Specialist Arms Forum
Specialist Games General Discussion => Modeling & painting => Topic started by: frogbear on May 11, 2012, 06:33:36 PM
It never occurred to me to post these here so I may as well do it now :)
First off is the Lammasu. In this I like to support Australian retailers where possible. I purchased my full Chaos Dwarf Army off Eureka Miniatures, and while there I investigated what other models I could make use of. I came across these:
This one screamed out to me that the head was perfect for what I needed
Nick from Eureka pulled this one out after I had almost given up finding a suitable body for the Lammasu
These wings come as standard with the Chaos Dwarf Bull Taurus model he has. They would have to be cut down a little however as they are far too 'long' to be used for correct proportions
This guy will be the Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer. I am going to cut him down by half so he does not look too silly sitting on the back of this beast
...and these were the results after the first week.
I still had to wait for the left wing to set, and then start the mane of hair to continue along the body.
And this was the completed work...
As I have no delusions that it is going to get any better, that should be the Lammasu and Sorcerer done.
I finally completed the base work on the Dark Elf Cauldron of Blood.
So I have;
- an Epic Eldar Avatar acting as Khaine (Knife is a chaos spike and heart is procreate)
- the sorceress from the Dark Elf Character pack
- 2x Witch elves that I had to painstakingly cut apart from each other and then fix up with procreate
- the bowl is made from the predator hatch bits (May do more smoothing on the bowl underside)
- the feet are made from basic sprue cut to what I needed
- the skulls (ground and bowl) are made from procreate
The 'step' on all the minis will be balanced when I do the basing and the skulls will be as if appearing from the ground/grass.
Next project - re-modelling the Eureka Minis Great Taurus...
Here is the idea I came up with for the Death Rocket
This was a simple conversion using the Dwarf Cannon as a base.
I still have to model the legs and tidy this one up a bit but you get the general gist of where this is going;
While I am waiting on the above to dry I have started on the 2nd Lammasu - this one rearing up
Lammasu #2
I may end up doing another Taurus in the future as I am not happy with the scale of the one that Eureka provide.
I think the body that I am using for the Lammasu would be better off as the base for this mini.
Hey that Lammasu is awesome!! so great! it is fantastic!!
Exquisite work! Specially love the look of the taurus. The level of the recent scratchbuilds on the forum is a pleasure to behold.
Just one suggestion, maybe the deathrockets could use some small fins to make it more "rockety". :)
Man I would love to see more scratch built armies like Chaos Dwarves!
Great use of the old Eldar Avatar!
Great use of the old Eldar Avatar!
To be fair, this conversion was a copy of someone else's in a Warmuster magazine ;)
Just one suggestion, maybe the deathrockets could use some small fins to make it more "rockety". :)
The Death Rockets on the ground are actually a smaller circumference than the cannon head itself so they could actually fit in if I decided to go to that detail. In doing that however, not room for fins :(
If I give them a red head however..... :)
Fantastic modelling - well done!
Did you consider perhaps using something from the 40k range like the space marine missiles?
Or are they too big? =-/
Yeah they may be a little big methinks.
Been working more on the Great Taurus rider and started on the kneck of the 2nd Lammasu.
I am using the below design for inspiration for the 2nd Lammasu. It is not as impressive however there is something about the old Mesopotamia that really intrigues me:
Old Mesopotamia is one of my passions, are apart from the inspiration for the dwarves, are you thinking in making a chariot era army?
No. Just fashioning the Lammasu with the above picture in mind. The rest of the army is picked as per the Chaos Dwarf list.
it is a shame, not too much bronze early iron armies for warmaster in the net. Anyway, the lamasu is so great!
Nice work, especially on the lammasu... lammasus? Lammasii?
Here are some Brettonian Pegasus knights I though I would get on bases just to get them out of the way
I am still working on the 2nd Lammasu and the 2nd squad of Pegasus Knights
Are you using magnets to flip them around short or long base edge?
Pegasus knights? Wow! I've never seen them before. Are they the Man o War ones?
Are you using magnets to flip them around short or long base edge?
Short base edge. They are counted as Monsters in the Bret Army in the WM Trial Armies 2009.
Pegasus knights? Wow! I've never seen them before. Are they the Man o War ones?
Hi there. They are Eureka models not as yet advertised. They work well with the scale and are far cheaper I believe than Man o War items
Oh wicked! I was looking up Man o War things before you answered and kind of despaired at how expensive some of them are. = D