This is an idea I had, if a second edition were to be made, to consider changing the way shields work. Similar to now, they would absorb damage, but they would not automatically be overwhelmed and go down, there would be a chance that the shield could absorb the damage and stay up to absorb another hit.
Something like... an imperial cruiser gets 6 hits against it, and has 2 shields. The 2 shields absorb 2 hits, then the player rolls a d6 for each shield, maybe on a 5+ the shield stays up. Lets say one shield stays up, it absorbs a second hit but fails the roll again. So 3 are absorbed by shields into 3 blast markers, and 3 hits go onto the ship.
A system like this would allow for a lot of variety between ships inside each fleet and between fleets as well. In theory you could have ships with stronger shields either have more shields, or have a lower d6 roll to stay up, or both. Escorts could be 6+ or have no roll allowed to keep them weak, or of course some shield-specific escorts could be created.
As with all my posts in here, I invision this as part of a different bfg 2.0, as a whole and complete thing, its just kind of hard to show each individual part.