Specialist Arms Forum

Specialist Games General Discussion => Modeling & painting => Topic started by: harec on April 20, 2012, 04:45:41 PM

Title: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: harec on April 20, 2012, 04:45:41 PM
Hi all, this is my fist topic in this forum, I hope you like it and if any of you have a question or suggestion just ask and/or comment.

I do love battlefleet gothic as game and I think the miniatures are awesome in general, but when I saw tyranids hive fleet ships I just was really upset.
So I decided to build mi own fleet.
This is the initial concept, I saw it about 8 years ago when 3 edition Tyranids were released.

I tryed to make the cruisers similar to the 2 ships of the drawing, I also consider the uper ship of the drawing a hive ship, as you will see in the next post scort ships and spores will complete the drawing. 
So here are the result, I hope to have time to have a complete fleet painted as soon as posible to take part of this years gothicomp.

1st post capital ships.
Hiveship(1 prototipe without weapons)
Cruisers(2 prototipes without weapons)

Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: Lex on April 20, 2012, 04:50:24 PM
Awesome.....   more, more  !!
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: harec on April 20, 2012, 04:50:49 PM
Now is the turn of little ships :).

Krakens(4 prototipes from left to right piro-acids, massive claw, feeder tentacles and bioplasma/torpedoes)
Vanguard Drone ships(2 prototipes feeders and piro-acids, I tryed to make them symilar as one of the scorcts in the drawing but I finally enlarged they heads, as they are scouts they need more eyes)
Escrot drones(4 prototipes piro-acids, feeder, bioplasma and fireship )
and finally Ordnance
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: harec on April 20, 2012, 05:00:41 PM
Awesome.....   more, more  !!

thanks XD.

And finally special features.

This are just aditional bits to make the fleet even more unice/real and of course unpractical XD.
I want my bioships to be surrounded by a cloud of creatures, so here are the little ships, so little they have no profile  used as spores or atack craft,(or as corvettes)
First of all here is a flying base specially thinking in playing(It is easy to see the diferent parts and the prow)

space slugs.

Inmature krakens


and finally blast markers(I want to use common blast markers as base of them)

Thats all at the moment, now I am working in a huge hive ship that I think I will call planet devourer(I`m still thinking on the name in english if you have any sugestion), I`m planning it to be about 25cm long.
 I will see what could I do with Its rules soon in the rules feedback ;)
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: Dan_Lee on April 20, 2012, 05:50:21 PM
Those all look brilliant. I particularly like the detail work on the bigger ships.
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: harec on April 21, 2012, 04:07:05 PM
Those all look brilliant. I particularly like the detail work on the bigger ships.

Thanks, the bigger ships have more detail because they are easier to secure them(I`m not sure if it is the correct word), the spores are nearly imposible to secure and I dont have freedom to detail them.

Here is my latest project the planet devourer ::), This is the structure, I think is bigger enough, I will use the same tecnics I used on the other ships so if anyone want to sculp their swan here is a guide ;).
 I think is very simple, relatively easy and cheaper than using bits(if you dont have any) and I personally like the results. So if anyone have a question(Materials, process or tools) just comment.

A sort view of the squeletonand the flyiing base  with a space marine strike cruiser and my hive ship to compare sizes.

Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: dicnar on April 22, 2012, 09:52:30 AM
simply WOW. This is some awesome stuff! And i though that my tyranid hiveship is slightly to big :D this planet devourer is pure evil !
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: Comrade-K-Rad on April 22, 2012, 05:09:16 PM
These ships are really great!  I really like the way they look, very similar to the artwork and rather menacing.

Keep it up, I would really like to see them all painted up!
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: Jimmy Zimms on April 22, 2012, 05:20:13 PM
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: gunldesnapper on April 22, 2012, 11:14:07 PM
Damn man i LOVE the idea of goobers on capital ships stands......LOVE!
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: harec on April 23, 2012, 10:51:59 AM
thanks all ;D

This is the sumary of the process I used to make my miniatures.

Step 1_inicial concept.
Step 2_structure, it can be made of wire or wood, depending on the form of the miniature,(in this case just balsa wood).
Step 3_ filling the structure and obtaining a previous form.
Step 4_details(green stuff).
Step 5_resin casting.

I will start Step 5 on the fleet this week.

Concerning the planet devourer it is now on step 3.

1st filling aluminum foil, it makes the miniature lighter and is an easy and common material.

2nd filling modeling clay(I ran out of it :'(), modelling clay is quite cheap(about 2,5 € in spain), it is also very clean you just need water to clean it, but it is quite coarse(you cannot obtain details)

At this point if anyone is thinking on modeling anything, material costs would be about 4€, and depending on the size, betwen 2 minutes(a scort), and 30min-1hour (the planet devourer) depending on your experiece.
Title: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: frogbear on April 23, 2012, 02:52:36 PM
Very awesome!
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: afterimagedan on April 23, 2012, 04:20:55 PM
Heck yes, Tyranids. Can't wait to see more.
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: Jimmy Zimms on April 23, 2012, 08:13:01 PM
Step 5_resin casting.


PS you forgot the next steps

Step 6: ???
Step 7: PROFIT!
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: horizon on April 24, 2012, 10:52:48 AM
Good stuff. The process seems quite easy to do. Even without resin casting as the clay models could do the trick allready.

<peeks at package of clay, 1 euro here... ;) >
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: Dan_Lee on April 24, 2012, 11:34:06 AM
I've never seen foil used as a filler before - brilliant idea for bulky areas like your planet devourer!
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: harec on April 24, 2012, 12:12:26 PM
Good stuff. The process seems quite easy to do. Even without resin casting as the clay models could do the trick allready.

<peeks at package of clay, 1 euro here... ;) >

It is, modelling clay is really easy to use, not like green stuff, but you need to cover it with green stuff of similar because the surface is fragile and quite difficult to paint(in reality is to easy as it absorbs the paint, the finish can be a bit botched)

I've never seen foil used as a filler before - brilliant idea for bulky areas like your planet devourer!

 :o Really? I thought it was quite common, like steel balls (if you want to make it heavier). I think I Shaw it a Spanish team tutorial on it’s webpage.
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: harec on April 24, 2012, 09:44:28 PM
 :-[I was wrong naming the material I using, is not modelling clay, is modelling material(I think it is made of paper and gypsum),

Well  here are the latest pics, It is being a bit more dificult than the smaller ships but I like the actual shape I am obtaining, It is going to be my 'little' baby  ::), I must actually say that this ship will be a bit diferent tha the other ones, (not just the size) because I am not going to copy it so I have more freedom to add details.(the other ship were made thinking in making resin cast easier)

Tomorow I will add the 'natural' details and I will finish step 3 by sanding the hole ship to make the shape more 'organic'
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: harec on April 28, 2012, 04:06:29 PM
I finally bought the stuff to copy the miniatures, I am trying to innovate with this new molds, I have already done 2 part molds and they are ok, but in this case I will use 3 parts molds to make the casting process easier.

Here are some pics

I have never seen something like this before but probably there have been someone with the same idea.

And also here are some pics of the planet devourer, I think the base really suits it don’t you think?
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: harec on April 28, 2012, 07:10:21 PM
The first mold is still in process so I continued with the Step 4_details(green stuff) of the planet devourer, I must say it is to big :o, I’m exhausted and just have done it’s port.


