Don't know if this is the place to post, because I see only a handful of threads here, and wonder if its only for serious semi-official drafts.
But until told otherwise, these ships will be facing me in a campaign by my mad scientist friend, so I wanted to ensure balance.
Its hard to quantify obscure rules that arent hard stats, so help me out here.
one is a communications/intel based light cruiser. Trying to think of the best way to utilize a balanced rule with it for the Imps, and best we have thought of so far is have it use the Shroud class' +2 LD when enemy is on special orders. He also wants some other kind of leadership bonus when the ship is within a certain range, since it has no weapons.
Thoughts on points cost for this?
Next is a repair barge escort class. When within a certain range, btb, whatever, 'repair teams' rule adds dice or lowers the value of end phase repair rolls for one cap ship a turn.