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Author Topic: Ghostship - a wip story  (Read 2280 times)

Offline horizon

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Ghostship - a wip story
« on: December 22, 2010, 08:02:36 AM »
I am posting this wip story here since some names in the story will seem familiar....  ;)


A light hush caused the candlelight to cause swirling patterns on the brick walls. The dim light revealing a small, yet, cosy living room with many wooden details. Around the candlelight, which stood on a dark brown round table, centred between two cups of warm coffee, two people sat peacefully in their comfortable chairs.

"Grandpa, could you please tell me another story?" a young voice asked.

The grey haired man opposing him took a nip of coffee before he spoke: "Well, son, what do you want to hear?" A warm smile followed the question across the table.

The young kid moved his hand through his brown hair. "Spaceships! I love stories about Spaceships!"

"Heh heh,..." the old man laughed with a scarred throat. "I can imagine that," he said as he glanced at the data slates on the floor, all of them showing various profiles of space faring vessels. "Lets see... do you want it to be a scary story as well?" As he asked the question he leant a bit forward, fixing his gaze upon his grandson.

The kid looked pleasantly into the eyes of his grandfather, he knew that twinkle in his good right eye revealed a great story. The metallic left eye never revealed anything. "Yeah..." he enthusiastically replied.

The old man lied back into his chair. "Well let me think... I can tell you about the Ghostship...I have encountered in my days as an officer aboard the Fury."

Through a half opened window a stream of wind caused the light to flicker wildly.  An eerie aura filled the room and the kid quickly grasped a pillow in front of him.

The old man smiled inside.


[align=center]Mice and men[/align]

Officer Warren to the bridge. Officer Warren to the bridge.

The neurotic voice of the communications officer awakened Thomas Warren from his slumber. He just had taken his first rest since his twenty three hour shift. It lasted an impressive thirty four minutes.

Officer Warren to the bridge. The Captain is requesting your presence.

With a slap from his hand on the wall button he silenced the voice. A voice that could talk someone into doom if it could not be stopped. Maybe they should use it as a weapon against mankind’s enemies Thomas thought. Reluctantly he raised his chair into sitting position. He grasped his badge and laspistol from the table next to him as he stood up.

“What does the git want from me this time…” he mumbled to him selves as he made way to the door.


Thomas walked, better said made a giant slalom through the middle decks. The pathway to his security office, and any other room on his deck had been in use as a storage room for the food supplies.
A needed affair after some tubing’s gave their ghost two weeks ago. It nearly costed them four weeks of travelling space. And they appointed him as the honoured person to lower the food ratios in the lower decks. He was just lucky he had seconds in command to the dirty job.
But now he had to listen to the complaints of the inmates about mice running through the deck.
Yes, life aboard the Fury always had some unexpected surprises.

“Officer Warren!”

With a sight Thomas halted as he heard the voice of his secundant. He raised an eyebrow as he saw him walking towards him with two data slates. Two, by all, one isn’t enough these days he thought.

“Yes, Vincenze, what is it this time?” Thomas asked. “And hurry, our revered Captain is expecting me.”

Vincenze nervously smiled as he heard the sarcasm drowning from his officers words. “Okay, okay, the medical bay is requesting an investigation as more narcotics have gone missing.” He handed the first data slate to his Officer before continuing on the second one: ‘’In the lower decks two men have been arrested as they fought over a food ration.”

Thomas was seriously surprised, he thought he had been genuine with the lowered ratios. “They are already fighting over food? By our Holy Emperor! What is too expect when we hit rock bottom with out supplies…”  Thomas sighed. “Check on the medical bay yourselves and make sure you have a report on my desk within ten hours. Install a surveillance servitor on some of the lower decks. Just as a token from warning on our part.”

“Aye Officer,’ Vincenze replied. “good luck with the Captain upstairs.”

“Heh,” Thomas grinned. “with him around luck is always in another room.”

The two men saluted as they went their own paths.

Some elevator shafts, one being an instrument of possible suicide, and metres of crammed pathways later Thomas finally found himself on the bridge of the Fury. The first thing he saw, a very hard to miss thing when you walked onto the bridge, was the bald backside of the Captain’s head. Its colour being a quite unnatural green flesh colour and decorated by two large tubes plugged into the side of the head. After the person entering the bridge had shrugged off that particular nasty view, or just had grown used to it, something which Thomas never did, he would see that even though the bridge was not small it appeared to be too small from all the hectic and frantic running around by bridge personnel, the buzzing sounds of servitors plugged into the mainframes and the constant beeping of the dozens and dozens of terminals and screens across the entire bridge. And this was all on top of the continuous, soft and monotone, droning sound of the ship itself.

Thomas walked down the stairs at the side of the command pit in which the Captain was installed, as he did he tried to remove all the sounds from his head. The captain wanted to speak to him and so he better paid some attention.

Evading a programmed servitor racing around him he stepped into the circular command pit and that is where the Captain’s cleverness came into play: you had to watch up to him and the dim white lights along the walls of the bridge where strategically placed so that one such light formed an aura of white around the Captain his head. The baldness giving it an extra shine.

Negating the Astropath who was installed in a smaller chair to the left of the Captain Thomas started the conversation he was looking forward too: “Captain, you wished to see me?”

The Captain looked down at his First Security Officer. A function he saw as a great medium to carry his will to the needed scum of the ship. “Yes, Officer, I requested you. About more then a half an hour ago. You do know I do not like to wait. Yes?”

Thomas gave his studied nod.

A moment of silent followed as the ship ‘spoke’ to the Captain. Thomas had experienced several captains within the Imperial Navy, yet none of them seemed to be as grown together with their ship as Captain Grünfrost did. Many times a capable captain but a character rigged with flaws. Perhaps the melting of ship and man was the cause of that Thomas thought to him selves.

A slight flickering around the bridge made Captain Grünfrost come back to his senses. “Ah. All right. We will be leaving Warp within thirteen minutes. Then the Fury will be heading towards Tamo station. Fleet Command has requested us to visit the sitting command at the station for further orders. I urge you to gather all data on Tamo station. Furthermore I need you to assemble a security to accompany me when we go aboard Tamo station within seven hours. Is that clear Officer?”

Always to the point, that could be seen as a good thing Thomas acknowledged. “Affirmative Sir. Data slates on Tamo station will be on your desk within two hours. An security team will await you on deck seventeen in the entrance bay.”

Without waiting for a reply as there was no need to get one Thomas turned away and made started to make his way back up the stairs.

“And make sure you will lead the security team Warren.” Captain Grünfrost called after his Security Officer.

Thomas just gave a nod to his side to show he heard the request. As if I would entrust your life in the hands of ratings Captain…
A wide grin made master of his face as he left the bridge. The captain needed him, that was a good sign. Being needed is much better then the airlocks.


[align=center]Regular Static[/align]

On his way back to his office Thomas felt the usual rattle from the ship to announcement it had dropped back into real space.

As he entered his office he appreciated the silence and rest it radiated. His files all neatly arranged and a Terminal on a clean desk. Thomas smiled as he noticed how neatly Vincenze had placed his data slate in a corner on the desk.
He took a quick glance at the data slate and noted the report regarding the thefts on the medical bay. He resisted to delve into the file as the Captain’s request, as always, had the highest priority.

After some searching in the Imperial database he gathered all the relevant data about Tamso station and its inhabitants. A small routine operation. It all appeared to be a regular Imperial Deep Space outpost with regular Imperial shipment and regular Imperial command. All in a regular Imperial sub sector called Genisa Seven, in a regular Imperial held sector called Genisa. The system only counted for a single habituated planet, known for farming, and a small moon used to mine ores. Tamso itself gained its position as it was the collective focal point of various mining operations through the entire sub sector.

The command of the station had currently been in the hands of the retired fleet admiral Sevan Mjanoric. Several times decorated but the reason for his replacement, some would say demotion, had not been recorded.

Thomas sighed as he scrolled to the rest of the rather uninteresting officers aboard the station. At such moments he was happy to serve aboard a vessel of the Imperial Navy. Always bound to happen something inside or outside the ship.

His eyes peeked at the data slate in the corner of his desk, perhaps that was more interesting reading material. Yet, a sense of duty urged him to finish the report on Tamso station. In a flash of though he opened a communication link to the Fury’s Tactical officer. Seconds later the officer answered the line.

“Reginald Stein here. What is it Mister Warren, I have very little time and much to do.”

“Yes Reginald, I know, filling out a report on Tamso station just like I am called to do.” Thomas replied.

A sigh filled the line before a reply came: “Yes. Among all my other duties. You found something unusual which I should look into?”

“Yes, I discovered that Tamso station is really regular,” Thomas said. “there is nothing noteworthy, did you find something?”

“Ah so,” Reginald replied. “Tamso itself indeed is ‘regular’ as you say. The one thing that struck me is the lesser mining shipment incoming from area seven-eight-twelve in the Genisa four sub sector.”

Thomas ran through his files to find a confirmation on the matter in the internal log codes of Tamso station as Reginald detailed some numbers and percentiles on the regular mining shipment. He discovered several entries in secured files. They indeed did mention that various vessels had not reached Tamso station as scheduled. He pondered on why the information had been secured. “Reginald,” Thomas interrupted the tactical officer. “these missing shipments have been stowed in secured files. Do you have any idea why?”

“Not really,” Reginald replied. “I guess that is a job fo - - - -”


“--- dertake when we arrive at Tamso station.”

Thomas was completely caught off guard by the static noise drowning Reginald’s voice. “Reginald… did you have static as well?”

“Nope, nothing here.  I assume we are done, I need to finish my report.” Reginald answered.

“Well. That was odd. I had an audible static on my side.” Thomas said.

“The Fury is an old ship Thomas, ask a mechanic to overlook your system. Reg out.”

The noise of the line faded as Reginald went offline.

Thomas tapped his terminal a few times to see he heard something unusual. Indeed an old ship Thomas. He raised his shoulders and continued reading the secured data files.


“Here is the report as requested captain.” Thomas said as he stood before Captain Grünfrost in the Captain‘s lounge.

Grünfrost nodded as he took the data slate being handed to him. “Appreciated Warren.”

Thomas waited patiently as Grünfrost went over the report. His eyes became fixed on a distant star cluster he could see through a large viewing porthole. The cluster consisted of a dazzling pattern of stars, all of them placed as little gems in a purple-blue aquarelle drawing. It had an eerie, yet strange attracting lure to it.

“Well, Warren, same conclusions as Stein,” Grünfrost suddenly spoke. “A regular situation which suddenly sees something they had never seen before.”

“Captain,” Thomas said. “If I may be so free… piracy and the loss of ships is not something uncommon within our Imperium as we both know.”

Grünfrost frowned a little at the obvious statement by his Security Officer. “Your point being Warren…”

“Well,’ Thomas continued. “normally such files have a standard clearance code but it seems Tamso station has secured the files on missing shipment with a higher level code. A code normally being issued by Fleet Command itself.”

Grünfrost placed his hand palms together. “I see. So Fleet Command gave priority to it. It might explain why we will be instructed at Tamso itself and not through an open Warp Transmission using our Astropath. Good Warren. I will meet you when we are about to dock. Dismissed.”

Thomas saluted and left the Captain’s lounge.

[align=center]*** [/align]

Offline horizon

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Re: Ghostship - a wip story
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2010, 08:03:18 AM »
[align=center]Command and Control[/align]

Thomas visited the docking hangar early on. He allready finished the necessary routine duties before going on board a space station himself. And now, since the only option was waiting, he leant against one of the view ports and looked outside at the approaching Tamso station. Already from many kilometres away he could see the busy space traffic going on and off the station. Nothing revealling the unusual missing shipment or secured data entries.
Darn, I should’ve taken a look at that med bay report.