It seems it will be a long way to the end
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: Dan_Lee on April 29, 2012, 10:31:33 AM
Keep at it. It's looking brilliant!
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: Lex on April 29, 2012, 10:46:05 AM
Can we put in suggestions ??   8)

this things is kinda like the mother ship of all mother-ships, right ??

and conceivably, being Nids, it will Spawn other ships from its own bulk ??

the shape could do with some "breaking up" , which you could achieve by modeling some of you smaller vessels as being "emerging"  or "docked" (like suckerfish ?)
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: harec on April 29, 2012, 11:31:22 AM
Can we put in suggestions ??   8)

this things is kinda like the mother ship of all mother-ships, right ??

and conceivably, being Nids, it will Spawn other ships from its own bulk ??

the shape could do with some "breaking up" , which you could achieve by modeling some of you smaller vessels as being "emerging"  or "docked" (like suckerfish ?)

Of course you can put suggestions, and critics, I like feedback.
I have already thought in that, but I still don’t know how to do it, (that is why I have immature drones and immature krakens).

But I haven’t thought on the idea of the suckerfish, and you have given me a really good idea, that is just brilliant, I will work on it.  Thanks, you have change the whole idea I had in mind. :D
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: David Wasilewski on April 29, 2012, 12:01:21 PM
That's a really good idea! When you see sharks swimming around, they sometimes have those parasitical fish attached to them (like teeth cleaners or undersea clean up crew, vulture style).

Other ideas, you could model 'blight' pustules or veins?


(I don't play BFG but I can admire a good model when I see one!)
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: harec on April 29, 2012, 12:24:19 PM
That's a really good idea! When you see sharks swimming around, they sometimes have those parasitical fish attached to them (like teeth cleaners or undersea clean up crew, vulture style).

Other ideas, you could model 'blight' pustules or veins?


(I don't play BFG but I can admire a good model when I see one!)

I’m sorry but I don’t understand what is a blight pustule  ???. I don’t put exactly veins, as this ships are suppose to be to big but here you can see a photo of my battleship when it was still in process. all my mouths are like this when you zoom in.
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: David Wasilewski on April 29, 2012, 01:19:37 PM
Just a big boil! Tyranids get spots too didn't you know. :)

Keep up the good work, your fleet will be the envy of your group when that big momma's finished!

Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: Lex on April 29, 2012, 01:28:14 PM
I finally bought the stuff to copy the miniatures, I am trying to innovate with this new molds, I have already done 2 part molds and they are ok, but in this case I will use 3 parts molds to make the casting process easier.

Here are some pics

Assume you are doing a dropcast, not a spin ?
What is the orangy material you have embedded the green in ?
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: harec on April 29, 2012, 02:27:12 PM
Just a big boil! Tyranids get spots too didn't you know. :)

Keep up the good work, your fleet will be the envy of your group when that big momma's finished!

Maybe I put some sacs, but I don`t particulary se te point of boils now,but I think I will put them on hulk and damage ships

Assume you are doing a dropcast, not a spin ?
What is the orangy material you have embedded the green in ?

The orangy material is platiline, and if I understand you It will be a dropcast.
Have you ever seen a homemade spincast?, It would be cool to se a homemade example, and it would be nice for scorts ::)
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: harec on April 30, 2012, 10:28:06 PM
I finally started with the resin casting and I must say that is a total sucess ;D ;D ;D

here is the mold and the result(still just a torso), and exact copy  8)
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: Lex on April 30, 2012, 10:31:01 PM
Great job .... what did you use to facilitate proper positioning ?
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: harec on April 30, 2012, 11:22:27 PM
Great job .... what did you use to facilitate proper positioning ?

what do you mean? :o
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: Lex on May 01, 2012, 07:56:41 AM
When making multipart moulds you want to make sure they are positioned correctly before casting. Some people use stuff like Marbles etc to get the indentations and plugs. Yours dont look like those
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: Guthwine on May 01, 2012, 09:33:04 PM
Now thats what a tyranid fleet should look like, impressive work!  :)
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: harec on May 08, 2012, 09:08:40 PM
When making multipart moulds you want to make sure they are positioned correctly before casting. Some people use stuff like Marbles etc to get the indentations and plugs. Yours dont look like those
I just use mi hands and rubber bands I dont need more.
Here is the fist batch, the main objective now is to repair all the aborts :P I think a fail is an oportunity to improve the original design.
As you can see I even have copied the most little ships :)
Then the next challenge is to paint them, for me is a problem because I am quite bad at painting and my airbrush is broken  ???.
Well before I detroy any of the ships I will paint this abort that will count as a hulk
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: Dan_Lee on May 09, 2012, 12:57:38 PM
Looks like they've come out great.

An easy way to paint them would be to have a white undercoat and then just use various washes, all applied quickly so they run into each other. It is a common way of painting great unclean ones and other nurgle daemons.
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: harec on May 09, 2012, 03:41:31 PM
here is a look of mi firts hulk. Instead of using a white undercoat I ve used a yellow undercoat and green, red and pulple washes

Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: Dan_Lee on May 09, 2012, 03:45:46 PM
That's a very different style to how tyranids are normally painted, but I think it works.

Is the bushy stuff to represent spore clouds? I think it works well too.
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: harec on May 09, 2012, 03:50:07 PM
That's a very different style to how tyranids are normally painted, but I think it works.

Is the bushy stuff to represent spore clouds? I think it works well too.
Its true but when I see mi ship I think yellow and green are the best colours for them ::), my 40k tyranids are purple but I am seriously thinking in changing the paint

the bushy stuff is just to represent bleeding and gas scaping from the hulk, the other races(I think they should be named species but anyway) have fire and smoke :P
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: harec on May 19, 2012, 02:51:55 PM
well I am now about to paint the fleet but I will still not show pics :P

I have continued modelling the planet devourer but I also have made a bit of R&D and have change a bit the way I give texture to my ships.
Now I spend lees green stuff and time and have a better result  :D

You just have to see it


Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: Wintermans on May 25, 2012, 07:51:25 PM
I do love battlefleet gothic as game and I think the miniatures are awesome in general, but when I saw tyranids hive fleet ships I just was really upset.
So I decided to build mi own fleet.

I have same feeling about GW's tyranids models so congrats for your hivefleet, you've done a long, hard and finally great job here and keep it up !
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: harec on May 26, 2012, 12:01:51 PM
I do love battlefleet gothic as game and I think the miniatures are awesome in general, but when I saw tyranids hive fleet ships I just was really upset.
So I decided to build mi own fleet.

I have same feeling about GW's tyranids models so congrats for your hivefleet, you've done a long, hard and finally great job here and keep it up !

 :DThank you winterman I had recently discovered your fleet also, I think your fleet is awesome, quite better than mine in details. I wonder I will someday have your hability modelling   ;).

IT would be quite good for me to had seen your work before I started.  Becasuse this are the firts miniatures I´ve ever made. I´ve made a lot of mistakes and it is also easy to diference the firts ship I made and the last. I have learned a lot. ::)

Maybe in an early future I´ll try to achieve your quality but I need to practice a lot :P

I was thinking How do you cash your copies?, they look quite better than my aborts :o
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: Wintermans on May 29, 2012, 08:10:56 AM
  Becasuse this are the firts miniatures I´ve ever made. I´ve made a lot of mistakes and it is also easy to diference the firts ship I made and the last. I have learned a lot. ::)
Maybe in an early future I´ll try to achieve your quality but I need to practice a lot :P

Like me... I began to sculpt when i began my hivefleet. But i'm working on it for the last 3 years, you're just starting and the better advice i can give you is : don't hurry.

My secret for miniature casting:http://www.grxmoulages.com/ (http://www.grxmoulages.com/)
Title: Re: [BFG] My Tyranid fleet
Post by: Lord Duggie The Mad on July 16, 2012, 05:56:36 AM
Awesomeness, you haz it.  I was rather pleased with myself for putting some green stuff on the seam of my hive ships but this is just on a different level.  Kudos.