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Author Topic: Starblade  (Read 2652 times)

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« on: January 20, 2010, 07:36:00 PM »

The Poem

The Starblade story started back in 2005 when I acquired my first Corsair Eldar Battlefleet Gothic models. Among them was the Flame of Asuryan, Yriel's Flagship. As I did not want to use an Iyanden or otherwise Yriel-led fleet I created my own admiral going by the name of Akaeris Starblade. Before the Spirit of Arina got its current name it went for a time by the name Cerulean Dream. But at the very beginning I created a background for Akaeris, which I wanted to tell in a linked set of scenarios. For some reasons, mainly because my skills in writing 'Eldar', the story never really progressed.

On dozens of papers I wrote tidbits and ideas for scenarios, the story itself only changed slightly from its original inception, but it was always more a lingering state then an active one. There have been times I did not touch the project for many months. At moments when I went back I only re-arranged scenario set-ups for most part.

It was only after Chris Lautermilch and I wrote the Art of Command and Distant Sun, the two supplements to Project Distant Darkness, I finally felt the click for Starblade in 2009. What also helped was the fan community at the Black Library forums (currently under construction, meanwhile you can go here: Through them my skills at writing (hopefully!) improved and suddenly I knew how I would want Starblade to take form: in the manifestation of a poem. Inspired by the Elves poems in Tolkien (I would never dare to say rivalling them) I wrote the Starblade poem within two weeks from the beginning to the end.

What is left to tell about the poem is that a small addition, maybe the final click, has rooted the story within the storyline Chris and I created for Project Distant Darkness. An ever-growing storyline, which gets more and more life into it, the upcoming supplements will finally reveal more about the direction we took within this storyline.

When the poem was completed I finally had the motivation to finish and clean up the scenarios I had in mind. And now it finally all came together. Starblade has been finished. I hope you will enjoy this piece in its finest essence as I have intended.

The Art

After the poem was written I felt it needed some fine crafted black and white art to make it come to live. On Deviant art I found some images, which I could use, but no Eldar ships. But on Deviant Art I also approached Karneth if I could use a picture from his gallery. His response was more then I could hope for! He offered to draw various new pieces for Starblade as well as Distant Sun, the sophisticated page design is also from his hand. In the end these new pieces, including various drawings of the Spirit of Arina, were so good and useful only two additional drawings by other artists, which I really liked, have been used in addition to Karneth's work.

In this Starblade publication I tried to give the art a fine treatment and prominent role. All in all I can say that I must thank Karneth immensely for his work, as this publication would only be a glimpse of what it now is.


You can download Starblade here:
note: I advice to download the document and view it as a book. Thus start page 1, then page 2-3 next to eachother, then 4-5, etc.

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Re: Starblade
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2011, 02:28:15 PM »

since I just had a pm exchange it became clear not everyone has read my/our older material.

So this is just a shameless bump.


updated link:

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Re: Starblade
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2011, 07:49:02 AM »
a piece that links Starblade into Project Distant Darkness

The Beauty and the Beast

Silently she walked through the halls of the Demiurg vessel. Making no sound as she put her feet elegantly onto the metallic plates covering the floor. If she had been paying attention to her surroundings she would have seen the merits of the effective floor and wall railings designed by the stout race. But she, Eriel, young Farseer of Shánn Tal, let her mind and gaze flow elsewhere. Searching through the endless mist on her paths to find strength.

Stricken by a mighty vision, leaving her numb for too many moons, she had to make this decision. To take this path. She had not dared to tell her vision to the elder seers. She felt there prying gazes, how they tried to enter her thoughts. But her vision and choices where to grave, so she hid them deep down. Finally they let her go. Released her from their mind prisons. They had to thrust her for she was one of the younger Eldar and a glimpse of hope for their future.

And now she had arranged a meeting with a hideous creature. A repulsion to her beliefs and faith. It was a tedious process of persuading the right souls to sent a message into that doomed place of her dark brethren. It took effort to arrange a rendezvous on this vessel. Her adversary wanted to have it in his own residence, yet she knew she would not be ready for such a task. It would mean her inevitable death.