Thomas turned himself away from the window as he heard a door on the far side of hangar opening. He kept his gaze fixed on his two officers walked towards him.

“Good day men,” Thomas said to the approaching officers. “Appreciated to see you both dressed for the occasion.”

Both men nodded as they came closer. Both wore there formal clothes as instructed by their First Officer.

“Not our choice Officer,” one of them said as he looked at his commander. “And it seems you are the only one not completely following the orders.”

Thomas felt his scruffy beard. “Well Russel, I am your commanding officer and I have my own instructions as you can see.”

“Hmmpf,” the second officer said not hiding the dismay. “You asked us to shave and put on these monkey suits, we could at least expect you to do same.”

“Watch it Passovoy,” Thomas said not hiding a tongue in cheek. “Do not get to free with your comments and acting,” Thomas continued in a strict and formal tone. “You can be back to latrine duties sooner then you can say swoosh.”

A silence followed. A shot silence.

“Swoosh?” Russel replied with a strange look on his face.

“Swoosh Russel, swoosh,” Thomas said. “Get used to it. Swoosh.”

“Swoosh…” Passavoy rolled the word out of his mouth. “Sound…. Swoosh.” A large smile filled his face.

Thomas laughed. “Come on officeres lets do a weapon check before the ship docks at that station.”

Both men agreed and together they headed towards the desk with all weaponry on display.


As the hangar was filled with clicks and gunshots the Fury, an ages old Sword Class Frigate belonging to Battlefleet Limante for several decennia, renown for its modified augur array, initiated its docking sequence at Tamso station.
Under guidance from a navigational docking ship the Fury slowly passed through the heavy space traffic around the station. The ship was being led to a position underneath the space station where many docking attachements hung into space like tentacles from a weird alien monstrosity. As the Fury entered its designated field it was slowly being pulled towards one of the tentacles. The ship gave a slight shudder as it attached to the docking array. Green running lights alongside the docks gave sign that the docking procedure had been succesfull.


“By all, this smell is too much!” Russel spat as the elevator door opened.

Thomas sighed as he heard his officer moan at first sight. “As expected soldier. Now keep shut and lets follow our guide.”

Captain Grünfrost did not hide is dismay as he heard his security officers discuss in a public area in front of other officers. Determined he stepped forward towards the two officers awaiting them in the main entrance hall of Tamso station.

Thomas followed his captain and signalled Russel and Passovoy to do the same. He did notice the smell. A combination of sweat, grease and old space odouer.  All originating from the masses in the large entrance hall. From many elevators and doors people walked, ran and crouched in and out of the entrance hall. Carrying almost nothing or towing crates behind them. Or having servitors around to do so. Aside from the smell it was also a place filled with a mixture of a thousand different noises.

“I am Gorean Grünfrost, captain of the Imperial Navy Sword Class Frigate the Fury, serving in great honour within Battlefleet Limante.” Grünfrost spoke with a demeaning voice, filled with pride, as he shook hands with the officer of Tamso  station nearest to him.

“Welcome aboard Tamso station captain,” the officer responed duly. “We will bring you to our Commander as it is urgent business and he wishes to speak with you as soon as possible.”

Grünfrost smiled pleased. “Good, no wasting time and showing efficiency.”

The group, led by the two Station officers, made their way out of the entrance hall. With the officers leading, Grünfrost following them and then Thomas and his security officers behind the group appeared imposing and massed people cleared the way for them easily.


“Admiral Mjanoric,” the station officer formally adressed his officer as the group entered the oval command center of the large space station. “Captain Grünfrost and three of his accomplicies.” he added as he noticed he received the admiral’s attention.

With heavy firm steps admiral Mjanoric approached the group. “Welcome on Tamso station Captain. An privilige to have you here.”

Grünfrost nodded slightly. “Acknowledged admiral.”

