirante de Coligny --> noble 80
- Almirante de Coligny y 350 gendarmes --> Gendarmes 135
- 6 banderas de acompañantes (1200 hombres) --> Straditores y argolotes 60
- 10 banderas de infanterÃÂa (1800 hombres) --> Picas 60
- 6 banderas de landsquenetes (1800 hombres) --> Picas 60
TOTAL 1290 BP 7 12.000 hombres
the battle was very fast, as catholic general attach himself in the first cavalry charge and it becames captive in turn 2 or 3
Here it cames the pics. Remember you can click the image to enlarge it and read the text: