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Author Topic: Using the Powers of Chaos Fleet Lists  (Read 3654 times)

Offline Gorlak

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Using the Powers of Chaos Fleet Lists
« on: May 12, 2011, 02:10:29 PM »
Hello SG forum,

I have recently returned to BFG after many a year of absence and have been gathering all the amazing work that has been done here and else where so that I have the most up to date info on the game. Chief amongst these is the 2010 Compendium, which is an extremely useful document which I intend to spread around my gaming group.

There is one area though with which I am unclear, and given the lack of questions on it I fear I am being a bit dense - use of the Powers of Chaos Fleet lists.
The pdf file "m201007_BFG_Powers_of_Chaos.pdf" has the four chaos gods/legions fleet lists (berserker fleet, pleasure fleet, etc.) but I don't really understand how these are used, despite the explanation on page 116.
How do I (can I?), for example, put together a Berserker Fleet to represent a World Eaters Fleet with the Conqueror as flagship?

Are these lists intended for use with other chaos lists as add-ons of sorts, specifically only for use as Reserves in other Chaos lists? The list of available ships for the Powers Lists as shown doesn't seem stand alone - no Escorts, no Grand Cruisers, only a single class for Heavy and regular Cruisers. What am I miss-understanding here?

As I understand so far, there are 3 Fleet Lists for Chaos:
1 - Gothic Sector Chaos Incursion Fleet (Main Rulebook, Ships of the Gothic Sector)
2 - Abaddon's 13th Black Crusade Fleet (Armada Rulebook, Traitor Fleets)
3 - The Plaguefleet of Nurgle (Powers of Chaos WD article - presumably superceded by the 2010 Compendium list? Or is this the basis for the 2010 Lists?)

I appreciate the BFG: Revised document(s) clears this up by combining all of this into one clear section, but I believe BFG: Revised, but its nature, differs from BFG: Original as it were. I'd like to get a clear understanding of this so that I can present the two things clearly to my group.

Thanks for any help and sorry if this is a dumb question!

« Last Edit: May 12, 2011, 02:21:27 PM by Gorlak »

Offline RCgothic

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Re: Using the Powers of Chaos Fleet Lists
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2011, 02:27:14 PM »
BFG:R though unofficial, will be what FAQ2010 should have been.

Offline Gorlak

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Re: Using the Powers of Chaos Fleet Lists
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2011, 02:30:37 PM »
Both are a great pieces of work, and I very much like the clear layout of BFG:R, but I can definitely see why the two stand apart.

While searching for the answer to my above question above I saw how many people have asked "so what's official?" so I can see the thinking behind it. I just want to be clear before presenting both to others.

Offline Gorlak

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Re: Using the Powers of Chaos Fleet Lists
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2011, 05:41:58 PM »
This has been clarified for me (to my slight embarresment..!) over on Warseer - I'll copy the answers from Vaaish and tinfish here just in case others are looking for the same answer.

Vaaish - both of the normal chaos lists have all of the cruisers and heavy cruisers which you would select for the berserker list in addition to the new ships that are added to the available selections on page 120.

In other words, you would select your fleet commander from p120 with the restriction he must take a mark of khorne, select your fleet using the listed ships on p120 and from the regular rule books with the options available for a khorne fleet from p120.

tinfish666 - You can pick any ships you want from either list.

Take the Berserker Fleet as an example
It says you can take a space hulk, it lists the battleships you can choose, tells you the limits for Grand cruisers etc. It tells you you can include the new Heavy Cruiser & Cruiser, choose any number of escorts - seems straight forward. By not listing an existing fleet list to choose from it permits you to use both.

You wouldn't end up with a ' Gothic Incursion Berserker List' or a '13th Black Crusade Berserker List' as you can choose ships from both lists - this is a separate fleet, it is the Berserker fleet.

My response - Thank you for making that clear for me - I wasn't expecting to be able to pick ships from either/both lists. I'm surprised by the flexibility that offers but if that how its meant, so be it.

Actually, to be fair, this goes back to my original theory of being a bit dense(!) - when you compare the two 'main' chaos fleets, they are essentially identical arent they. That does makes it fairly obvious really!

In my defence, I am coming from a more recent 40k environment of being spoon fed such things. Apparently my time away from 2nd ed, Titan Legions and BFG have hurt my powers of reasoning! Cheers for the help all!

Offline horizon

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Re: Using the Powers of Chaos Fleet Lists
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2011, 08:19:25 PM »

you should now RcG is quite involved with BFG:R so he is biased.
But that's no problem, I'm involved with Eldar MMS and thus biased as well. ;)

But yeah BFG:R has good points/things. A slight step further then some parts of FAQ2010. But FAQ2010 is good official step in my opinion.

Offline Plaxor

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Re: Using the Powers of Chaos Fleet Lists
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2011, 08:58:30 PM »
I am biased as well, as BFG:R is my project.

The main issue I have with FAQ 2010 is that it seemed to be so much trouble to decipher the rules with newer players.

The rules are perfectly fine, it's just that the people writing FAQ 2010 continuously brought up the fact that their power was severely limited. Which begged the question; what would you do if you could change whatever you wanted in the rules?

However the advantage of 2010 is that it is official, 'semi'-supported by GW and Adepticon uses this format. The disadvantages of BFG:R are that it is unfinished, and quite a chore on myself, so it may not be finished for some time/(possibly ever... although I hope that this is not the case). Also when rules are unofficial people have a harder time using them exactly as written. (they pick and choose what they like)

Offline horizon

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Re: Using the Powers of Chaos Fleet Lists
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2011, 09:29:20 PM »
I would've kept BFG:R to this looking back at development:

phase 1: round the existing ships
phase 2: tackle some rule concerns (eg squadrons)
phase 3: add new vessels

Only moving on if a phase is finished.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Using the Powers of Chaos Fleet Lists
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2011, 02:52:33 AM »
Honestly, it doesn't seem all that far off. I think the fleets are great. Can't wait until it's all done.