Mjanoric paused a little and frowned upon the rather stoic reply. “… Let us not waste precious time. I have a station to run and I assume you want your mission to be back on your ship.”

“That is entirely correct admiral.” Grünfrost said, still standing unmoved in a formal stance.

“Follow me,” Mjanoric said as he signalled the group to follow him.

The admiral led them to a side room of the oval command centre. Inside a tall and thin person, dressed in a naval military uniform, was clearly awaiting them.

“Captain,” Mjanoric spoke as they entered. “This is Tactical Command Officer Werriain. He has been stationed here since a few weeks, to… well he will fill it in.”

Werriain patiently waited, showing a gentle smile, as the group settled themselves into the chairs around the large oval table filling most of the room. In the center of the table a holographic device buzzed a little under a soft green glow. At one of the short walls a large video screen filled the wall from top to bottom.

“Captain Grünfrost,” Werriain said after everyone had briefly introduced themselves. “What you are about to see is highly secured material.” His eyes followed every person in the room, piercing to see if everyone was trustworthy enough to be in that very room.

Werriain tapped a remote control and the video screen came alive. After the usual Imperial security verifications on the authenticity of the material Werriain paused the viewing.

“I ask you Captain to use your experience as a Naval captain and assess the following showing precisely.” Werriain said. As his last word faded he continued the viewing.


The Mission

The holographic image came alive. At first the display was filled with distortion and static but seconds later it offered a clear view of the Universe. Text going along the border of the screen revealed this to be images taken from an Imperial Transport vessel, the Lintus. The vessel being on a trade route between a mining world and Tamso station.
In a corner a dialogue screen openen showing the communication information going back and forth from the Transport vessel.
Werriain pushed a button to increase the speed of the imagery. A planet speared past, starts moved across. Then Werriain released the button as a Nebula appeared on screen.

“Now watch…” Werriain softly stated.

As the Nebula approached the text box revealed that the Lintus increased its scanning procedure to avoid nasty surprise from the Nebula. And then the image sudden ruttered. The camera image swung wildly to the left, the text box being filled with damage reports. In the lower corner a greyish white object moved out of the screen at a very high speed. Then the image went silent again just before another impact was registrated. As the camera swung up the messages in the text box where clear enough: ‘Hull Breach’. Just before the screen went black the greyish blue image flashed along the screen.

With a click on the remote control the holographic image closed down. Werriain coughed a little before he started speak.

“Gentleman,” Werriain started. “That was the end of the Lintus. Destroyed by an enemy vessel of unknown origin. And not the first of its kind. Wether it is luck or not but the Lintus was not destroyed at the first attack run from the enemy vessel. All other attacks where devestating at the first strike. This time, as technicians have extracted from the images, it seemed the enemy vessel hesitated during a very short momen. It is unclear as why this has happened.”

Captain Grünfrost looked stoic at the closed screen. “Now, officer, as tragic as this may be but the Imperium is faced with many of such vile attacks. What is the reason for this level of security and secrecy?”

“That Captain,” Manjoric said. “is because of the scale of these attacks. This system may have seen its local piracy or Ork attack but these where always easily surpressed with our own defensive ships. Now we have already lost seventeen system ships and several defence monitors to this vessel. We are a fairly peaceful system with a prospecting industy but at this rate of attacks we will lose our name and more importantly our needed mining planets.”

Werriain nodded his head. “Yes. But these attacks are also an attack on the Imperium of Man. Not only a local subsector.”

“All of that still does not explain the level of security.” Thomas said. “That would be normal Imperial Navy levels but this is much higher. So what is the deal?”

Werriain smiled. “A smart remark Officer?”

“Warren, Thomas Warren.”

“Officer Warren,” Werriain continued. “Following I will show you a couple of stills from the enemy vessel we managed to extract. Then you can see why we are so … secure.”

Werriain walked to the wall side and activated a large flat screen spanning a great deal of the wall.