After some turns, passing various automatons, she reached a large rectangular door. The Demiurg envoy stood beside the door, patiently waiting. She was pleased and somewhat relieved that Tra’kell was ready to be a host. While he could not be present she knew he would have a watchful eye to keep peace on his Stronghold.

She gave a small nod to the envoy as she neared him. Though they did not give much away about their feelings, with eyes behind goggles, she could sense that the envoy had already met with her adversary. The smell of repulsion still lingered around the envoy.

Releasing steam the door opened with a hissing sound. Eriel carefully entered the large square room.


A shiver went down her spine, her elegant stride paused for a moment. In the gloom green light of the room she saw the haemonculus. Feelings of disgust filled her mind to see a creature so revolted yet shared  the same ancient roots as herself. Taking a deep breath, unnoticeable to outsiders, she moved forwards, trying to reel her mind into focus. The door closed behind her and as the metallic gong faded away the room fell silent.

‘Seat my bloodline.’ The haemonculus said with a fretting grin which revealed his sharp pointed teeth. For he had longed for such a moment, an opportunity to be close to a Farseer in a non-hostile environment. But he had to be careful, the witch could kill him with ease, yet he was confident as she had called for him. The irony.

Her eyes did not hide her disdain as Eriel took the more purposeful then elegant chair. The room was empty except for a rectangular table and the two chairs. And of course the small spy camera in the ceiling. Would it notice? ‘I have come with a request.’ She purposefully stated. A request, a humble opening for it should be made comfortable. Her eyes went over the haemonculus and only met sickness.

The haemonculus intensely looked at the woman, to Eldar standards maybe even a young girl, and spoke on a commanding level: ‘For you have requested me indeed. What is it that brought you to this decision? Oh revered one?’ Mockery, they hated mockery. What a beautiful skin she has.

Thwarting the mocking eyes Eriel stared vigorously back at the haemonculus. ‘A vision has shown me many paths. And only one path could save the souls of many.’ Show him your strength, do not let be fooled. Her eyes dissected the needle rifles under his sleeves. Toxics. She focussed her mind to fill the room with spectral energies. Let the being feel he is lesser.

Small tickles touched his pale skin. Warp matter. Too soon my lovely, too young… ‘You can address me by the name of “Master” if that makes conversating easier my dearest.’ He put his hands on the table knowing that it would reveal more of his weaponry, she would have seen it by now already. But he was more then easy prey, he was the Master of many Arts. ‘Tell me about your visions, please…’ he added with a satisfying grin. Her pure skin…how he longed to touch her. To play with her.

‘Master…’ Eriel said in a lowering manner bringing down the title to the lowest levels. ‘my visions belong to me and my own. For you it is enough to know your role in faith of destiny.’ She kept her focus, it was not afraid. It attempted to be more then her. A degraded Eldar life form. Inside she vomited as she noticed his hands. How many souls have already been savaged by him.

He paused for a moment. Her aggressive tone was unexpected. ‘Then reveal to me my play in your path? Enlighten me with your unending knowledge!’ he hissed at her. ‘But do not mock me. I have seen more stars rise and die then you can count. I am no puppet at your strings Eriel!’ A personal touch in aggravating words. I know you witch. He saw how is scalpel would tear down her flesh, her beautiful flesh. He saw her, this pure being, in his clutches delivered at his will and his will alone.

Narrowing her eyes Eriel let one part of her mind flow, briefly touching the edges of the horrors in her vision. Even a glimpse, as small as could be, made her sure to continue. The disgusting being in front of her had to be convinced. ‘I will reveal that is meant to be known. A great many moons from now a great disaster will be upon a part of the galaxy. Taking away a flooding sea of souls. Souls belonging to lesser beings but also to our kindred.’ Eriel said, layering her voice in a melodic enchantment. A brief pause she issued, yet short enough before she could be interrupted. She dictated. ‘A revelation in my visions cleared the mists and opened a path to deny this great evil. A path which I need to follow. A path bringing me to you.’ And smilingly Eriel added: ‘Master.’