“The images you are about to see are extracted from the display you just witnessed, through several computer generated we managed to enhance the ship and designate it as…”

The viewing screen opened and revealed a sleek long vessel, adorned with a large tattered sail from the middle high point to almost the far end of its long elegant tail. Analytical details and measurements appeared along the image.

“Eldar….” Thomas whispered.

“Correct, this is a vessel of the Xenos race we call the Eldar.” Werriain replied.

Grünfrost stood up from his chair. Gently put it back and then walked to the screen. Inspecting it as he could discover more secrets up close. “An Eldar vessel. Most of us only know them from the Imperial Tactical Warfare instructions and now one of them is near us. Possibly watching and laughing at us as we speak.”

‘Captain…” Thomas dared to interrupt.

“It is true Thomas,” Grünfrost said as he turned around. “The Eldar are a menace. Long ago I was part of patrol group to hunt them down. In the end I was grateful to be alive after the butchering they played upon us. They are pure evil.”

“And yet they have helped us at times to thwart our enemies.” Werriain playfull said.

“Bah!” Grünfrost angrily spat. “Most likely to their own gains.” Regaining his calmness he waved his arm. “Tell us, what are our orders? Locate and destroy? The Fury may be a great servant in the Emperor’s fleet but it is no match to a vessel of that size and power.”

Werriain raised his hand. “Hush Captain. The Fury will be our eyes and ears out there. The advanced sensor array on your vessel will be vital in locating and possibly following the Xenos vessel. The Lord Vandemarr, an Armageddon Class BattleCruiser, is on its way to this system. It will arrive in several days.”

Grünfrost nodded. “I see. It will be a hard and difficult search as the Eldar vessels are known for their stealth, sneaking and hiding.”

“But our trust is great in you Captain.” Werrian said. “All data we have will be transfered to the Fury. We expect you to start the mission late tomorrow.”

“Affirmative.” Grünfrost said. “The Fury will be ready. Officer Warren, lets go.”

Without replying Thomas got op from his chair and walked after his Captain.


Always these same Stained Tunics

Two days later the Fury left Tamso station. Fitted and equipped for a long range patrol route the nimble vessel headed out of system.
At the bridge Captain Grünfrost sat as stone in his captain’s chair. Plugged in to the ship its system his mind was filled with information. His gaze fixed upon the sensor screem which spanned a long side of the bridge. Illuminated by blue light Grünfrost appeared as a ghostly image in a living ship.

Deep inside the vessel Thomas lay back in his trusted chair. He inhaled the air, not fresh but stained with the smell only ship’s could radiate, and felt relaxed. Since he could not contribute to the search itself he could return to his usual routines and duties.
The first would be to read the report from Vincenze. That is, after he would have finished this cup of black coffee. His first real coffee since they had left the smelly Space Station.

Minutes later his eyes scourged over the dataslate. The report was, as expected, detailed. In the last two weeks several dozes of drugs had been stolen from the medical bay. A difficult job to do since both doctors ran shifts and thus always one was always present at the medical bay. And, then, not to forget the stationed medical servitor. A monstrosity aboard that never slept.
So, the responsible thieves had some good tricks upon their sleeves. This would be a good job for him while the Fury searched for an alien ship amongst the stars.

Thomas opened a communication channel to the sick-bay. “Doctor, are you available?”

After a short static a clipped, usual to the doctor’s tone, reply came: “Well, of you can wade through the ship to the med-bay I, or my collegua are available.”


And then channel died, only te be replaced by a soft swirling sound. First deep and increasing in pitch for several seconds.

“Officer Warren?” the clipped doctor’s voice sounded again. “You said?”

Warren shrugged the unusual sound away. “Yeah, good, I will visit you later today.”

Friggin Communications….


The medical bay was only a few decks above his security level. The med bay had one benefit: there where no stowed away crates. Thus it remained mice free. Which was also a problem since now he could not blame the mice for the thievery.

The medical deck was in fact a long, wide hallway leading in a straight way with at both side various rooms, ranging from rest rooms, surgery rooms and other unnamed rooms. Through some windows even Thomas tried not to look. Doctors always seemed to have weird things going on. Sometimes he believed that they have to much pleasure in replacing  limbs with mechanical replacements.

The doctors, the legendary Ray Bellius and Bob Henson, at least that is how they are known on the Fury. Since their assignments, about ten years, ago no crew member had died. That means, no wounded crewmeber who reached the medical bay died. If they died before both of them wouldn’t account for the casuality. Truth to be told the Fury had seen three major fleet engagements in these years but several minor encounters.

In the distance he could see doctor Bellius already waiving at him. Thomas asked himself how it could be that the doctor’s tunic was always decorated with blood stains. Fresh blood mostly. They even had it when no patient was around. The laundry service aboard for officers was not like in the noble houses on Kar Duniash or Terra itself but it wasn’t bad either. They did not lose things nor shrink them.

“Welcome Officer,” doctor Bellius reached out a hand at the oncoming Thomas.

Thomas quickly glanced at the doctor’s hands, to his relief they where clean. He firmly shook the doctor’s hand. “Hello doctor, lets talk about thievery.”



“So you, nor your colleguea, nor the servitor saw someone enter the Medical Bay and yet within seconds a box with drugs dissapeared from a cabinet which you had just opened?” Thomas warren repeated the statement from Doctor Bellius. Even though he tried he could not hide his tone.

“Yes yes Officer Warren,” the doctor replied. “I know it sounds weird, awkward or equivalent but I assure this is what happened.”

“And this has happened three times in the last weeks?” Thomas asked. “And at no occassion someone noticed anything?”

“Precisely Officer.” the reply came.

Thomas scracthed his chin. “Fine. I will look at the security recordings and have the servitor undergo a technical check up.”

The doctor slightly nodded. “Your assistant did not see anything odd on the visuals. And make that check on our servitor be a swift one. The lower decks are brewing and I do not want to be overwhelmed at this deck with wounded.”

“I’ll make sure of it. I will be in the control room to check on the videos.” Thomas replied as he stood up from his chair.


In the far end of the medical bay Thomas entered the control room. Control room was a big word but the room possessed one video terminal which had access to the several security videos on the medical deck. The room was normally unmanned and only in times of crisis a security officer would be stationed here to have an eye on all rooms in case uproars would arise if some thought to need more medical attention.
Most of the control room was now occupied by various files and some, perhaps redundant, medical equipment.
Thomas swung himself into the only chair into the room and positioned himself into a comfortable position to watch the videos.

With a click the screen came alive and quickly Thomas started the recordings.


Five hours later Thomas had watched and re-watched the recordings. And he saw no one enter the medical lab, except of the doctor himself. Vincenze did his work in that regard good, he found nothing as well. It was quite puzzling on how the drugs dissapeared. First they where there then they where gone.

The visuals did indeed not bring revelations like the doctor said. Thomas his mind wandered, when he received the first report it seemed straight forward: thievery means there is a thief. A thief cannot operate unseen, especially not on the medical deck. Yet the thievery happened but there was no thief to be seen.

To be seen.

Be seen.



Be heard.

To be heard!

His mind triggered a stream of thoughts. In hindsight he thanked the strange noises through the comunication system for the idea. But now Thomas had to find a way to get the audio from the times of thievery.

And there was only person aboard the ship who could help him with retrieving audio. Thomas sighed as he stood up.

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Re: Ghostship - a wip story
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2010, 09:12:55 AM »
I like it, however it doesn't feel 40kesque. More like an Anime, the whole thing I'm thinking 'Gundam Seed', it's dramatic, but not the same as most 40k fluff. Props for doing it in your second (third?) language.

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Re: Ghostship - a wip story
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2010, 09:16:15 AM »
2nd language.  German is 3rd.

It isn't as good as Distant Sun or Starblade but I liked the Ghostship premises. Venturing on the edges of 40k is fine. Especially if you consider I wrote most while reading the Rogue Trader RPG corebook.

On editing: copied from other forum. :/