He frowned, his mind ran many ways. Could it be true? That this witch would need him to save the galaxy? Laughter filled his head. Or was she playing trickery on him? Her expression, pleasant and intimidating revealed nothing. She could kill him in a whim, yet she could die from him. No, the witch would not go to these lengths to trick him. Play along, win the price. Take the flesh. ‘Me, a string-puppet in one your plans to control the inevitable happenings in this galaxy? Why do I have the honour?’ he replied, again revealing a voice full of mockery.

‘Your skills.’ Eriel replied quick yet calm. Enough to make him wonder. To take the opportunity.

‘My skills?’ the Master said quicker then he wished for. What a wonderful being. So dedicated, a play of words and even I can fall. Her soul. He wanted to study her soul.

Eriel hid the smile by the beings provoked answer. Pave the way. The filthy creature is my string puppet. Just a few more words. ‘Yes, your skills on the neurological surgery. My path revealed a subject. Centre of my path. But he…needs an adjustment to stand the test of time.’ From the flickering in its eyes she could see his approval.

The witch providing me a subject? The possibilities are endless. For she was right. Surgery was his playground. ‘I am truly honoured for you to have thrust in my skills.’ He grinningly said. ‘Then show me the subject. An important factor in continuing this conversation Eriel.’ She should be his subject. For he wanted to study her body.  

A disgusted feeling went through her veins as the being used her name again. Not now, no distractions. ‘The subject does not yet live. Do not wonder, for he will take his place among the stars. As part of the young ones he will accompany one whom whe gifted with the essence of the Queen.’ she said with a voice drowned in melancholy. It could not hide its intentions to her, she could see his perverted mind through his eyes. He did not even try to hide it. To caress the pure, to be guided by light.

He slid one his sharp nails along the length of the desk. She is telling me her truth. So many time left, so many to witness. Take the bait, raise the price. The Master released a deep sigh before he spoke: ‘Very well seer. I can see your path. But you do know my price is high?’ Lets see what the witch has to offer, which of course will never be enough.
The burning edge of dark and light. The descending blade. His price will be high, my offer will be superceded by its dark intentions. The beast cannot be satisfied. ‘My offer to you is secrets from the path of the Seer. Enough to protect you from a Seers mind.’ she replied. Hollow and shallow.

Master busted into a loud laughter echoing through the room. As sudden as the outburst he also stopped laughing and leant forward. Bringing his face closer to Eriel. ‘My best Eriel! I know for long how to thwart the skills of a Seer! This offer you bring is not what I had in mind…’ but I do know my price witch. I know what I want to taste.
As foreseen, the path is clear, the vision unravels. Eriel tried to remain as calm as possible under the piercing eyes of the Master. ‘Then, Master, what is your price? What is needed to have you follow my path?’ Strenght from within.

Then shiver now. ‘You. I want you Eriel. Your soul, your mind, your flesh, your taste. I want all that is you.’ he spoke using a slow, almost whispering, voice. Take it. Take my offer! He ran his hand along her cheek.

Feelings of repulsion and filth ran through her as she felt the Beasts hand ran across her face. Only her long training and will of mind stopped her from backing away and killing him right now. The Beast touched me and mentioned his prize. For I knew it would be dire and devastating. Can I still walk this path untill the end? ‘Master…’ Eriel said, closing her eyes a twin second before she continued. ‘I will take the offer. For my soul means nothing to the billions being saved but only after the path has been walked to the end.’ Now watch the vision unfold into reality.
Feelings of satisfaction, delight and lust thrilled to his body. She took the offer. Maybe a long time from now but she will be mine. ‘Then it is done. For a Seers word cannot be false. I thank you for this Eriel. Let us save a billion souls!’ he triomfantically spoke. ‘For a small prize only…’ My hands and instruments upon you. Your soul at my bidding. You flesh at my taking. Your beauty at my mercy. Oh you Beauty I linger for that final day.
Without any further words Eriel left the room. Set and done. This will be my secret path. Saving all, into the hands of the Beast. Yet, do not fear. For I will see that final day Beast.


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Re: Starblade
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2011, 05:48:34 PM »
Love it! I am still waiting for time to try out the Starblade scenarios. Maybe THAT will be a video battle report you would watch!

Offline horizon

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Re: Starblade
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2011, 07:16:10 PM »
That would be cool!